(no subject)

Oct 09, 2007 18:25

I'm in a general happy mood, and that's nice. Two out of three of my tests are done, and I've managed to read through 6 out of my 7 sources for that paper I have tomorrow, so I feel like I'm on the right track. Completely ignoring, of course, the fact that I have ANOTHER paper due next Thursday and then a "detailed outline" due the Wednesday after that.

The weather is absolutely freezing and I frickin' love it. It's only like, 50, but the windchill has to be lower, because it feels like winter. Well, not really. It's sweatshirt weather. I wore capris and sandals today with my sweatshirt so I wasn't too wintery, but after walking to south campus and then Davanni's for supper and then all the way back to Dowling has made me kind of freezing.


(And now that I've actually checked, it is supposedly 48 degrees, though it feels like 39. I can deal with that.

Also, I have a super adorable bow in my hair. It's really cute.

school, weather, happy

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