old survey i want to do again

Aug 14, 2006 00:56

single or taken: umm i've been single for like 8 years- HAHAH that was from like 8th grade and i still am. wow im kind of a huge loser.
sex: female
bday:june 19
sign: gemini
siblings: mary kate and joey both older
eye color: blue
shoe size: 8 1/2
height: 5'6 and a half

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
who are your best friends? megan monica stephanie mo caitlin
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
where is your favorite place to shop:gadzooks :-)
any tattoos or piercing: just my ears
::do u have a tattoo?:: no

s p e c i f i c s
do you do drugs?: no
what kind of shampoo do you use? biolage volume
what are you most scared of?: someone i love dying, getting in a car crash, growing up and hating the life i have.
what are you listening to right now?: fleetwood mac....:-o THE ANSWER IS THE SAME 3 YEARS LATER.
who is the last person that called you?: mo i think
where do you want to get married?: hmm i dont really know
how many buddies are online right now?: 23
what would you change about yourself? i would be skinny and in shape. and not so afraid to take chances. id like to stop talking bad about people too.
f a v o r i t e s
color: navy or red
food: mcdonalds fries:-D
boys name: michael or nathan
girls name: sara or elizabeth
subjects in school: math, drawing
animals: a dog in a nice family
sports: none i hate cross country
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
smoked?: i tried a cigarette it was really gross
bungee jumped?: no
made yourself throw up?: yes i was pretending to be sick and my parents didnt believe me so i made myself throw up and was like COME LOOK I THREW UP. HHAHA i remember that.
skinny dipped?: like 8 thousand times cuz i have a pool
been in love?: no :-( im waiting.
made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yeah one time when i wrote a note about ms. berry..it was either that or them think i was crazy AHAHAHAH LFMAO omg funny. i think that was it
cried when someone died?: yes ma'am
fallen for your best friend?: naw
been rejected?: um not i remember
rejected someone?: HAHAH dan lute. cool......-_-
used someone?: yes.
done something you regret?: nothing i remember...but probably

c u r r e n t
clothes: white polo shirt and blue shorts
music: todd rundgren - we gotta get you a woman
make-up: mascara
annoyance: nothin really i need to brush my teeth
favorite group: um HI fleetwood mac DUH
desktop picture: giant picture of baby nathan :o) AWW
book youre reading: year of wonders
cd in player: i just use my itrip
dvd in player: none
color of toenails: pink

l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: i dont know probably mo or megan? i dont know
hugged: my mom
yelled at: everyone in the downing house because of catch phrase
you kissed: nick
a r e | y o u
understanding: i think so i dont think people i am though
open-minded: pretty much its just if i like you or not its not really anything else but i do stereotype a lot
arrogant: i guess thats upt o who im with
insecure: depends
interesting: to some people
random: yeah.
hungry: whenever ihavent eaten in a while...
smart: honestly i really dont know
moody: mhmm
hard working: no not really but i can be if i want to which is like never
organized: no but i like things to be organized i just dont want to do it myself
healthy: trying to be healthier
shy: yes with people that i dont know or dont know that well
difficult: sometimes yeah
attractive: my chubby takes over
bored easily: idk
messy: yeah :(
responsible: usually
obsessed: when i want something REALLY bad
sad: sometimes
happy: when im driving with my head out the window its like so happy or when im laughing and having fun
hyper: yeahyeaheyahyeah a lot
trusting: with like secrets and if you ask me not to tell i wont.

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: terrorist people, btk, any creepy child molester/murderer
slap: guys who use girls for sex and the girls that go along with it
talk to offline: no one right now
talk to online: i dont care
r a n d o m
in the morning I am: tired.
all i need is: some sleep
love is: i dunno...love is love.
i dream about: being a singer HE HAW im still 5 :-)

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi?: coke
flowers or candy: flowers
tall or short: tall

o p p o s i t e | s e x -
what do you notice first: face and sense of humor
last person you slow danced i dont knowww
worst question to ask?: i dont know.
makes you laugh the most: crazy psycho people but not in a mean way to people just funny and sweet.
makes you smile: being really sweet.
gives you a funny feeling when you see them: ew shutup why would i even put that online
changed so much: mary
who do you have a crush on: ew shutup why would i even put that online
who has a crush on you: i dont know probably no one
is easiest to talk to: i dont know i guess some of my friends

d o | y o u | e v e r
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: not really i like being a girl
wish you were younger: no you cant do anything
Cried because someone said something to you?: yeah
n u m b e r of times I have had my heart broken: none
number of hearts i have broken: none
of guys I’ve kissed: 1. -_- ummm.
of continents I have lived in: 1
of tight friends: im not counting i hate you survey
of cds i own: this is the longest survey ever

y o u r | t h o u g h t s
I want: a hot boyfriend who i love and he loves me:-) AWW yeah right
I have: an obsession with fleetwood mac
I wish: my dad never died
I hate: feeling lonely
I fear: i answered that
I wonder: what im going to be when i grow up...where ill be
I love: my family and friends

F i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
gold or silver: gold
what was the last film you saw at the movies?: world trade center
what did you have for breakfast this morning?: pancakes
who would you love being locked in a room with? it depends on how loong
could you live without your computer?: yeah everyone could live without personal computers
would you color your hair? highlights maib
how many people are on your buddy list?: 86 HAHA at least i dont have like 800 people i dont know on there
drink alcohol? if the situation is right
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