2011 Fic Meme

Jan 01, 2012 23:26

fics completed this year: 12

1. It's A Cold, Cold Place in the Arms of a Thief, Leverage, Nate/Sophie
2. This is the Place Where Your Heart Stands Still (2/3), SGA, John/Elizabeth
3. To Make Us Children, Doctor Who, River/Eleven
4. (It's the Season of Grace) Coming Out of the Void, Doctor Who, River, River/Eleven
5. Part of the Plan, Doctor Who, Melody, Eleven
6. And All Our Yesterdays, Doctor Who, River, River/Eleven, Amy/Rory, alt!Amy
7. On False Wives and Pregnant Surgeons, Doctor Who/ER crossover, Eleven, Elizabeth, River/Eleven, Mark/Elizabeth
8. No Colours in Our Skin, Doctor Who/Dollhouse crossover, River/Adelle, River/Doctor
9. All This Heaven Could Never Describe, Doctor Who, River/Eleven
10. Like Mother, Like Baby, Doctor Who, River/Eleven
11. Keeping With Tradition, Doctor Who, River/Eleven
12. Insanity (Is Just Another Word For Making It Up As You Go), Doctor Who, River/Eleven

That is pathetic.

looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
Less. So much less. And yet, about what I always write, I think. I really need to write more, though. That is just sad.

what pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in january 2011?
I never thought I'd get into Doctor Who. ...HA.

what's your favourite story of the year? not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
(It's the Season of Grace) Coming Out of the Void. NGL, it's still kind of my personal headcanon. Not that I didn't love TWORS, or constantly hail the Mighty Moffat, but. I do wish we'd been given more backstory on River and her childhood. I often forget that this is not actually The River Song show, and therefore do not understand why she is not in it at all times. :(

runner's up for favourite story
Probably This is the Place Where Your Heart Stands Still (2/3). I really need to finish that. Whoops. :/

did you take any writing risks this year? (see above for unexpected pairings, etc.) what did you learn from them?
Well, writing The Doctor is pretty terrifying, so, definitely. But I think my biggest risk was actually writing orig!fic, which I did for my admissions requirements. COLOUR ME TERRIFIED.

do you have any fanfic or profic goals for 2012?
Write more than 12 fics, and maybe delve into different fandoms, or at least crossovers. And straight up happy fic. For tenacious_err.

Did I mention that 12 fics is pathetic?

stolen from vickysg1:

My best story this year: Probably (It's the Season of Grace) Coming Out of the Void. It has like, plot and stuff. Or maybe To Make Us Children.

Story most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: This is the Place Where Your Heart Stands Still (2/3) probably.

Story I kind of wish I'd never written: I think I'm okay with everything?

Most fun story: Insanity (Is Just Another Word For Making It Up As You Go), which was requested by irony_rocks for the Snogging Meme with the prompt, "handcuffs." Flustered!Eleven is ridiculously fun to write.

Most sexy story: *awkward cheek scratch*

Story with single sexiest moment: *arm flail*

Story with single sweetest moment: Probably All This Heaven Could Never Describe. Time!baby in the TARDIS. Cuddling. I disgust myself sometimes, I know.

Most unintentionally *telling* story: Probably the Snogging Meme fics - they are all super happy, but with sneaky angst.

"Holy crap, that's *wrong*, even for you" story: I think I did okay this year! I didn't kill any babies or anything! ...err, well, that's sort of a lie. But not really. SHUT UP.

Hardest story to write: It's A Cold, Cold Place in the Arms of a Thief. Leverage, ILU, but OH GOD YOU ARE NOT MY FANDOM HALP

Easiest story to write: On False Wives and Pregnant Surgeons. I typed the dialogue for that on my phone at like, 3am, and then finished it up in the next two days. That's pretty good for me, lol.

This year's theme and the story that demonstrates it most: EVERYTHING IS RIVER SONG AND EVERYTHING HURTS LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER. See: all

Story you regret not writing: Oh, god. So many. I need to finish "This is the Place Where Your Heart Stands Still," I promised anuna_81 ages ago that I would write a sequel to " Begin and Cease and then Again Begin", which I still have not finished. I have a 5 Times The Doctor and River Cuddled fic that needs finishing up, a post-TWORS fic, my DOTM insert, and about 30 SGA fics that are still just pieces. Whoops.

Things I learned about writing in 2011: Fanfic is infinitely easier than orig!fic.

fic: gen, fic: gen - meme

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