(no subject)

Aug 01, 2007 13:11

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Summer '06' / August 2, 2006 / 10.30AM
Location: A muggle cinema
Open To: Brandon
Currently Involving: Maxie

Maxie stared up into the sun, eyes closed of course, and felt the warm glow spread through her entire body. The people walking past thought she looked rather mad, after all it was Summer, and standing in the sun would generally guarantee you'd be sweating from every part of your body within minutes. But Maxie really didn't care. She was free. Free of that wretched virus that insisted on keeping her in bed for a week. A week mightn't sound like much to the average person. Big deal, right? You get to take a week off work or school and lounge around the house! But this, to Maxie, was exactly what torture would be like. It was school holidays for Merlin's sake, she wanted to be outside running and generally going crazy, the way the rest of her peers would be doing. She didn't want to be stuck in bed watching TV (blergh!) or reading over her school textbooks (double blergh!).

But at least she had Brandon. She had come to stay at his house the week before and they'd made plans to go to a few concerts and see a few films and to just generally be teenagers. So it was just Maxie's luck that the next day she fell sick. She repacked her bags sadly, figuring Brandon's parents would want to send her back home but to her delight, they had let her stay. Over the week Brandon had been her one link to sanity, he had music and books that weren't as boring as the texts from Hogwarts.

And then came the day, today in fact, that she was feeling a million times better than she had been feeling all week and to celebrate her conquering of the blasted virus, she and Brandon were going to see a film. Maxie smiled at him as she stepped back into the shade.

"So what are you in the mood for today? Comedy, drama, dramedy? Foreign, thriller, action?" She was talking very fast, a sure sign she was excited. But it wasn't just for the movie. There was one other reason for why no one could wipe the smile off of Maxie's face.

Today she had come of age. She was seventeen, baby!

brandon-childs, maxie-lloyd, summer-06

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