(banner by the lovely
bigdamnxenafan and
torrealis are proud to announce Torri Higginson's Official Website and Twitter! The website itself is still in progress, but the Twitter and official website blog are up and active! Please check out both for information, photos, press releases, etc. regarding Torri Higginson!
torrihigginson.net blog→ @
higginsoninfo on Twitter
→ @
citiesofclouds (
hihoplastic) or @
mssinjin (
bigdamnxenafan) on Twitter
→ higginsoninfo@gmail.com (Twitter)
→ info@torrihigginson.net (Website)
Please feel free to spread this banner around and promote the Twitter and website! Also feel free to
reblog the announcement on tumblr! PS: ASDFKLJAWRE:AWKJRLWAKJREK!!!!!!!! :D