Jan 03, 2006 20:48
Aggh. Back to school is no fun. Seriously. I hate getting up early. I hate having to go to Economics. I hate the school lunch.
I do, however, love leaving fifth hour, coming back with a chai and practicing piano. That was fun. *happy sigh*
Anyhoo, average day, as usual. Band was kind of interesting, what with Mrs. Kasel discussing her menopause and all, but I'm not going to delve into describing that.
I ended up being super-busy today. Had One-Act after school (we did NOTHING, seriously), then I went and exercised for a bit, then I went to work for a full HALF AN HOUR (wow!) and then skipped off to do Quarters by the Quarter Mile for NHS and concessions for Yearbook. Just got home. Tuesdays suck, seriously. I'm just glad I didn't have jazz choir this morning, though if I did, I would've skipped it. Waking up a half an hour early? Pssh. Fuck that.
Today I saw some fifth graders that were wearing more makeup than me.