(no subject)

Oct 01, 2006 11:43

Everyone's been getting new phones!!!  HOPEFULLY, when Shara get's her new one I can get one as well.  >.<  The Chocolate..though it's supposed to be junk.  IDC!! It can hold more songs then my MP3...>.< I was soo jealous when mom said Shara was going to get it when she switched to Verizon... So we have a WEEK OFF OF SCHOOL!!!! ^o^ So i'm trying to download songs from the internet to put onto my MP3.  Of course, the songs I REALLY REALLY want I cannot find.  ;___;  Like FLAME's songs and Ya-Ya-Yah!! I'm shocked that I can't find their songs...though of course, I just remembered that I was supposed to put songs onto my MP3 like...yesterday.  and I only got onto the computer today >.<  For only an hour.  And I'm really really lazy.  And don't feel like typing.  
OAHU TOMORROW!! Once again, I remembered this morning that we're leaving at like 8 in the morning tomorrow.  I was all "OMGACKT!! I haven't even started packing >.<.  
I don't even know where my suitcase is...-_-;;  I guess i'll be a procrastinator yet again ^_~
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