Slight Fever

Mar 04, 2008 19:54

*pokes community* Hey all, where's all the Hikago love? Not very busy in the comm it seems. Get to posting people! Anyways, to stir up a little participation I declare a free-for-all day! March 15 (the Ides of March) will be "Threesomes,Foursomes, Moresomes, and Weirdsomes Day." So play along people, get scanning and editing or I'll be forced to subject you all to my weird imaginings.

Title: Slight Fever
Circle: World's End Garden
Artist: Sakurai Hinako
Pages: 14
Scanlators: frozencitrus
Pairing: Isumi + Waya
Rating: All Audiences
Notes: For a more detailed look at the translation, you can find Melithiel's translation break-down here.
Links: Megaupload Savefile Sendspace

9.scanslator:frozencitrus, 6.genre:fluff, 6.genre:shounen-ai, 2.medium:scanslation, 1.title:slight fever, 8.rating:general, 4.status:do not translate, 7.artist:sakurai hinako,'s end garden, 3.pairing:isumi+waya, 8.rating:worksafe

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