
Jun 20, 2006 20:23

Week Name / Date / Time: 'Trick or Treat' / Thursday, November 3rd / 12 p.m.
Location: Fortescue's, Outdoor dining area
Open to: Jason
Currently Involving: Evey

Dramarama!! )

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evey_shaw July 1 2006, 01:14:48 UTC
"God, you are such a man!" she growled, pushing the napkins around the table rather pointlessly. They were soaked, and now only spreading the drink about with each tiny push. "All I'm saying is that it could have been a lot worse! If he wasn't there to deter all the bloody Death Eaters, I'm sure there'd have been way more victims besides just 'that little chick and her Auror friend'," she added, glaring.

This was probably the beginning of another one of those ridiculous fights. The ones that really weren't important, but seemed like it while in the moment.

"You think that someone else would be more able to keep peace there? I'm willing to be he knew that professor was a Death Eater. Probably why she was even allowed in, Dumbledore has his reasons for everything!" She was getting red in the face, now; it was obvious that he'd hit a nerve with her loyalty to Dumbledore.

She'd been ridiculed for being a Muggleborn, and she always knew that he wanted her, as well as all the others, there. So she was quite defensive and eager to stand up for his honour.


droolonbegonias July 1 2006, 01:22:17 UTC
"Gee, thanks? If you meant that to be an insult, you really should work on that."

Rolling his eyes, Jason picked up the wet napkins and stood to throw them away. He didn't trust his Wingardium Leviosa at this point in time, seeing as he was far too busy being wrapped up in this arguement. Evey wasn't seeing the whole picture, something that always bugged him about her!

"Calling me a man is a compliment." He rolled his eyes again as he sat back down, fully ready to continue this conversation now. He was being glared at, for Merlin's sake! And it bloody well sounded like she was kissing Dumbledore's old butt.

It didn't matter that Jason actually liked the man. No, right now he was far too busy playing Devil's Advocate to look at a little detail like that. "You really think that Dumbledore, the old coot who's definitely going batty in the head, knew that she was a Death Eater? So -- you're saying that he let her kill the chick and the Auror? Maybe to throw everyone off the trail, eh?? YES! That makes sense!"

Really. She was just being stupid.


evey_shaw July 1 2006, 01:32:39 UTC
"Oh face it, you idiot!" she cried, tossing one of the napkins she still held to the rubbish bin. She missed, which made her growl in frustration as she stood and went to pick it up. "Calling you a man is neither an insult or a compliment. It's stating the facts -- you're acting like every other insensitive, ridiculous, tosser of a guy."

Oh, and then he went on to really go at Dumbledore. Which only pissed Evey off further.

"I'm not saying he let anything happen!" she cried. "I'm saying he knew about the Death Eater. Probably keeping her close-- hell, I don't know! I just mean that he has his reasons. He always has, and if he hasn't lost it by now I'm sure he never will."

She thwapped him in the back of the head as she sat back down, very unhappy with her boyfriend.


droolonbegonias July 1 2006, 02:21:43 UTC

She called him an idiot?

What a bint!

"If he knew about the Death Eater, then he's a fool and stupid on top of that," Jason stated simply, as though that were just a fact. "And I would have to dispute that whole bit abo--"

Before he could finish his statement, he found himself being hit! Not on! Reaching over, he thwapped her back (not the gentlest thwap in the world either) and continued, "About him not having lost it." With a glare, he sat back in his seat, defiantly taking a bite of his sandwich.

She was so annoying sometimes. She didn't even make sense and there she was, arguing with him.


evey_shaw July 1 2006, 04:57:09 UTC
He smacked her back!!

He absolutely, one hundred percent, smacked her back!

Evey was stunned for a second, kind of disbelieving that he'd actually done that. It was a bit unnerving, but as soon as she shook it out of her system she flung her foot out to kick him in the shin. "Don't hit me!" she cried, obviously placing that whole double-standard thing right at his doorstep.

"Oh please," she replied, shaking her head as she got over the shock of him smacking her. It did kinda hurt, after all. "He's known about that sort of thing before! Or maybe not that exact thing.. but well, you know the stories! All that crap that Potter dealt with in his school days?"

She glared, still obviously pissed about him smacking her. "And you're a ... a jerk."


droolonbegonias July 1 2006, 16:26:04 UTC
She'd kicked him!

She'd bloody well kicked him! Not on!

"Don't kick me!" Jason sounded quite indignant and utterly annoyed as he kicked her in the shin in return. Pssh, he wouldn't let her just abuse him like that! No!

A jerk. How original.

"And he was wrong back then, too," he replied, raising his voice just a bit, not caring about the heads that were turning toward them as they argued. "All that crap that Potter dealt with -- exactly. Stuff that the kid wouldn't have to have dealt with if Dumbledore hadn't been so bloody stupid."

And now for the jerk bit. "And you're being a bitch. So we're all even."

((Just FYI? Writing this reply killed me.))


evey_shaw July 1 2006, 18:47:22 UTC
"AGH!" she cried as he kicked her back. Really, how did she end up with one of those fairplay boyfriends!? Where were the guys who were all, 'Never hit a girl'!?! Probably off with unabusive girlfriends.

"He would have had to deal with it!" she replied, tossing her hands up. "He'd have had to deal with all that, plus so much more if he'd not been there to keep evil at bay!" Okay, so now she sounded slightly corny, but she didn't care. She was ticked off, and she was ready to fight to the death for this.

She was never even really close with Dumbledore. She actually despised those goody two-shoes who were always sending him lemon drops, now that she thought about it. But this wasn't really about him anymore -- it was about she and Jason, and who was right. Reason enough.

Her mouth dropped open as he called her a bitch, and she quickly grabbed his sandwich to toss it on the ground.

((*DIES* Oh man, they are absolutely RIDICULOUS.))


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