
Aug 12, 2007 21:16

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Summer '06' / August 6th, 2006 / 8:00 pm.
Location: English Coastline
Open To: Marcy
Currently Involving: Faolan McFinn

And with an echoing 'pop', they appeared.  Faolan had met up with her at the exact time they set and almost immediately grabbed her hand with a quiet "Let's go".  Seconds later they were out on the English ( Read more... )

folly-mcfinn, summer-06, marcy-hourigan

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family_mcfinn August 14 2007, 15:14:40 UTC

He smiled back down to her, that small, almost secretive sort of smile as he murmured, "Yer welcome." Hands clasped behind his back as they made their way down the descent to the beach, a nice and smooth, rockless path to the sand below. As if Marcy needed any more to remind her of how different they were (as Folly was so absolutely clueless), her casual dress was matched with Folly's normal attire. There were black jeans that puddled over black boots and a trendy gray t-shirt that was rather cool, but covered with his trademark trench coat. Collar was popped as always and framed his five o'clock shadowed face and messy black hair. Really, it could be a million degrees outside and he'd still wear the same thing. It was his look and what he was comfortable in. It also hid the scars that tore into his arms, which he still hadn't really gotten comfortable with.

But it was him.

Folly was far from after a trophy wife. Well, yes of course he wanted to get married and have children, but it was more like.. he wanted a companion and someone to love. He wanted children to adore as well and protect. It wasn't about carrying family names or heritage, it was about having a family.

"I, ah.. hope ye don't mind," he said quietly, glancing at her again as he motioned over to the picnic spot. "I'm not one for public n' all, not so much ye know, it's not bad, but I..." Ramble, ramble. "...I mean, I'd gladly bring ye out anywhere, but this is..." Now his brow was furrowed. Why was he TELLING HER THIS? "...it's, ah.. safer. For ye." Pausing, he leaned over slightly, actually trying to make a joke over his cruel fate. "...ye know, people have a penchant of springin' up on me."


marcy_hourigan August 14 2007, 16:27:53 UTC
((OOC: I'm in love with that movie and it fit perfectly! I COULDN'T RESIST XP))

Marcy wanted to find the same thing that Folly wanted, she just knew it would never happen. Her grandparents were already starting to ramble on to her about how even though she's only 23, she's old and no man they approve of will want her if she doesn't marry soon. Sad, but the truth. That's what happens when you're a pureblooded Death Eater: carrying on the family name and marrying not for the sake of love but blood is what marriage becomes all about.

Marcy did find it a bit odd how Folly had decided to go to a more secluded place for a date, rather than somewhere public. Afterall, here would be an easier place for Death Eaters to attack him seeing as how his last attack was in a random field. Marcy wouldn't tell him that though and simply play dumb to the fact that if she really wanted to have him killed or attacked right now, all she had to do was press her wand to her forearm and mutter 'Morsmordre.'

When he made a joke about his fate though, Marcy didn't laugh. She knew if any Death Eater was going to kill him it was likely that she'd be the one. "Is anywhere safe anymore?" she asked, trying to play it off as though she was on his side in the war. "They do? Now why is that?" Yes, plaster that mask on and keep it there for the rest of the night you sly dog.


family_mcfinn August 14 2007, 20:21:21 UTC

Well, as if they'd need any more reason, her grandparents likely wouldn't approve of Faolan being older and not married himself. Not that it would matter; they'd likely draw the line at 'Good, Non-Prejudice Order Member' and call it a day. But really, he'd consider that to be more reason to be a good Pureblood. The emphasis on marriage wasn't so big though, he'd hate to admit, his side of things operated almost the same way. His parents would actually lose their minds if he married a muggle-born. It was one of those things that none of the McFinn children liked to speak of (or even admit), but they were raised knowing that they'd just have to deal and marry a pureblood as well. It was all part of their thing, their want to stay as neutral as possible.

And thankfully Folly didn't think they'd come and attack him on a beach! Really, only reason why they found them in a field was because of Keary. It was a compelling show of the trust he had for Marcy. Nothing in him even suspected that she'd want to set him up for any sort of trouble.

"Peru," he replied with slight dryness. "N' maybe Malaysia." Her question caused him to glance at her, brow slightly raising as he climbed down a rock, then turned to offer her his hand to help her down. "Dunno," he replied, still trying to handle that particular subject in a very light manner. Sure, the easier thing would have been to just not bring it up at all, but he wanted her to be prepared. Something always could have happened and he'd not want her to be lulled into false security! "Reckon they just don't like th' way I look?"


marcy_hourigan August 15 2007, 02:58:34 UTC
They wouldn't be opposed to the age deal or the not being married seeing as how that was what they typically found for Marcy. The only problem with Folly would be the whole Order deal. Her parents wouldn't have a problem with him, they'd encourage Folly to stay with Marcy and date her for a bit but then again they were back in America, staying out of Marcy's life like she wanted.

Giggling a little at his response, Marcy said, "Let's go there then. Get away from the madness of Vol-- He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and all of those other ... do-gooders." Close call, yes, but Marcy wasn't used to not being able to say her Master's name freely! Taking his hand, Marcy climbed down and turned to face Folly, not considering how what she'd asked about might be a 'touchy' subject with him.

"'S the trenchcoat," she teased, trying to keep a straight face. Marcy would have said something about his messy black hair, maybe stirring up confusion within the Death Eaters looking a tad like Harry Potter and all.


family_mcfinn August 15 2007, 03:40:14 UTC
Well, so far so good! Folly was even able to relax a little. He had many conversations with her in the past and honestly, it was enough to make his level of ease higher when he wasn't doing something frightening like.. asking her out, or something like that. When it came to the date, he was surprisingly not nervous. Yes, key things hit him wrong or made him shaky, but again.. for the most part, he was oddly at ease. Funny, that. Maybe it was because she had seen him at one of his weakest points.. well, his absolute weakest, yes, only he hadn't a clue she was there... anyway, seeing him broken down was seeing him at his worst. She had seen that exact thing multiple times at St. Mungos so subconsciously, he really, really was quite.. comfortable. Right then, at least.

He smiled at her remark, hand wrapping around her's almost in a squeeze as he helped her down, then let fingers linger against her's for just a moment once she was right in front of him. "Oh, we should," he replied quietly and with an almost shy amusement, "though I dunno that we'd find a good picnic there." Brows furrowed, he nodded back to the food that was very much still waiting for them. "...toss up between th' two, ye know, survival or mash."

Oh boy, Inner Folly was actually relaxing at this point and feeling a little in control. Her quip made his smile widen.. just a little, of course, as Folly was by no means a toothy-grinner, but leading her towards their spot, he replied, "...reckon I should lose it, then? Give them less reason t' be attackin' me n' all, iffin it offends them that bad."


marcy_hourigan August 21 2007, 02:12:01 UTC
((OOC: ILU and I'm sorry this took so long!))

At least that made one of them. Marcy couldn't relax on a date - especially on one with someone like Folly. She was worried that she'd get caught and that then she'd have to face the devil reincarnate, Voldemort. Part of Marcy wanted to go on a nice date for once with someone she wasn't made to date. She just didn't want to have this end badly and hurt a nice person.

Marcy hadn't even realized that she was still holding Folly's hand after he'd helped her down. She slightly laughed at his reply though, "Well, at this hour, I'd choose 'mash' any day!" Working practically the whole day from six in the morning to 5 at night with only a few snacks and a lunch was very tiring, not to mention made her incredibly hungry when she'd get home. "Though if you'd much rather live, I suppose we could do that instead."

Following Folly, Marcy vigorously nodded while still trying to keep a straight face. "Yes, they're quite fashion statements themselves, what with their shiny masks and battered black robes. I suppose they don't want any competition in that department, eh?"


family_mcfinn August 21 2007, 02:58:23 UTC

Well, funny swap of bundled emotions then! She was the confident one, wasn't she? And there he was with at least a smidge of confidence, and she was the one that was all a tizzy over it. Funny.

"Reckon I can make a sacrifice," he said quietly, smile still tugging with all it's might at the corner of his mouth, "for ye." Yes yes, very sweet statement, but he coated it in that subdued wit of his, almost as if trying to play it off with just a fingerprint of humour. "'sides, took me ages t' cook it all up. Would be a shame to let it waste, aye?" Really, it took him five tries to get anything done right.

The trench coat really was a funny thing for Folly. It had become a staple in his every day life. It was also his look, this.. rugged man dressed in black, practically always serious and devoted to his calling in life. It shielded him like some security blanket. But it wasn't like he never took it off! He looked away and to their spot with lips pursed together, as if he was struggling to keep the smile from completely smashing his face. "Oh, they're um.. intimidated?" he quietly joked, voice hardly above a mumble, "It's cos I'm so bleedin' smooth, aye?"


marcy_hourigan August 21 2007, 17:47:16 UTC
Marcy was ready to go girly on Folly with the typical 'Aww, that's sweet of you' or something as equally predictable or mushy-gushy but then he added in the tidbit about the food and she could help but giggle again. She knew that most guys were horrible at cooking but she didn't think that any of them would resort to trying so many times to get it perfect - most opted to leave it to the house elves to get it right. Nodding at his comment, she just followed Folly, trying to relax a bit.

Had Marcy known that it was a trademark and security blanket of some sort... well she'd encourage him only more to take it off. A silly trenchcoat wasn't going to protect him from the world - sure as hell hadn't protected him last time he was attacked. "I would be," she admitted seriously, although she knew it was a big lie. "That's got to be it. They wish they could be as suave and elegant as you!"

Lies, all lies! Marcy would just keep her emotinal mask drawn tightly, trying with her might to not slip up. She was counting the minutes though, until one of her fellow Death Eaters showed up or she heard her calling from the Dark Lord with a the Dark Mark in the sky and had to mysteriously leave.


family_mcfinn August 21 2007, 21:30:34 UTC
Well, the McFinns had one house elf, but Fi got terribly mixed up and bothered when they actually used Maltie for house elf-like duties. Apparently in Fi's perfect world, house elves lived with wizards to keep from having to work. It was actually a little funny, however, since Maltie had lived a life of servitude before Fi was in the picture, so there were times when the dear little thing was sneaking off to clean glasses behind Fi's back. And when Fi was away, that house was simply smashing, it was so clean. Unfortunately, Folly had decided to use their Mum's kitchen for the preparations (as he wasn't even sure if the oven at his flat even worked), so Fi was there and kept Maltie busy playing wizard's chess.

As for the striving for perfection part.. well, Folly had always been a wee bit of a perfectionist. He'd never half-arse anything. Especially when a gem like Marcy was on the table.

Well, she'd hardly have to ask him to take it off, actually, as he looked down for a moment, watching feet making prints in the sand, and quietly replied, "Oh, ye say that to all th' brooding cursebreakers in trench coats ye see, doncha." Yet another remark that was incredibly mumbled and delivered with that teeeenie morsel of humour. And then they were at the picnic spot and he glanced up at her, half-smiling as he slipped the trench coat from his shoulders. Straightening out, he tossed it to the ground, then motioned to himself. "...iffin it's for th' best, of course. Don't wanna be lurin' about any of 'em. Iffin it is me jacket their envious of, between it and, er.. well, ye, they'd have a lot to be jealous of."

Oh Merlin, under scruff, there was a solid blush forming. HOW COULD HE BE SO BOLD?

So he followed it up with the sharp clearing of his throat and brought a hand back to rub the now-naked back of his neck.


marcy_hourigan August 22 2007, 21:59:31 UTC
Marcy didn't care about perfection in a man. Hell, she wanted a man who wasn't perfect. Marcy wanted the guy who couldn't cook to save his life, said the wrong thing at the wrong time but could still laugh at himself, and someone who wasn't so uptight like the typical guys she was set up on dates with. Folly was somewhat perfect to her, except for the Order vs. Death Eater thing but that was just an ... imperfection that perhaps she could change.

"Of course, it must be a job trademark," Marcy commented before following Folly's gaze to the footprints in the sand they were creating. She smirked at Folly when he took off the jacket and put it down. When he said that the Death Eaters would be jealous of her though, she blushed slightly, unable to stop it or even hide it from him. "Don't you mean us?"

Marcy liked the bold-ness that Folly had - it proved he really was a Gryffindor and belonged to that house. So maybe he'd made himself blush and look a bit like a teenage boy who was on his first date, but ... oh well! At least he was cute while doing it!


family_mcfinn August 23 2007, 00:31:54 UTC
Funny thing was that had Folly known of her alliances, he'd have likely said the same of her. So long as knowing of said alliances didn't clue him in to the fact that she had been involved in various unsavory points in his life, of course. But standing there with her, he really couldn't find any faults. She seemed flawless. And she was on a date with him. How unbelievably incredible!

Well, blimey. Protection gone. His gaze had fallen back down to the ground as they stood there and once his neck was apparently good and scratched, he folded arms over his chest, hand rubbing absently at the discolored and jagged marks running up and down his left arm. Her reply, however, caught him off-guard and he looked up sharply, meeting brown eyes with olive ones. It took a moment, but a grin quickly spread, only to be cut off as he pursed lips together in an attempt to not show how bloody thrilled he was at her compliment.

"Aye," he replied, desperately looking for a distraction. Distraction! Bird in the sky! Waves of the bleedin' ocean! SAND. Whatever it took, he absolutely refused to look at her. "Ye-.. er, aye, us."

His smile cracked through once more and he drug his hand over his face for a moment, motioning to the ground with the other. "Ha-have a.. seat or.. ye know.. I.. please."


marcy_hourigan August 23 2007, 03:23:29 UTC
Marcy would never understand the ways of Folly. She couldn't comprehend why was he so nervous or kept touching the back of his neck, but eventually she just gave up on thinking about it and tried to relax herself. Marcy also didn't understand why Folly'd made such an effort to impress her when other men could have cared less but perhaps that was a perk of dating a goody-goody?

She partially watched as Folly started rubbing his left arm that she'd hit with a Sectumsempra. Marcy was about to say something but figured that 'That was fun to cast at you!' was a bit too bold of her, and the thing a normal person would have said was... well, nothing and just kept quiet about it. Tearing her gaze from Folly's arm and back up to smile at him, Marcy took note of the blush forming. She reckoned that was how she looked right about now too, minus the 8 o'clock shadow and on her face.

Sitting down indian style, Marcy looked first up at Folly and then to the ocean. The slight breeze was blowing her hair back but it felt nice on a late summer's eve like today.


family_mcfinn August 23 2007, 05:09:12 UTC
Why HAD he gone from somewhat cool to a nervous wreck anyway? Oh, right. Compliments. He felt so compelled to compliment her as honestly, she was the type of girl that deserved to be showered with praise. Folly really did think highly of her! Forget going out to catch the bad guys and educate the children or hell, even destroy runes! She saved lives, actual lives that were at stake and their fates laid in her hands. And she cared enough to do it. Add that to the fact that she had been such a gem to him and his family? And the fact that she seemed incredibly smart and capable, topped with her wit? Merlin!

The more he thought on it, the more he worried. He didn't want to mess this up.

Faolan gave her a second or five to get settled before he took his seat next to her, crossing legs as well. "D'ye drink?" he asked quietly as he pushed the lid from basket that sat before them, pulling out two glasses and a bottle of wine. His gaze wandered back over to her as he waited for her reply, not wanting to crack open something to drink just to find that he was the only one that enjoyed it. The sun was setting over the water and the wind and her hair and all of it combined made a truly beautiful sight. "I, er, um..." Inner Folly threw a dictionary up in hopes of Outer Folly finding his words.


marcy_hourigan August 24 2007, 01:45:56 UTC
As many lives as Marcy may save, it didn't change the fact that she took them as well. Marcy didn't like to think of herself as any kind of special girl no matter how many families she helped or how witty and smart she may be. She was the average girl-next-door plus a little more, in her mind - certainly nothing special.

Marcy nodded when Folly asked her if she drank. It wasn't often, only on the weekends with Lizzy sometimes, but she liked to splurge occasionally. So maybe wine wasn't exactly her taste but it was a date at the beach with Folly - what more could she ask for. He seemed to be a bit traditional but with a modern day edge to himself and Marcy loved that.

She didn't know why, but she was slowly liking that she hadn't rejected Folly. Marcy knew it was wrong, more wrong than either of them would probably ever realize. Life moves pretty fast though and if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might just miss it - Marcy considered this date to be her stopping and looking around finally.


family_mcfinn August 24 2007, 03:48:37 UTC
Oh yes. Very edgy, very modern mixed with old shoes or something, that would describe Folly perfectly. So modern, in fact, that the glasses he got weren't some sort of fancy-smancy wine flutes - no no. Spun glass. Actual glasses. He hadn't ever really been the fancy sort.

Now here was something that Folly could pull off smoothly. He hated to admit it, but he was a wee bit of an alchy. It relaxed him.. was one of the very, very few things that let him clear his mind and just be. Without it, thoughts flooded and stress built up. Somewhat awkwardly, he cleared his throat and pulled the cork. This really was far too outlandish for him.. what sort of bloke like him actually got to go out on a date with someone he believed to be the woman of his dreams? That never happened! Handing her a filled glass, he offered another small smile, then put his own cut down long enough to start pulling out the food he had slaved over.

Bangers, mash, soda bread, colcannon, the works. All of it kept warm by magic and prepared through extremely hard work. "Hope ye don't mind," he said quietly, glancing up at her just to drop his gaze back to what he was doing a second or two later. "All me Mum ever taught me t' cook is pretty.. ye know, traditional. Live excitement, eat.. I dunno, pastoral."

Oh yes, it was beyond incredibly wrong. Unknowingly, he was breaking the rules of his beliefs and hearts of his family. If his Mum knew he was off dating some Death Eater? She'd likely disown him. She had enough of her family consorting with that sort and even Folly would fall to the butcher's block if he made the wrong choices.


marcy_hourigan August 25 2007, 03:27:08 UTC
Marcy didn't mind Folly being so un-fancy and common. It was nice to let her hair down every once in a while and not have to be proper - enjoy the little things in life instead of what she was used to.

It didn't matter to Marcy if Folly was a bit of an alcoholic. So long as he wasn't a violent drunk or a depressed drunk, she was fine with that. He could always blame it on his heritage anyways, if Folly ever needed a reason instead of the mass chaos in his head. Marcy took the glass when Folly handed it to her, thank him and smiling in return. Wine wasn't exactly her favorite but ... this was a date at the beach, not a night in the town.

"Not at all!" Marcy said, knowing that the food he called traditional was likely traditional for Marcy as well. She hadn't grown up in Ireland like Folly, but her grandparents were from there and she was somewhat exposed to their culture. "Perhaps one day you could show me!" Bad, bad idea but at this point, Marcy was starting not to care. She knew it was utterly wrong but why not milk it for all it's worth because either way, they'd both get in trouble!


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