(no subject)

Jun 30, 2006 07:52

Meme! You can do this while I'm gone.

The sentence-interest-fic-meme:

Every person who reads this would please me if he/she writes a single sentence fic that reflects one of my interests. Comment with it here, and then post this in your own journal so that others may sentence-fic you. After one week, rearrange the sentences to make paragraph!fic.


And yep, I'm off to Boston/New York today. Finally. I'm still not looking forward to that 24-hour busride, though. I wish we were taking a plane. Dora was all, "I'm going to buy you a snake to bring on the plane!" and I'm like, "BUT WE'RE GOING ON A BUS." And then I cried. Snakes on a bus just doesn't have that same ring to it.

I'll be back on the 7th, though. Or the 8th, depending on how tired I am on the 7th. We'll see. BYE.

meme, gone

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