"When somebody pisses me off, I just channel the anger elsewhere rather then letting it hit the offender (which would no doubt result in a needless confrontation). It's not that I'm not brave enough to face them, but a fight over this problem isn't worth my energy. If my honor, that of my family or that of my friends' is questioned, then that's when I fight. And when I do, I don't hold back."
"It has to be let out. Otherwise I might start killing people, hehe. Seriously. I think that's how some people turn into serial killers. All that anger, all pent-up, will one day take control of them. So... the moral is to let it out. On your pillow, your bedroom floor or your LJ, hehe."
Of course, situations will necessitate different reactions. Sometimes, I'll need to remain tact (ie, repress myself) but other times, I'll need to let it out in one way or another.
Yes. Go Freud.
Lately I've been keeping myself occupied by reading books from Christopher Paolini's Inheritance series. I read the first book,
Eragon, in record time (a little more than a week). If only I'd read it sooner. It's been sitting on my bookshelf ever since I bought it. And that was before I entered college. I've been busy, heh, Now I'm well into the next book, Eldest.
I'd rather have you read up on it yourselves. It's actually considered children's literature. That isn't a problem with me with Harry Potter in consideration.
I've always enjoyed reading, especially books of the fantasy genre. It gets my mind working and sets it free from the monotony of existing.
I also decided to finally read it after seeing teaser posters of the
movie they're making for it. For the first time, I get to watch a movie after having read the book and not vice-versa.
Ya sé tu secreto.
¿Piensas que puedes esconderlo? Pues, no sabes nada; no me conoces. Sí sé lo que estás haciendo. Yo no soy bobo. Es fácil ver. Ya sé que eres amb@s, amig@ y enemig@. Sé que lo que me dices no es la verdad. Son mentiras, todas.
Todavía no has ganado. No te dejaré conseguir lo que quieres, pero voy a continuar dejándote pensar que no me he dado cuento de tus hechos. Pobrecit@. Haces tu propio infierno.