Jun 21, 2008 15:02
So, obviously I haven't posted anything substantial here for a while, so I figured I'd sit down and catch all you fine people up on my life, because I know you've just been waiting on tenterhooks to find out what will happen in the next exciting episode of Sara: Museum Office Assisstant.
Currently, I'm at work. I had to get out some mailings for the threshing show today, and since that was the only thing written on my little "to-do list" I've been spending the rest of the day (and the rest of the month, really) re-reading my Little House on the Prairie books. I ate that shit up when I was little, seriously. I used to run around in a dress pretending to be Laura Ingalls and traveling west in a covered wagon. The adult read through is seriously just as exciting. If I weren't a bonafide adult now, I'd find myself a damn calico dress and pretend to be running from a cyclone or something.
The fun part is I never actually realized how incredibly racist these books are. But not racist in a bad way (which is hard, since, well, actually, all racism is bad), but more like how your grandparents are completely racist and you find it endearing because they grew up during the Depression and keep money in their underpants. And more like how my dad thinks Barack Obama hates white people and is a secret Muslim, but I just laugh and drop some sarcastic quote about how Dick Cheney drinks the blood of the innocent... after he waterboards them.
Anyway, I'm just starting the last one now, and it makes me kind of sad. Like my childhood is disappearing again. I also have all the Narnia books hanging around and I should really read them, but less because it would be nostalgic and more because I spent like, fifteen dollars on that boxed set and I probably read two of the books. Whatever. Almanzo Wilder is a stud.
Hannah got back from Sweden last week, thank God. I've been sharing my time between the basement and the museum lately, and it's been getting pretty pathetic. I had lunch with her on Tuesday and I counted all the things I had done since I got home from the summer. I won't go into any detail, but let's just say that I could count it on one hand. My God, I am so cool. Anyway, she came over last night and we watched Arrested Development, of which, by the way, the episodes are definitely funnier the sixth time around. We were both kind of quiet for a while because, wow, Hannah is my friend but I don't think we've hung out as just her and me since we were eight (probably playing Little House on the Prairie), and it was weird with no one else there. But it didn't take long for us to revert to our favorite hobby, looking through old yearbooks and trash-talking our former classmates. Good times, great oldies.
Tonight Dora and I will be partaking in our town's festivities. I don't know if this happens at all outside Minnesota, but basically every small town here has some sort of celebration in the summer, and there are literally parades and shit every weekend, which is why marching band used to suck so bad. This weekend is our town's turn, and the population has seriously doubled and I can't believe I never noticed before. I've been so used to driving into town and not meeting a single car that it seriously weirds me out now that I pass like, four or five. Anyway, we're going to the rodeo because there's nothing else to do, and probably to the street dance afterward. I don't know how long we'll stay there. No one actually dances at the street dance. Mostly, they just drink. Which kind of makes it awkward for us because we can't get into the beer gardens and the only other thing to do is run into former classmates and I don't know if you got the hint from the last paragraph, but it's more awkward than fun. I honestly think I'm starting to look down on these people. I am a total snob. And kind of loving it.
So, yes. I pretend to hate this town, and I kind of do sometimes, because there's nothing to do and it's pathetic, but you have to admit, there's something charming about people drinking and going to the rodeo. It's very quaint. Maybe if we're lucky we'll get together with Tabatha or something at the end of the night and she can buy us some liquor, because nothing is more small-town than getting absolutely trashed. I am turning into a total drunk snob. You people must hate that I'm changing so much, but here's the thing: I'm still reading Little House on the Prairie, so I can't be that bad, right?
Also, I've started trying to drink more water and oh my God, do I really have to pee again? The answer is yes.