Icon meme

Jan 03, 2006 21:17

I am the posting queen.

Default icon:

by: me

Oldest icon:


by: spiffychocolate

That's been uploaded the longest straight, but...

by: janetbaby007

...has pretty much been an icon off and on since... before Lost premiered.

Newest icon:

by: me

Saddest icon:

by: _krystleklear

It's sad because I haven't gotten to use it yet because there hasn't been a new episode of Lost for forever, so lately there's been no reason to love Wednesdays.

Happiest icon:

by: mysticfx

...well, it makes me happy.

And of course...

by: green_queen

...is pretty damn happy, too.

Angriest icon:

by: __imaginaryhero

I find it rather pitiful that that's the angriest icon I got.

Cutest icon:

by: julia_ma

Sexiest icon:

by: me

Haha, just kidding.

by: me

Most humorous icon:

by: aynisha

Best. Quote. Ever.

Favorite ship icon:


by: sirius_star

More serious:

by: me

Favorite fandom icon:

by: janetbaby007

Icon you use most (besides your default):

by: mysticfx

Favorite overall icon:

by: aynisha

This will seriously never get old.

How many icons do you have total? 100

How many can you have? 100

If you could buy space for more, would you? Probably not. I mean, I'd love to, but it wouldn't really be a wise idea since I have a hard enough time using 100 as it is.

Do your icons make a statement about you? Yes. That I'm batshit insane.

What fandom do you have the most icons out of? Lost, easily.

The second most? Dom.

What ship do you have the most icons out of? Monalilly.

How do you catagorize your icons? By fandom, ususally.

Are your icons mostly made by other users? Yep.

Do you make icons? All the time. I am addicted, after all.

Are they any good? Occasionally, one comes out really nice. :D

Animated icons are... sort of annoying because whenever I see them I have to watch them until I make sure I've seen everything.

In general, I think icons... are the greatest invention in the history of man.
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