Nov 13, 2007 09:42
You know those times when it feels like you have a sign on your back saying kick me if you want to?
Well to me, right now life feels nothing like that.
Life is going perfect.
Honestly, i dont think that it could get more perfect then it is right now.
Brock is honestly the greatest thing to ever happen to me and im not just saying that. He is 100% the best boyfriend i have ever had. I really dont think that i could find anyone that is better. He treats me better then any guy has ever treated me and i treat him just the same. I never get annoyed with him and i could spend every minute with him and no get bored. Whether we are doing some or not. We have fun just talking or playing some ridiclous board game or playing cards. We always have fun no matter what it is that we are doing.
And to be honest, after Alan, i so definetly deserve this.
Brock would never do to me what he did, Brock loves me, and i love Brock :) Its so weird to go from feeling like nothing can go right to feeling like nothing can go wrong. Life has never went this good for me, something was always wrong and something was always bothering me in my relationship, but with Brock i dont have one thing to complain about because everything is perfect.
I do have the stress of college and the ACT and all that crap but thats why i am taking a semster off of school and going to college in the Spring Semester, i need some time off. I should be excited for school, right? I think if i take a break off of it i will be. Plus i have no idea what i want to do with my life so taking time off with help me decide what i want to so.
Brock wants to get me George Strait tickets for Christmas and i am so happy. I didnt want him to get me anything for christmas because i really am broke and i dont have a job at the moment. But i will get money and get him something.
I think i am pretty much done with writting on here, i think i have talked enough.
But hey its been two weeks since i have wrote anything on here, so oh well.
I can't wait to go to Nashville after i graduate, i am so excited.
Well i am done now :)