May 09, 2008 22:42
I just totally got drunk with my mom. Seriously. Oh, and like, ten people from the bank. Dora took over my phone so I decided to update my livejournal. But you can't really tell because I can still type well. Dammit, Dora get me another drunk == I mean drink. More malibu plzthxn.
i'm leaving all my tpypos because its funnier that way.
and bec ause I actually look ike drunk.
Dora rtell tehme all that I'm drunk.
Oh yeah, she's so very drunk, but that's ok, because she's a helluva lot funnier that way. She thinks she wants more Malibu and I probably shouldn't let her, because that would be the responsible thing to do. Oh, damn too late. Well I'm guess I better get back to babysitting my little alchy!