Dec 21, 2004 01:42
Well, apparently my last message was a little vague or ignored. The person I was directing it towards never replied, and frankly, I don't know if I should care. I feel like I'm in high school again. Sometimes its sad to be helpless, but when you are doing it to yourself, the only way you will escape the clutches of whatever prison you might be in is to give yourself the keys again and break the fuck out. Seriously. I'm mad. Grr. Just kidding.
I get so mad sometimes when people end up going back to the same problems instead of trying something new. Its like the saying goes, how the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result each time.
In other news, I will be in commie-pinko Eugene on x-mas day. WHOA! Look out! Yeah, I'm going down the itinerary for this trip... *skimming, skimming* AHA! I'll make it all the way to Santa Clara County. I get to see the cousins finally. Awesome.
I will be in Eugene on the 1st also... hint hint Meg.
I applied for a posish at Hollywood Video. I'm tired of Wal-Mart. I have horror stories up the gazoo from today alone, not to mention the last month. The only bright moments I had today were with Christin (OOOH, a new girl!) and Tresa. Tresa was unusually peppy today, and it was great. I found out why she had been relatively down lately... her ex-husband was looking for her again and this time had found out that she lived in Washington. So naturally the guy decides to start searching all over Washington for her. I sometimes have problems finding people in my own store, let alone a state. Whatever, it freaked her out and she had been pretty quiet about it lately. That was until he apparently gave up.
Damn its good to be on vacation finally. I do plan on spending as much time as I can this week away from Wal-Mart, but I think I'm going to maybe go to lunch with Tresa again at some point. *Sigh*, man it good to see her smile again.
Yeah, my post was devoid of any purpose tonight. I just had an urge to be listened to I guess (at 2AM).
One more thing... I have finally developed my pics from the democratic fundraiser. I'm going to post them as soon as I figure out how to scan them into a suitable format. Adios para ahora.