
Nov 27, 2012 20:42

I'm glad I'm Madogun biased!! (;______;)

People, I really love them.

To see how strong their member-ai, how unselfish they are, make me so proud of them.
Not only how Yusuke tries to make his fans become 4U.'s fans, but reading old interviews, their member-ai have developed from the start.
How Shota was happy when PZ06 joined them in Arashi con, and how he wanted PZ06 boys too, to be on the moving stage.
How both Yukihiro-tachi and Yu chanz excited to meet members at countdown concerts (Both groups talking the same thing in the two different interviews)
How Shota promoted "MAD" in Kabuki.

They have so many members and don't get much spotlight, naturally, every member would fight for fans but, they help promoting each other T^T
Like, even though everyone knows Yudai is the most popular member among them, they keep promoting him instead of appealing themselves to audiences.

...and how Yuya pushed members to the front to get the camera, and how Ryota pushed Yuya to the front in Shokura.

Uh! Crying, crying!

I really love this big family!! the past, Ryota never missed to say how much he loves the group M.A.D. and the members, in every interview.

...and how they come together to Tackey's dressing room as one group, M.A.D., while everyone can see there were three different groups on the stage, Yu chans, the rest of M.A.D. and TheyBudou.

...and, and! Their private lives!
How there are similarities in their clothes, even though they're in separate groups already.
Same clothes, same hat, same necklace, same accessories, same pose, same taste, same brand and everything!

How they hang out outside with members (...and even on the stage)

...and how they never change their habit or routine they've done since they were in the big group.
Like, Tsu kun brought the trump card, and everyone played it.
...and does everyone realize that Kouta's Usa chan is same as the one in They's dressing room?

...How Yusuke wore Yuta's clothes and Yuya, Kouta's clothes (>____<)

...and, and... M.A.D. rarely meet MADE (Other than Arashi's concerts) but once they reunite, the member contacts between them is so !!! AH!


I never regret loving this family!!

...even though I hardly could find someone to flailing with before.
...even though it was so hard to find their videos.
...even though I rarely could find their interviews, magazines and pictures.
...even though it was damn difficult to find their infos.
...even though friends kept defriending me because over-flails over someones they didn't know, different taste.

I'm glad I fall in love with this family and this feeling last until this moment, and I hope it will continue forever.

Member-ai, this is one of the reason I don't like Tomo trying hard to put the focus on Ryota.
Other reason, I don't see Ryota's aura there.
That boy has the aura to take every eye on him, but... For some reasons, with Tomo, either Tomo's aura is stronger or, Ryota hides his aura and get spoiled by Tomo and depends on his brother too much.
But well, I don't hate their brotherhood. I mean, I'm happy to see TomoRyo kyoudai (...and more more more together with Yudai)
Seeing them makes me feel so blessed. ...I just want Tomo to let Ryota stand on his own feet.
...and you can see how he got fans from various fandom with his own strength before and recently, mostly among Yara's fans.

No offense. Of course I'm happy, but I just want him to spread his wings wider.
I don't want him to feel too comfortable under Tomo's arm ('cause he looks so, recently)
I knew you've worked so hard, but work harder boy, by your own strength to achieve your dream, and fans will always be there to support you.

But, but! I don't mean for Tomo to leave him at all.
He still needs you, Tomoyuki, to guide him and to support him mentally.
I meant, less pampering your boy, boy!

町田さん、屋良さん、ふぉ~ゆ~の皆さん、“MAD”の皆さん、They武道の皆さん、MADEの皆さん(そして、元メンバーの皆さん T^T)へ、
これからも、別々なグループで応援を続けるので、頑張って下さい。(← 一分くらい止まって、気持ちを込めてこの「頑張って下さい」の言葉を書くの)
私Musical Academy Familyのファンになることに自慢しています。



- WR 藁谷亮太, - MY 松崎祐介, - TY 辰巳雄大, - KYW 越岡裕貴, je: made, eru: johnny's ni kyakya mode turn on, - TR 高橋竜, - ET 江田剛, - IY 池田優, je: mad, - FY 福田悠太, je: ma, je: ma-mix, message ~ kono omoi o kimi ni todoke, - KR 川村陵, - YT 屋良朝幸, - TK 武内幸太朗, - YR 山本亮太, eru: in love, eru: random talks, - MK 松本幸大, - NY 野田優也, - HS 林翔太, - KYU 加藤幸宏, - MH 前田紘利T.J

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