I don't want to ruin your mood, but I think I have to say something...
1. I don't hate him, that would make me say this everything based on my anger or speculation. I might talk from observation but seeing Tomo's personality and Koichi's personality, most people can guess it.
2. Do you think Yara is that low that he can't choose who to be his partner? I know he has the right, because that's his level in Johnny's now. I'm sure I read somewhere Koichi asked him to help him regarding the concert.
3. I wonder why KinKi Kids chose TheyBudou for Family con, while they don't really need a lot of back dancers actually. I meant, even in previous cons, they can have only MA back dancing for them.
4. I'm happy Tomo got work. I'm proud of him. I miss seeing him dancing with KinKi Kids (as I haven't watched King yet) but I wonder why it is [Yara, They's Y and male dancers instead of the whole THEY? They are just three members...]
5. I'm truly sorry if my favourite has been the cause of your unhappiness. I know everyone always doubt who's 担当 I am... Never mind. You might think I hate Tomoyuki, because I am 江田担. But, my feeling over him doesn't change since 2001, but still, I'll say what I don't like even if, if we say Kouta decides this, I'll still write the same post. (As you can see how I said about Yudai above, he's my first junior, I know no one would know how much do I love him)
6. I don't want Tomo to be like Tackey, a bias senpai =(
*Sigh* I really don't want to say all of these, I don't want to ruin your mood but I need to release my feelings too, if I write it in another post, randomly, it'd be too rude to you. I know, as I type these, each word hurt you... I'm sorry. I hate myself for making you cry or unhappy.
Just forget about this. Everything is just my thought. Nothing will affect either Tomo, Ryota, their works, or their popularity. Nothing will change. Nothing can deny their talents and awesomeness.
Forget all these and go ballot for GRAVITY. A happy October is waiting for you. Next Music Japan (9/30) might have YaraRyo since Koichi is coming. 楽しみにしましょう。 Once I see them, I might forget everything and flail like idiot as always.
I know, I know you love MA and M.A.D. and MADE, I trust and believe that 100% and could never think you hated any of them even when your words are angry ♥
It's midnight here now and I must sleep soon. One thing I do have time to say, is that I don't believe Yaracchi will ever be like Takizawa. He always takes care of everyone in Playzone, from Yuma and 4U. to Travis Japan and "MAD" and They, if people take dance seriously then he takes them seriously too, right? He's surely not biased like Takizawa, I can't think like that (._.) He LOVES They, they're "his" dance unit after all, if it's okay to phrase it like that... I also wonder why not everyone in They will be there, I mean, it's not like 2人 MA didn't dance with 4U. before too so surely YaraThey would be a perfect team to dance for Koichi... *sighs* I don't know. It does hurt me that people blame Tomoyuki when none of us know the truth, of course it does. I love him more than anything and harsh words sent his way feel harsh toward me too, even though I know it's silly to feel that way.
Eru... ;_; I respect that you say how you feel even when it's painful. I'm still sorry if my beloved dancer is the cause of any bad feeling, even though neither of us can change how we feel. You are such a special friend to me, please don't feel awkward because of my hurt feelings okay? We'll overcome, right?♥ No matter what Tomoyuki or Ryota do, or Yudai or any of the others, we have our love for those boys and our friendship, for sure. ♥
1. I don't hate him, that would make me say this everything based on my anger or speculation. I might talk from observation but seeing Tomo's personality and Koichi's personality, most people can guess it.
2. Do you think Yara is that low that he can't choose who to be his partner? I know he has the right, because that's his level in Johnny's now.
I'm sure I read somewhere Koichi asked him to help him regarding the concert.
3. I wonder why KinKi Kids chose TheyBudou for Family con, while they don't really need a lot of back dancers actually. I meant, even in previous cons, they can have only MA back dancing for them.
4. I'm happy Tomo got work. I'm proud of him. I miss seeing him dancing with KinKi Kids (as I haven't watched King yet) but I wonder why it is [Yara, They's Y and male dancers instead of the whole THEY? They are just three members...]
5. I'm truly sorry if my favourite has been the cause of your unhappiness.
I know everyone always doubt who's 担当 I am... Never mind. You might think I hate Tomoyuki, because I am 江田担.
But, my feeling over him doesn't change since 2001, but still, I'll say what I don't like even if, if we say Kouta decides this, I'll still write the same post. (As you can see how I said about Yudai above, he's my first junior, I know no one would know how much do I love him)
6. I don't want Tomo to be like Tackey, a bias senpai =(
*Sigh* I really don't want to say all of these, I don't want to ruin your mood but I need to release my feelings too, if I write it in another post, randomly, it'd be too rude to you.
I know, as I type these, each word hurt you...
I'm sorry. I hate myself for making you cry or unhappy.
Just forget about this. Everything is just my thought.
Nothing will affect either Tomo, Ryota, their works, or their popularity.
Nothing will change.
Nothing can deny their talents and awesomeness.
Forget all these and go ballot for GRAVITY.
A happy October is waiting for you.
Next Music Japan (9/30) might have YaraRyo since Koichi is coming. 楽しみにしましょう。
Once I see them, I might forget everything and flail like idiot as always.
It's midnight here now and I must sleep soon. One thing I do have time to say, is that I don't believe Yaracchi will ever be like Takizawa. He always takes care of everyone in Playzone, from Yuma and 4U. to Travis Japan and "MAD" and They, if people take dance seriously then he takes them seriously too, right? He's surely not biased like Takizawa, I can't think like that (._.) He LOVES They, they're "his" dance unit after all, if it's okay to phrase it like that... I also wonder why not everyone in They will be there, I mean, it's not like 2人 MA didn't dance with 4U. before too so surely YaraThey would be a perfect team to dance for Koichi... *sighs* I don't know. It does hurt me that people blame Tomoyuki when none of us know the truth, of course it does. I love him more than anything and harsh words sent his way feel harsh toward me too, even though I know it's silly to feel that way.
Eru... ;_; I respect that you say how you feel even when it's painful. I'm still sorry if my beloved dancer is the cause of any bad feeling, even though neither of us can change how we feel. You are such a special friend to me, please don't feel awkward because of my hurt feelings okay? We'll overcome, right?♥ No matter what Tomoyuki or Ryota do, or Yudai or any of the others, we have our love for those boys and our friendship, for sure. ♥
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