Week Name/Date/Time: 'Lost and Found'/Friday, 18th November/ 6:28 PM
Location: Shane's house -- Outside of London
Open To: Shane
Currently Involving: Mackenzie & Shane
Mackenzie wasn't having much luck with the job hunt. She'd gone out almost every day the last week or two grabbing those applications... yet only one or two places had contacted her. In fact, she was starting to become so desperate, that she was looking outside of Diagon Alley and the magical world -- grabbing applications from local shops and restaurants all around muggle London. Not as if she cared either way; a job was a job, after all. But it would just be so much easier for her if she could get a job where she didn't have to hide her magic.
Plus, she really wanted to work in Diagon Alley with Natalie. They could always meet up after work for a night on the town! Or something.
Anyway. The week had seemed to drag by at an alarmingly slow rate. Mackenzie needed to do something. Keeping herself locked up at hers and Nats apartment was starting to make her go crazy. Natalie was being lame and having a busy life, and she didn't want to go to the club by herself again... so what else was there for her to do?
The thought to appear at one Shane Williams doorstep had popped randomly into her head. They had only seen each other for a short time the previous week and Mackenzie was still interested in catching up with him. Even if they seemed to pick things up right where they left off, she still wanted to know what he was up to!
So there she went, apparating to his door and knocking soundly, hoping he was around and that she hadn't caught him at a bad time.