It's been ages since the last time I pic spamed LDH' talents *chuckles*
Without further ado, here I go~~
First up, Sugarless behind the scene pics.
The hell are you doing Machi??? XDDD
Alan, your face is so..... *LMAO* And what's with the 'hanako' kanji?
Reo's pose was the reason I almost missed my chair when I planned to sit on it XD
Shake wanna-be?? You still have a long way to go, Shiba inu~~ XP SHOKICHI's throne looks too big for you *ROFL*
Next up, E-Girls.
Let me say "Finally!!" coz E-Girls (Dream, Happiness, FLOWER, bunny, and EGD) finally took a pic with Love and Breathe duo.
Misaki-chan and Staphanie-chan look stunning in white. And I see that me favorite E-Girls (and Dream) member, AMI, is as sweet as always~~
Speaking of AMI, she appears in the recent eps of Shukan EXILE and she will meet Halu in the November 13th ep!!! *prays harder for those 2 to be together* XD
Btw, did MATSU injure himself recently? Coz he got his right hand bandaged during the November 6th ep.
Sandaime J Soul Brothers~~
During the Zero live tour, 3JSB members got some play time in the hall and Hiroomi took advantage of his spare time riding on a toy car!! *LMAO*
On Halloween, some members dressed up nicely in Halloween attributes and took some pics in the hall.
Ryuuji, that's just so like you *ROFL*
Takanori, why were you carrying a toy gun during live tour?? XD
Where did you get the satan's horn, Elly??? I want one!! o(>.<')o And it looked good on you teehee...
Hiroomi, red glasses AND satan's horn?? *LMAO*
Lastly, my dearly beloved dork, Halu!!!
He bought EXILE Tribe live tour 2012 DVD!!! Still being the same old Haru-kun teehee...
Speaking of which, Halu bought Red Cliff -愛- (is that the kanji for 'ai' that means 'love'? Correct me if I'm wrong) DVD back in April and I think Halu was completely bias coz he did't buy the -戦- one.
I can easily guess the reason. It is plain obvious, because Sho is in the Ai one!!! XDDD
My self-proclaimed honey grows another habit, he likes taking pic at the gym right after he has done working out and bandage still on.
I LOVE the pics, honey!!!! You are breath-taking even without any make up and I am head over heels over you for the nth time!!! All sweaty and manly~~ ZOMG, is this heaven on earth??!! OwO You're visually stunning both as a geek and a boxing champ XD Your trainer must be very proud of you~~ Keep working hard, honey~~ *throws kisses all the way to Japan* XD
No pic spam this time, but I wanna say that I'm relieved to know that EX lounge turns out to be the continuation of EXILE Tamashii with some changes here and there, but the concept is still the same, music show. The guests for the 1st ep are You-san and Takimoto Miori (GTO's Fuyutsuki-sensei). To be honest, I don't like Takimoto's hairdo, she looks better with her hair down =.=! She takes me by surprise when she reveals her type of man to be, what she dubs as, the 'ojisan' type and You-san cheekily teases her by saying HIRO might be her type of man *LMAO*