
Oct 12, 2005 17:18

Name: Andrew
Nickname: Andy
Age: 16

Likes: Food, playing Go and other board games, video games, pretty much all the manga in Shonen Jump, anime, Yoshi, rock music, uhh...oh, and drawing!
Dislikes: Being bad at drawing, people who think they're better than everyone else, country-western music, rap music, stereotypes, the color purple, mary sues.
Hobbies: Playing video games, playing any sort of board game, playing card games (starting to see a pattern here? XD), RPing, watching pointless Flash movies, reading..
Talents: Fast learner, fast reader, a way of saying things in few words, massive video game skill, oh, and I get good at things fast!
Goals: Want to go to technical school and go into a career in computers...that is, if I don't discover something I'm even better with.
What do you feel is your best quality? ..My sense of humor. Why?: Because I always have room for it. I'm ALWAYS trying to squeeze in some humor.
Your worst? I anger easily, and I'm impatient.. Why?: It's lead me to several relationship problems, I lost some friends 'cause of it...well, that and I can be obnoxious.
What's your favorite quote? "We can do it, together!" Why?: Because I think teamwork is essential...especially when dealing with super-evil villians with lots of magical powers!

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would make myself less obnoxious.. Why?: Maybe I could make more friends in real life, then.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? It would be to replace the middle-eastern deserts with plains and forests. Why?: It would help farm more food for them, and maybe without having to fight for survival, they wouldn't be so angry all the time.

Why do you like the anime/manga Hikaru no Go?: Because it's not like any other manga I've read, it's about a board game I like, too.
Who is your favourite character? Sai Why? (You won't be judged on this): He's greatly entertaining, and since I jumped in a bit late in the series, I don't know too much about him, which just piques my interest more!
Who is your least favourite character? Oza Why?: He strikes me as a pretentious jerk
What's your favourite pairing? ...I don't have one. Why?: I've not been reading Hikaru no Go that long.
What's your least favourite pairing? Hikaru/Akira Why?: I don't like slash couples...
If you got to choose a character in the show to be for 24 hours, who would it be? ..Sai Why?: Sai seems to have the least pressure on him, and he gets to sit back and observe, helping Hikaru and providing insight.

How did you find this community?: Searching for a Rating community for Hikaru no Go.
Anything else?: I look like Luigi! *runs* >_>
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