Aug 08, 2008 08:37
I want to remember how I feel now.
i want to write it all down and not care what any one else has to say...
Bush did a ballsy thing. He went into Thailand and critized China. Yeah..maybe not the best time to do it..considering he will be in china for the next two weeks at the olympics..yet he did what needed to be done. A lot of people may not know this..but you cant bring a Bible into China. its COMPLETELY illegal. The idea of Christianity is NOT an idea at all. Missionaries have to enter that country under another title such as teacher or doctor..they have to litterally SMUGGLE the word of God into that country. A friend of mine was living there as an English teacher and she was not even allowed to mutter the name of Christ over Skype because the officials had tapped her internet. If she spoke Gods name, she would be arrested. Chinese officials are terrified of the idea of their youth loving Jesus. and why? because he taught other people how to love. how to respect the government. how to appreciate life. how to work hard. how to trust that things are going to be okay. how to dream of a place greater than this world. i dont understand what is wrong with this. yet the Chinese find something wrong, and Bush knows that, and he said something about it. just because everyone else is too afraid to stand up for human rights and then a man who isn't afraid stands up for them..yet just because everyone HATES Bush..they think hes the ridiculous one for doing this.
I dont believe that everyone is going to believe in God. One day I think they will. yet for right now..they wont. but here is the deal..regardless of your religious beliefs..people deserve the right to believe what they want, to say what they want, to be who they are. and China doesnt allow that.
okay..that is all...
remember this day may be going down in history.