(no subject)

Jul 18, 2008 12:25


1. Why did no one tell me Nestor "Eyeliner" Carbonell was in this movie?

2. Wait, okay, movie. Oh my God. It was pretty fantastic. It didn't even feel like a comic book movie to me, which I take as a pretty good sign that it was awesome.

3. Oh, Christian Bale, never wear anything other than suits.

4. Heath Ledger's Joker was, of course, spot-on. Seriously, how can you be that terrifying yet that hilarious at the same time? I'm not going to jump on the HE HAS TO GET AN OSCAR bandwagon, but if he did get nominated or even won, I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't even be mad. It was awesome.

5. Katie Holmes <<<<<< Maggie Gyllenhaal. We watched the first one before we went to the midnight showing and basically spent every scene with Katie Holmes in it laughing our asses off. Oh, it was terrible. It was actually kind of a pity that they had to replace her, though, because, as Mitch said, "It would have been great to see Katie Holmes blow up!" A+ for Maggie Gyllenhaal though, for not being Katie Holmes.

6. Aaron Eckhart was pretty freaking awesome, too. His make-up as Two-Face gave me nightmares, but yeah, it's a pity he gets lost in the whole Ledger-as-Joker thing, because he gave a pretty excellent peformance, too.

7. Oh, the Watchmen trailer looked pretty epic. I borrowed the graphic novel from Mitch--AGAIN, because I tried reading it once and couldn't get through it. I'm determined to this time, though.

8. Everyone clapped at the end of the movie, which I kind of love, in a cheesy-hokey-why-are-you-clapping sort of way.

9. We didn't even have to wait in line. What. And we only got there like, an hour ahead of time, too. But a few of us went to the bathroom at about 11:30 and THEN there was a line. Hoshit.

10. Anyway, to conclude, fucking awesome. That is all.

movies, the dark knight

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