
Sep 22, 2007 12:20

 Week Name/Date/Time: 'Sometimes You Just Can't Win' / Saturday, September 23rd, 2006 / 9:26 AM
Location: Penny and Thatcher's flat
Open To: Penny
Currently Involving: Isaac

Today was going to be the day. He was finally ready to tell Penny how he felt about her. Isaac wasn't even thinking about how she would react or what she would say in return. He ( Read more... )

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penny_jennings September 22 2007, 22:03:23 UTC
Penny was not in the mood to do anything. As a matter of fact, she hadn't done anything yet and probably wouldn't be awake if it wasn't for Treasa needing to be fed. But once she saw that tiny child crying to be fed and flailing around, she couldn't help but start crying herself. After what had happened the night before, Penny couldn't help but feel like utter crap. She'd never felt such hurt from someone that she loved so much. It hurt much more than she'd ever care to admit to herself or to anyone else ( ... )


isaac_w September 22 2007, 23:58:22 UTC
Hearing the door creak open, Isaac fluttered his eyes open expecting to see the happy face of Penny. He got only half of what he wanted though. He started a bit to feel the way she looked, upset. Something must have happened. Maybe with Thatcher? It was hard to believe that Thatcher would ever be such a pain to a woman though, especially when it was one of his friends. It had to be something else, something more that he couldn't think of at the moment ( ... )


penny_jennings September 23 2007, 02:56:51 UTC
The apartment felt that way because Penny hadn't quite hit the stage in self pity where she cleaned the house as though she was on drugs. That'd probably be tomorrow afternoon, latest. For now though, the house seemed to be a bit ... under the water, just as Penny was. She hadn't cleaned in a good week and her room was even messier than the rest of the house but alas! That'd change in a couple of days, Monday being the latest.

Penny closed the door and trudged back over to Treasa after Isaac came in and picked her and the bottle back up and started feeding her again. When he asked if something had happened though, Penny nearly dropped the bottle. She didn't think that she looked as bad as she really did and she certainly didn't think she could be read that easily.

"No," she assured both Isaac and herself, "no, I'm fine." Readjusting Treasa and the bottle, she tried to give an encouraging smile to Isaaac even though she really couldn't get one to quite form.


isaac_w October 7 2007, 21:21:51 UTC
"I'd hate to be honest right now, but you don't look fine," Isaac admitted.

His body followed her but his eyes were pulled to look around the room to see the house in dire shambles, practically. If something had happened to Penny a week ago, where was Thatcher to take care of it? They were supposed to be helping each other since they were room mates and friends. This really didn't seem right, so he had to ask. "Where's Thatcher? At the Three Broomsticks?"

At this moment, Isaac was not impressed with Thatcher. He would want to beat him down if he walked into the house just now.

He took a seat on the arm of the couch and watched Penny as she fed the small baby girl in her arms. There was really no other place to sit and talking to Penny was what he came there to do so that was just a good place.


penny_jennings October 10 2007, 02:51:48 UTC
"It's nothing to worry about," Penny quietly said, trying to ignore what had happened the other day with Daniel. She didn't want Isaac to get any more involved with that whole situation than he already was, especially not that part of the situation. Penny was a bit afraid of what Isaac might do if he found out to be honest - he seemed to like Treasa a great deal and this would affect her a great deal ( ... )


isaac_w November 15 2007, 19:17:11 UTC
There was something not right going on here but Penny obviously didn't want to be pushed, and she didn't look the condition to be it so he decided against it. He wanted to get to what was bothering her so bad though. Hopefully, she would open up to him herself sooner or later. All he could do on that front was wait but he was a patient man so he had no problem with waiting. Maybe he could get the details from Thatcher as well if push came to shove.

He gave a simple nod in response about Thatcher, "That's too bad." It was a good thing actually as he had said before.

"No thanks. I just wanted to stop by to ask you something, but it's not important right now." What was he talking about? It was the most important thing in the world but he wasn't going to force it on her now. He didn't want to make it seem like he was taking advantage of her despite his lack of knowledge on the current situation.


penny_jennings November 17 2007, 20:32:42 UTC
If Isaac thought that Penny would eventually come to him in time? Well, he was absolutely correct then. She needed her space. She needed to sit down and take a breather, relax a bit and try to get over what had just happened the previous day. Bouncing from one love to the next wasn't her thing and she wasn't about to try and experiment with it ( ... )


isaac_w November 18 2007, 19:13:21 UTC
Playing Penny's rebound man wasn't exactly what Isaac had in mind for himself, either. He wanted a firm relationship with her, of the romantic sense anyway since they already had a good friendship. Being in a rebound relationship never really seemed to turn out that way, as he read in books or saw on tv at home. Isaac would want to support Penny and Treasa in any way he could.

Isaac shook his head, "No it's alright. I don't want to say something and have you feel worse than you're not admitting to me now."


penny_jennings November 18 2007, 22:19:59 UTC
'It's so obvious,' Penny thought to herself, 'that it's pathetic to even try and hide it any more.' She wanted to ask Isaac to leave at this point and tell him to not let the door hit him on the ass while leaving as well. But Penny knew that would only bring her trouble and heartache and ... well, feeling even more awkward around Isaac.

"I don't think you could make me feel any worse even if you tried," Penny finally admitted. At least now she didn't have to try and hide how depressed and destroyed she really was. "Please just ask whatever you came here to ask."

Oh the irony in this situation. Had Penny really known what Isaac wanted to ask and that she'd truly be heart broken after he asked, she would have done what she wanted to in the first place. As it was, Penny refused to try and take any of her anger out on Isaac.


isaac_w November 19 2007, 02:48:10 UTC
((*oogles over icon* ...what? OH RIGHT POST! :-P))

The two of them had known each other since their first year, so Penny should have known by now that she couldn't hide her emotions from him. Isaac was the king of hiding his feelings. Maybe it would have been better if she just had told him to leave. It would have made things much easier on both of them for what he wanted to say.

Isaac huffed and looked down at his feet as he remained on the arm of the couch. She had asked and he figured that he might as well let her know now because she probably wouldn't let him leave without letting her hear it.

"Penny," he took a breath and then looked in her direction. He stood up because it felt more comfortable in this situation now. Isaac slowly strolled over to her, stopping immediately in front of her before he continued again, "What I came to say was.. you've been a good friend to me lately and I've felt so close to you. I've never felt so secure with anyone else than I do with you. I wanted to take you out sometime, exclusively."


penny_jennings November 20 2007, 02:03:10 UTC
Penny didn't know what to say to Isaac. She was completely at a loss for all words that she could possibly form or even process. She never thought that he'd make a special trip over to see her and ask her out on a formal date. It was... well, it was exactly what she'd been wanting for some time now but she never thought it'd happen - especially not right after what had happened between her and Daniel ( ... )


isaac_w November 20 2007, 20:48:42 UTC
How else would he ask her out? Isaac was the hopeless romantic, remember? He thought it was important to do everything face to face. It would have just taken the emotion out of it if he.. who knows, owled her about it? And it wasn't like he was very far away from her. He only worked down the road. It wasn't a big deal, or at least not to him.

Isaac was getting disturbed by her silence. The longer she took to reply, the more irrational he became. He was having flashbacks of moments with one particular figure in his past that did that. He tried to promise himself that it would never happen again, though it looks like it just had.

For a moment all he could do was give a nod, but then a moment later his lips pursed and he spoke. "Can't you just tell me why now? I'm a big boy Penny. If you tell me, I'll understand."


penny_jennings November 21 2007, 01:13:16 UTC
Penny promptly shook her head 'No' at Isaac when he asked to know her reasoning. She was really quite afraid of what he might do if he really knew why. Penny'd seen the way he'd looked at Treasa, you could tell how much he truly cared for her just based on that alone. Penny didn't want Isaac to do anything stupid, that was all.

It wasn't his battle to fight anyways. While Penny might appreciate how much he cared for her and Treasa and how he'd probably be willing to avenge what had happened the other day, it wasn't him who really should have been getting revenge. Plus, Penny'd already taken care of Daniel with a couple hexes on him and his whores that were in his bedroom when she arrived.

"I know you'd understand but I'm just... afraid of what you might do," Penny said as she wiped away a few more tears. "Please don't give up hope though, I just need time." Penny knew how this probably all sounded to Isaac: like she thought she was above dating those of his blood status but that wasn't it at all.


isaac_w November 23 2007, 18:39:13 UTC
"What am I going to do Penny?" Isaac meant to sound calm but there was a small tone of frustration behind it. What did she think he was going to do? She knew him better than that, or at least he thought she did. He wasn't a bad guy. And he knew that she wasn't above dating him because she had dated an actual Muggle; whereas he was only a Muggleborn. "Do you think I'm going to hurt you? Why would you ever think that?

"I helped you deliver Treasa for Merlin's sake. But I guess you don't trust me then, right? I thought we were friends." He was definitely overreacting but he was too blind at the moment to see it. He didn't know the whole story. This was true, but Isaac didn't want to be alone anymore and he had thought that Penny would have been the one to be with him. He thought he had proved to her that he was a good guy. Now he just felt like he was eating his words.

Time? Right. They had all the time in the world but honestly Isaac didn't feel like waiting even though he agreed to wait.

"If you don't want me, then just say it..."


penny_jennings November 24 2007, 05:45:25 UTC
"It's not me that I think you'd hurt. Someone else would be hexed to oblivion though," Penny said, trying to keep her calm now as well. They'd already been through the not-trusting each other bit and that wasn't what Penny was going off about at all. She trusted Isaac now - a lot more than she did anyone else, given Thatcher - but she didn't trust how he'd react if she told him what had happened. People did stupid things when it came to love and Penny was afraid that he'd turn into one of those stupid people.

"What are you talking about? I do trust you; more than you'd ever care to notice anyways! And since when aren't we friends?" Penny really wanted to slap Isaac right about now and tell him to get a grip. He was being completely irrational and talking out of his ass, making assumptions that weren't true and only getting her angrier and angrier.

Penny did want to be with Isaac. Eventually. Now just wasn't the time and the worst part about it all is that Penny didn't even want to explain why it wasn't the right time to ( ... )


isaac_w November 25 2007, 20:33:12 UTC
"Who? Daniel?" Isaac was now becoming confused if she really knew him at all. "Why would I of all people go and do that? Sure I think he may be a sodding git and may deserve it for not trying to help you with Treasa, but that's between you and him. Are you trying to give yourself an excuse now ( ... )


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