KAT-TUN are going to release Breaks The Record DVD and... KYAAAAAA!! YUKIHIROTOSHI KOUTAROU YUUYA IKKI RYOTA SHOU CHAN... ... Do I forget someone? Just forget about that sexy boy!! XDDDD Now I realized that I didn't see Kouta in Breaks The Record pamplet?!
NoYuNoYu's nose looks like Takumi's Am I the only one think that Kouta looks like Yuki (Kosshii)? But I don't really like seeing NoYuNoYu back danced for his juniors
I always thought that Yukki is cute and wonder, how could everyone say he's ikemen but now... I admit he's ikemen
Hiro~ Tanpopo~
In conclusion, I'm not that happy as I learn nothing today but MAD...