Chat Room: 36032344030741635288

Sep 15, 2004 12:30

so today in another chat room, dan and i discussed a plan b for montreal--in case we got turned down on our applications for quebec. which, it turns out, might be highly likely becase my preliminary application got the axe.

UnderABludRedSky: what would plan b....BE?
a terrible curse: HOOOOO im bored
a terrible curse: this is boring me
a terrible curse: where's jensen
thats not DIY: toronoto?
thats not DIY: windsor?
UnderABludRedSky: only if u dont spell it liek that on the application
thats not DIY: haha.
UnderABludRedSky: vancouver?
thats not DIY: to far west.
thats not DIY: fuck the west.
UnderABludRedSky: halifax?
missxkate: vancouver is nice
thats not DIY: the west can eat a bag of dix.
missxkate: fine
UnderABludRedSky: haha
UnderABludRedSky: or kix
thats not DIY: as in ten in french, not peni.
UnderABludRedSky: they make good cereal
UnderABludRedSky: hahahahah
a terrible curse: kix dont come i nbags..
UnderABludRedSky: LOL
thats not DIY: yes, a bag of tens.
UnderABludRedSky: holy shit'
*at this point dan calls me from home and says nothing. he just laughs hysterically and everyone in the computer lab can hear him via my phone. then he says thanks and gets back online.
UnderABludRedSky: jesus
thats not DIY: thanx for the phone call.
UnderABludRedSky: holy shit man
UnderABludRedSky: i have tears coming out my left eye

yes, dix is french for ten.

UnderABludRedSky: yes?
missxkate: i had a friend that moved to canada, after being there forever they still wouldn't give her a citizenship or even the permit to work she had to come back here
a terrible curse: and now the story is over
missxkate: they don't want you
thats not DIY: did she get accepted as an immigrant before she left?
missxkate: i donno
thats not DIY: 'cause i mean if yo ujust show up...
missxkate: she was there for like 3 years
a terrible curse: welp
a terrible curse: i gotta mow the back yard ploize
thats not DIY: yeah, but we'll suck dick for the canadian equivalent of greencards.
Fofclub: i gotta go mow my back
UnderABludRedSky: yea we will
UnderABludRedSky: well...he will
Fofclub: goodbye
UnderABludRedSky: and ill watch
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