Term XL Quiz #8: Comic Relief

Apr 08, 2018 20:01

banner by watchpoint

Activity: Comic Relief
Participation Points: 1st/2nd/3rd/Participation Only: 50/40/30/10 points & 20/15/10/5 knuts, respectively. (+ 5 bonus points if you own a Subscription to the Daily Prophet).
Deadlines: Submit comic: Sunday, April 22nd, 11:59pm UTC Voting: Sunday, April 29th, 11:59pm UTC
Details: Your editor loves the puzzle section of the newspaper, but the funnies are the second best part! (What, you read it for the news?!) It's your turn to take a crack at comic creation, so use this storyboard creator to create your comic strip. Comics can be about anything - you don't need to stick to the HP universe if you don't want to. Everyone will then vote for their favorite comic strips and the top three will earn placement points!

Submission Form:

Link to comic strip:
Include in voting?: Yes/No (if no, you'll receive participation points only)
Link to vault: http://www.hogwartsishome.com/owned_items.php?username=USERNAME">Bonus item check

Name/House or Sigtag

contests, term xl

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