sleep? who needs sleep?

Jan 02, 2008 00:55

A thought while I'm re-watching season 3 of Lost...

So I'm almost done with the season, and it's to the point where Desmond and Charlie are arguing about whether or not to kill Patchy after he "patches" (haha) up Not-Penny's-Parachute-Lady. And Desi's all, "LET HIM GO." And Charlie's all, "WTF NO STOP LETTING THESE PEOPLE GO."

But Patchy goes anyway. Seriously, does anyone else find it ironic that after all this effort to save Charlie, Desmond pretty much sealed his fate when he let Patchy go? Ohhh, hindsight.

So, anyway, Happy 2008 everybody! My friends and I rang in the new year with style.

1. We started off the night by playing some hockey, and it was pretty fun, despite the fact that it was FREEZING and that I don't have skates and probably couldn't have skated if I had. The only reason I ever blocked anything while playing goalie was because my feet and/or shins usually got in the way. Ow, bruises.

2. We all went to see I Am Legend, and I thought it was pretty good. I wasn't really scared of the creepy cannibal zombies though. I was more afraid of all those damn corners Will Smith was turning. My hands were up in front of my eyes for like, half the movie because I just KNEW something was going to freaking jump out at me. And I was usually right.

3. Half-off appetizers at Applebee's is freaking awesome, unless, of course, your waitress is a drunk dumbass and the entire establishment can't get your check right. But whatever. We played a very rousing game of "Guess Who's Legs These Are?" when Jimmy tried taking pictures underneath the table. It soon, however, turned into "Guess Who's Crotch?!" The answer: Clay.

4. Went to visit Mitch, Kyle and Nick at their house after that. They were drunk by about 6:00, apparently, and once Hannah so kindly offered to be our DD most of the rest of us decided to join them. It was my first real encounter with any substantial amount of drinking, so, woo, adventure! Hannah mixed all my drinks, so I've decided that it was totally her fault that I abandoned my Have One Drink and Stay Sober to Laugh At Everyone Else plan. Needless to say, three rum and Cokes, one screwdriver and various taste-tests later, I discovered I was an absolute lightweight, but I wasn't complaining because WOW, was I ever happy.

Apparently, I am a very talkative drunk, because I basically didn't shut up until we got back to Mike's and went to sleep, which must've made the car ride back (about 45 minutes) absolutely wonderful for Hannah, especially since Jimmy and Mike were hardly sober either. Me and Mike sat in the back and text-messaged each other and giggled about stupid things because everything was so goddamn frickin' hilarious and now I finally understand what the appeal of getting a few drinks in you is. Today hasn't even been so bad--I drank a shitload of water after my "drinking odyssey" (as Jimmy so eloquently put it) and woke up with a slight stomach ache, which went away before noon but somehow reappeared about eight o' clock tonight, which is why I'm up writing this (and watching Lost) instead of actually sleeping. If these Tums don't start kicking in soon, I'm gonna be pissed.

All in all, it was quite an adventurous New Year's Eve, and I even managed to get away without doing anything I really regretted. No throwing up, no blackouts, no making out with random people. I did send a very poorly worded text to Dora saying something along the lines of "happy new year bee-wld" (instead of bee-yotch). I mostly got lazy because I couldn't find any of the keys and neither could Mike. Dammit, texting while you're drunk is HARD.

In fact, the whole drinking thing was, generally, a very positive experience. Hopefully by around this time next year I'll be studying abroad in Ireland and actually have an excuse to do this more often. OH YEAH I FEEL SO BAD ASS. Woo, boozeahol!

Oh, except for the part where Mitch pulled his pants down to show everyone his thong. That was disturbing. But it was hilarious when he decided to chase after Jordan with his pants down later. Oh, drunkies.

boozeahol, friends, holidays

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