I can has internets! I got my router back on Friday after a few days of fuming at the postal office for taking their sweet goddamn time with the delivery. Well, in the end, I don't know what was wrong with the router, but I got a new one back so yayness for that. Now I can hang around the net and complain how nothing new ever happens, oh joy.
Well, I haven't been up to much. I'm few pages away from completing Lover Enshrined, after which I'll take a break from BDB until the soft cover version of Lover Avenged is released in November. I'd definitely want to read it sooner (Rehve~nge's book!) but I don't like mixing soft and hard cover versions when I'm buying a series, so meh. I'll wait. *bites nails* I'll make a more detailed BDB entry later because I like to rant about this series, lol.
I've also binged some 3 seasons of Top Chef during the last month or so. I started following Top Chef Masters when there were 4 eps out and decided to dl some complete seasons to watch while Masters was still airing. So I went through S5 and S1 (random watching order ftw!), I'm watching S4 when it starts airing on Sub in September. Man, TC is the best entertainment there is, but the down side of it that it's impossible to watch without eating something. Damn that show makes you hungry! XD
Here's a shipping meme I nicked from
Six ships you're into right now:
01 V/Butch (BDB otp!)
02 Roger/Rafa (tennis rps)
03 Stefan/Fabio (top chef s5 rps~)
04 Dillon/Ziggy (power rangers rpm)
05 John/Xhex (BDB [& het, btw!])
06 Rehvenge/Phury (BDB, again)
Three ships you liked, but don't anymore:
07 House/Wilson (I seem to be going back and forth with this one)
08 Jacob/Bella
09 Jasper/Alice
Three ships you never liked:
10 Grimmjow/Ulquiorra (not the least because I can never remember how to spell Ulq-whatshisface name ugh)
11 Chase/Cameron (now that they're married I hope the writers will tone down the drama, kthx)
12 Dillon/Summer (no chemistry what so ever)
Two ships you're curious about, but don't actually ship:
13 Harold/Stephen (top chef s1)
14 Zsadist/Phury (BDB incest... yeah I went there)
Why do you dislike #11 so much?
Because they don't seem like a good fit, and the whole situation with them (and the dead husband's sperm, wtf) was so drawn out and boring that I was cringing every time they were on screen together. No, just no.
Who is someone you know that ships #14?
But I don't know anyone who ships it! Anyone like to confess?
What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?
Mmm, either something during the competition (a drunken late night conversation leading to something more ho ho hoo) or post-competition hanging out at Fabio's restaurant (like Stefan said, he's always there, so it's plausible). Some touchy-feely and adorable. ♥
Which is your favorite moment for couple #1?
Uhhh tough call, but I think it's the dark & light part after V tries to off himself by jumping off the penthouse balcony. I love how it was set up, with V having seen the vision and that vision being the reason he kept Butch close to him, and yeah, I do like the hurt/comfort aspect of the ship way too much. It's just heartbreaking and lovely at the same time. ♥
How long have you been following couple #6?
Not long, as I started reading BDB in June, a few months back. But ever since book 2 and the lip/fang action. *G*
What's the story with #8?
I'm not that into Twilight and definitely not into its ships, but for a while I would have preferred Bella with Jacob rather than Edward. But what happened in Eclipse (the kiss part) was such a turn off that I have to wonder what I was thinking (or rather, what the hell was Meyer thinking when she wrote that scene.) Jacob lost a lot of points in that short scene...
You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12.
#12 wins, hands down. There's nothing more annoying than having an awkward, ill-fitting couple become canon in a show that really doesn't need romance to begin with. And pretty much how I feel about RPM and Dillon/Summer, ugh.
Which ship do you prefer, #2 or #4?
#2, as Roger/Rafa is just asdkasjdhaksjdh OTP♥! D/Z is a great ship and I'm quite fond of it, but Roger/Rafa is just larger than life on many levels. Like I've said before, if I had to give up every ship except one, I'd keep this one.
What interests you about #14?
Ah, Zsadist/Phury. Lets see, they're twins, and I do like me some twincest from time to time. But all the dark stuff that goes with the pair of them (hurt/comfort, drug abuse, mindfuck and the Bella situation) makes it even more intriguing in my books. It just pushes my buttons, that's all.
Why did you stop liking #7?
I don't know, really. I was never all that into the ship in the first place, I've been wondering exactly why people are so convinced that the ship is so there in the subtext... But ultimately I think it's more about Wilson being an asshole, and House being House (also an asshole). They're just not compatible, at least not romantically. Besides, I don't think House is gay (I do like him better with Cuddy), and if he was? House/Chase is the way to go.
Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show/manga?
Not really. It's the shittiness of the series that killed my interest, and at the same time I started questioning the relationship between Jasper/Alice (or the lack of there of).
What’s a song that reminds you of #5?
Venus in Furs by Velvet Underground comes to mind at first, but I haven't really thought about it. Something dark and sexy. *G*
If you could have any of these two pairings double-date, who would it be?
Probably Roger/Rafa with House and Wilson because it would be completely bizarre and amazing at the same time.
Have #2 kissed yet?
*points to icon* well what do you think?! *adjusts tinhat*
Erhm, not that I know of.
Did #4 have a happy ending?
The series hasn't ended yet so eeeeeverything is still possible! (Seriously speaking? D/Summer will be the canon of the series and that's the end of it.)
What would make you start shipping #13?
Probably hearing something on the lines of how good "friends" they'd become after the show etc etc... Oh yes I'm easy like that.
If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #6?
Do you even have to ask? Roger/Rafa as the reality would be so very very awesome (also full of dramaz what with Fed's marriage & babies and their rivalry etc, now that would be some ugly biz in the news). Well, maybe I'll pick Rehv/Phury in the end.
Oh almost forgot: Saw
Bananaz, a making of documentary of Gorillaz, today. It rocked! Fun stuff, Jamie Hewlett is such a freak! If you're a Gorillaz fan I definitely recommend watching it!