just a quick post just for the heck of it

Jul 20, 2007 10:35

If there's anyone here playing Granado Espada on the Cervantes Server and interested to join a squad, you're invited to come and team up with us tomorrow, July 21 in Cite de Reboldoeux Ch. 1. Meeting time is from 2-3PM.

Depending on the level of the families participating, we might just do a mission interchange level 1, or if not, squad leveling na lang just because it's more fun when you have friends along. ^_^

PM the DeSanggria family if you're up for it and see you in the New World!


Wala, certified GE adek na talaga itech. I can't believe I just morphed into a chronic gamer. Noob, but chronic nonetheless. Harhar.

granado espada, gaming, invitation

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