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Who knew tennis and poetry go so well together? ♥
I think I'm turning into a speed freak. I have a great urge to finally get myself a driver's license and, of course, a car, just so I can go for long drives around the country... You can probably blame all some of this car mania on the copious amounts of Top Gear and car!action movies consuming and Colin McRae Rally 3 playing I've been up to in the past few weeks. Uh, yeah.
I haven't really watched Top Gear in any kind of chronological order, so don't ask where I'm at with it. I think S11 is the only season I've seen in full, the earlier 10 seasons I've seen an episode here, episode there... which in the case of Top Gear doesn't really matter, since it's the same show no matter what season you're watching (except S1 where there's no James May). Anyways, I'm loving it lots! It's quite possibly my favourite show ever.
Well, at one point, TG just wasn't enough and I needed something faster. So, I watched some movies:
- Gone in 60 Seconds (I'm only mentioning it as a warning and an example of how NOT to do a car!action movie. Dear lord it sucked so bad.)
- All Taxi movies (
1 2 3 and
4!), which I love dearly because they're silly and then some!
Speed Racer! Which was awesome, and such a trip! I really liked it a whole lot, I only wish I'd seen it in the theater because it would've looked brilliant on a big screen.
The Fast and the Furious &
2 Fast 2 Furious, I've still got the Tokyo Drift part waiting. I kinda liked the first movie, uh, a lot actually. It's not a great movie, but it's still enjoyable if all you really want to watch is some fast fucking cars haha. (Oh, and the gratuitous Dom/Brian fanservice really had nothing to do with it. Really. Nothing. *swifty eyes*) The sequel wasn't as good, but still watchable.
I need more. RECS PLEASE.
Besides this speeding stuff, I've been abusing my poor Photoshop and making icons. I forced asked Ran-chan to be my partner in crime and made
guzuguzu_icons to play around with (for you language buffs, ぐずぐず[する] means procrastinating and general lazying about, haha). Ahh, procrastination...