New Fiction
Linneaus by
riva_tebro [PG]
Summer Sun by
ann_applecore [Yang Hai/Isumi, PG-13]
The Perfect Plan by
manicjoy [Hikaru, Akira, PG-13]
The Ghost and the Cynic by Daisuke [PG-13, crossover with Daria]
Updated Fiction
ontogenesis updated Desynchronization with
Part IV of ? [Ogata, Sai; 16+]
hng_prompts Fiction
Study Session by
ungalad [Mitani/Kaneko, G]
Trouble by
qem_chibati [Shikamaru, Kawai, Hikaru, crossover, PG]
The one where OGata needs a coffee by
qem_chibati [Hikaru, Touya, Isumi, Ochi, Nase, Ogata; G]
Like Sharpened Feathers, It Falls by
manicjoy [Akari, Hikaru, G]
Porkchops and Pancakes by
murinae read by
Just Add Water by
issen4 read by
Bounce by
dumbimps [Akira/Hikaru, PGish]
daemonicangel is selling Hikago djs
sairui_fan is looking for a specific
Hikaru/Akira dj.
Contests and Challenges
Voting is still open at
hng_prompts for
Leisure and
New shortfic prompt at
hng_prompts is
New drabble prompt at
hng_prompts is
Round Four Theme Challenge put up.
Support group blind_go is now holding
weekly chats.
Just a quick apology to our watchers--I've been horribly busy this month with getting ready to go back to school and I'm sure
hostilecrayon has also been busy, as I've not heard from her in a while. :) Sorry this is late, guys!
If you're aware of any recently posted art or fiction that is not appearing on this newsletter please leave a comment. If you've found an older work of art or fiction, please remember this is a newsletter for recently posted fiction, not a recommendation site. You may wish to consider directing your recommendations to a community such as
Alternatively, a LiveJournal account has been set up purely to gather fiction and art work together in one place. If you're comfortable then please feel free to friend
h_tribune or email hostilecrayon and your work will definitely be seen and posted in this newsletter.
* Any work of fiction that does not have ratings, pairings, or appropriate, specific warnings, including but not limited to NCS, extreme violence, or particularly dark subject matter, may be excluded from inclusion in future issues at the discretion of the newsletter moderators.
* Only art and fiction that is publicly viewable will be included; any work of fiction that is friends locked or available for viewing only by members of a particular community will not be listed.