1. I created a John/Elizabeth community on DreamWidth, because no internet platform should be without their lurve.
sheppard_weir Feel free to pimp.
2. Belated ALKWEJRAWLKRJAWFKLJF over here about
THIS. THIS THIS FUCKING THIS. OKAY. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. It's River Song/Eliot Spencer (Leverage) fic AND graphics and it is FUCKING GLORIOUS, OKAY. Those two are my crossover!bffOTP and
cartography made this for me for my birthday EVEN THOUGH SHE DOESN'T WATCH DOCTOR WHO (YET) and did I mention ALKEJFAWELRJAWOELKRHAWKFJ?!
tenacious_err has given me permission to hack her LJ and post some of her fic. THIS IS AMAZING, OKAY. For those of you unfamiliar with
tenacious_err's epicness, FIX THAT RIGHT NOW. She writes the awesomest fic ever. Once I'm done with grad apps, I will begin spamming her LJ with her fabulous writingness. REJOICE. GO.
4. I really just want to write fic but my brain is so tirrrreeeeed. *whines* :(
5. I think I need an SGA rewatch. On top of my Pretender-athon coming up with
tenacious_err, my Doctor Who-athon with
cutting_onions, my Doctor Who-athon with
cartography, and catching up with Warehouse 13, Leverage, Revenge, and Lost Girl. CAN I JUST GLUE MYSELF TO MY TV AND NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE?
6. ...that reminds me, I need to catch up on House.
7. And The Good Wife.
8. And eventually watch Babylon 5.