Back to personal fangirling

Jun 12, 2012 21:03

...What should I say?
There are so many things in my mind right now?

First, let's start with exam.
Yesterday was oral and practical exams for Microbiology, means that, another two subject to go.
Condition for oral exam was so +____+ Usually, the staff would paste our group numbers before doctors come and they'd call our numbers, but as for Microb... No group announced but they pasted the group lists on each room.
So, everyone was waiting in front of doctors' rooms and it was very crowded and hot and noisy and messy and unorganized.
Each room has 4 doctors and each doctors would ask two students at one time.
My doctor was very kind and nice but... I felt like I never studied Microb when answering her OTZ

As for soccer...
Today is the last match before another match this September.
I watched vs Jordan match yesterday and was hoping for a nice match again today but... T^T
It was a very sad and touching match. I feel like crying the moment Honda san-tachi hugged Acchan's head.
...and his expression after being given with yellow card... T___________T ...The expression that I couldn't forget even now.
Plus... =_____=; Kurihara was nice, he even scored the one and only goal but, I was kinda shocked to see him getting red card, especially as he replaced Maya.
The referee was nonsense. Honda san's expression was the best lol So sarcastic XD

...As for... Fandom...

I think, I'm going to go back to personal fangirling type, especially for 4U.
I don't know, I think too much and so sad and hurt a lot when things come to 4U.
I don't want to hate them, everyone knows how much do I love M.A.D. especially Yu chanz... But...
It has come to the extent that I would feel so sad when seeing them.
It was like... I don't know how to express what's inside my heart and, I think I might be overreacting but...
It was like, the feeling of people deleting AkiJun from MA and, deleting MA from Tomo, like everyone only cares about Tomo and says, Tomo is better being alone than in group with MA. Does anyone feel hurt from this statement? ...I do though!
...and separating Yuma and Yuki from Mis Snow Man.
...deleting Ya-Ya-yah from Kouta and Hika's history.
...acting as if J.J.Express never exist.
I can't bear it when people say; "4U. better be with the 4 of them only, they shouldn't be combined with M.A.D." ...while they were the one who made M.A.D. strong and... was, as if... Not as if, but I'm still proud until now that Fukuda Yuta was the leader of M.A.D.
If you read last year's reports, 4U. were still leading "MAD" and TheyBudou, even though they were in separated group already. They were still acting as the leaders of the big groups.
If you say 4U. is better be with the 4 of them, but... They sounded so happy with the rest of the M.A.D. members, even when they were just coming to back dance for Arashi, just for few days; it sounded like, they really love the group, the members.
Most of them were the members of Arashi-kumi after all... Since more than 7 years ago, since M.A.D. will be celebrating their 7th anniversary this year.
Ugh! Thinking of this all enough to make my heart shrinking to a very small size. It hurts!

...Exam and environmental conditions might be an addition to my stress and unstable emotional condition but... ... ...
I don't want Yu chanz, M.A.D. to be one of the causative agents to my stress. Enough with exam and surrounding, I don't want the people I love be a burden to me T____T
Not only Yu chanz but, I would sometimes sigh hard when watching either "MAD" or TheyBudou these days.
But... Few days ago, I read M.A.D. interviews and previewed Arashi 5x10 con and, watching M.A.D. with MADE and TheyBudou really made me happy.
Their bonds and interaction really make me so happy, proud and love them so much!!

...and today, Mao chan showed me Conan kun's photos and he was super cute >_______<
It was like, before this, I was sad regarding M.A.D. and didn't even feel happy when seeing Kouta kun, so I shifted to Acchan but today, when I was still sad, Acchan's shocked and sad-as-if-about-to-break-into-tears expression was floating in my mind, I got few Conan kun-version and Matsumoto Kouta-version pictures of Kouta kun makes me forgot about my sadness \(^O^)/

Conan kun surely does make me feel happy but...

...I'm worried about Ryu.
I hope he's doing well.
Ryu my dear, please! Please walk your life properly, neatly, bravely, and in organized.
...You've hurt so many fans with your decision to leave Johnny's so,... ... I really hope you're choosing a better, way much more better life than being a Johnny's.
I... won't forgive you if you're not living well and, lead a regretful life!!
Might sound exaggerated but... Ryu is still so young. I really hope he's doing well and doesn't regret his decision.

Happy ... I can't say it's happy anniversary ne...
But... Today is 12th June, the date where... Hirotoshi joined Johnny's...
It... would be a... very precious date to me... forever... long as... my heart doesn't change, over him.

...Next would be... the date... Ryon joining Johnny's ne... ... ... ... *Sigh*

22nd June 1997... Dear Ryo kun's baby, please remember that this is the date your papa join Johnny's.
If it's a baby boy, I hope he'd join Johnny's someday...
If a baby girl... Please be a Johnny's fangirl (?)
...Docchi demo, please be a good kid, just like your papa, much as I respect the person named Kawamura Ryo.

With this, ...
A late declaration of my hiatus!

Take care, everyone.

Pippa, happy flying to Japan~

message ~ kono omoi o kimi ni todoke, - KR 川村陵, a san, je: made, - TR 高橋竜, eru: random talks, - MK 松本幸大, je: mad, - MH 前田紘利T.J, message ~ oh happy2x greeting, je: ma

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