Whooo I finally caught up with ES21!! Damn, awesome as always! I was reading the recent Bleach chapters before I picked up ES21 again and it was boring me to tears, seriously. The difference between those two series is just... whoa. Well, to be fair, I don't think I've ever read a series that could match ES21 in its awesomeness, it's just so damn good.
So many things to gush about I don't know where to start! Except that Kid/Hiruma is eating my brains at a dangerous rate and I keep getting plotbunnies around that pair aargh. Maybe my slashgoggles are just messed up but their relationship is just screaming UST and nnngh, who am I to resist?! *flails*
On a more random note, Panther reminds me so damn much of Rafa that it's not even funny. I think it's the bandana or the ridiculously cute smile d'awww. Damn, I knew I should've saved the page I was going to use as reference, now I can't find it anymore...
Also, LOL@random Finns in the World Cup. I had to look up if there even is an American football society in Finland (I've never seen or heard anyone playing it here) but what'd'ya know, there really is such a thing. XD
Not really a spoiler but about the mummy guy... Anyone got ideas/guesses who it might be? I'm thinking it's Rui, that was my first hunch and I'm sticking to it because uh, I want him back in the games! Hmm, the only other guys I can think of are Harao and Unsui, but I don't know... Ideas?
Oh and I so didn't just order moar PD's MusaHiru doujinshi ahahaha ME + SAVING MONEY = UNPOSSIBLE