Jan 19, 2006 16:03
The musical cast list was posted today, and apparently, I got a pretty good part -- Mae Peterson. For those of you who have done/seen/know anything about Bye Bye Birdie, please give me some insight here. XD I've read my parts and know a bit about the part (I'm Jarrett's mom and I have to hit on my cousin Clay AGAIN) but... yeah. Iunno. Should be pretty fun. I'm insane. And as far as I can gather, kind of the villain. Rock.
Everyone but SEVEN of us have dropped out of Emerging Tech. Well, then.
We chose our dwarf names in band tonight (remember, the flutes are doing "Whistle While You Work" from Snow White). Mine's Crazy. Hahaha.
Critical Writing was fucking awful today, I swear. Mr. Zumhofe just had us read out of our textbooks the whole hour and I ended up falling asleep. Good thing I sit in the front of the room and Mr. Zumhofe was in the back. Although I probably wouldn't have cared because I sat right in front of Mr. McGarthwaite's desk in Economics and I still fell asleep.
I had a dentist appointment this morning. This is monumental because for the first time in my life, I went to a new dentist, and I must say, I like this guy a lot better than the last. For one thing, the hygenist didn't viciously stab me in the teeth. And the guy was just generally nicer. The one thing I didn't like was the rinse water was warm. Ick.
I made Superior Honor Roll again this quarter. REPRESENT.
i rock,