
Jun 04, 2008 13:25

Date/Time: August 2003
Location: Diagon Alley
Open To: Young Illi-poo
Currently Involving: Younger Alli-cat

It's the most wonderful time of the year! )

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homely_illiad June 4 2008, 18:53:21 UTC
...Frickin' girls and their dancing and pushing into him ( ... )


almonty June 5 2008, 02:14:37 UTC
"Hey," she squealed indignantly as she went sprawling from the shove. She landed in a not-so-ladylike pose, thank Merlin she had worn 3/4 length pants today. "Mind the threads, jerk-off," she said, standing up and brushing any invisible dust off her prized t-shirt. "I've hurt greater people for a lot less than ruining a cool shirt, don't think I won't -"

She finally stopped talking long enough to look at the boy who had shoved her. A delighted, albeit shrill, noise came from her throat. "No way! I didn't know they sold these shirts in ladies size, I had to get a men's small! Wanna swap?"

She fingered the sleeve of his shirt, the exact same as what she was wearing, only his fit him better than hers did.


homely_illiad June 5 2008, 03:33:17 UTC
Mind the threads? Who did she think she was? More importantly, perhaps, what decade did she think she was in? Because it was 2003, not 1962. This sort of idiocy and ridiculous terminology was something comparable only to his cousin Louvika. Illiad rolled his eyes at the girl before him.

He got even more annoyed when she insinuated that he wore 'ladies' sizes! He was short in the torso and broad in the shoulders! Men's sizes came down to his knees...! These just fit better. Jerk.

"No, I don't want to swap," he growled at her, crossing his arms protectively over his chest as if he thought she might advance on him and try to nick his shirt right off his chest. Stranger things had happened.

"If you don't want someone shoving you and ruining your 'threads', you ought to attempt to avoid spinning like that in crowded places," he informed her, politely.

"Merlin's pants, first years are annoying!"


almonty June 5 2008, 03:56:44 UTC
Oh, the sixties! That was the decade Aleesha believed she was meant to be from, if only her parents had procreated when they were...five. Stupid biology not allowing them to! She would have given anything to have been a hippie.

"I see you in the library at school ALL the time," she informed him. "You obsess over books like you're a Ravenclaw, but you're not." She grinned and added, "if you were you would have figured out that I'm not a first year. Don't worry, we can't all be so lucky to be in Ravenclaw. Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure." It was one of her favourite sayings.

"I was taller than everyone else in my year last semester," she continued, unaware and uncaring if he was at all interested. "This year will be my third but I reckon I'll be taken over by most of the boys, now that they're all starting to hit puberty. Has your voice broken?"


homely_illiad June 5 2008, 04:13:07 UTC
What a Louvika thing to ask! Illiad frowned. Was she really asking if his... nevermind. He could school this girl in sexuality if he wanted. Dreadful little beast ( ... )


almonty June 5 2008, 04:39:23 UTC
"Not really," she said honestly, "I mean, I heard you yell at some Hufflepuff once and you kind of sounded shrill. Like you were doing an imitation of the librarian, except you weren't." She gave him a sympathetic smile and added, "but that's okay, you've almost grown into your looks now. Who needs a good voice when they look hot?"

She shook her head. "I've never met her but her legend is epic. You'll have to introduce us one day!"

"Don't get defensive, there's nothing wrong with being in Slytherin. All the houses have good qualities. Although between you and me, I would have been embarrassed to have been sorted into Hufflepuff. I mean, I have a lot of great friends in Hufflepuff, don't get me wrong, I adore them, but in my first year there was no other house I wanted to belong to than Ravenclaw."

She held her hand over her heart, as if thinking of a long lost love.

"Hey, do you want a sorbet? Florean's is just over there." She pointed the the ice creamery. "I'll pay."


homely_illiad June 5 2008, 04:53:22 UTC
Illiad didn't like introducing anyone to Louvika because they generally liked her much more than him and eventually preferred being her friend far more than being his. And he didn't see how her legend could be 'epic' or so Aleesha described it, unless the girl meant her legend for falling down stairs or her legend for being completely annoying ( ... )


almonty June 5 2008, 05:14:20 UTC
Why, yes, she did mean the legend of falling down stairs, had Illiad not heard of that? Strange.

"Oh, okay. I don't eat jam," she replied, as if that made them even somehow. Her family looked upon her as a freak whenever they had Denvonshire Tea. Her father always made whipped cream and homemade raspberry jam to go on the scones, but Aleesha had never eaten the jam, instead preferring just cream and scones, or maybe a bit of honey. This was considered somewhat ridiculous of her and though it was all in good fun, sometimes she didn't appreciate it ( ... )


homely_illiad June 5 2008, 05:28:14 UTC
Louvika had never mastered those stairs, poor girl.

Somewhere in the back of his memory, he remembered Louvika developing an intense fear of jam, thinking it was made from jellyfish. Whatever. He didn't like sweets because they made him sick. Girls were weird.

"Founding an entire house based on how thick-headed people can be? Thanks, I'll pass," he said, rolling his eyes. He knew thick-headed-- he had an entire family of idiots who just loved showing each other up on how stupid they could be. "Besides, they're only noble because it makes them look better."

Likewise, Illiad knew how prejudice his own house could be-- they didn't like him, sometimes, just because a couple of his aunts had married muggles, which Illiad didn't think was all that bad-- but he wasn't going to acknowledge this to Aleesha.

"Don't you have, like, a family who might be worried about you or something?" he asked her, sincerely wishing she'd leave.

"And nothing beats Three Imaginary Boys," so don't even insinuate I don't know what I'm talking about, you ( ... )


almonty July 7 2008, 10:30:49 UTC
"I do," she said nodding, as she reached the counter of Florean's. "But I ditched him because he's being boring. There's nothing worse than boring." It was true, Aleesha was not a fan of the boring. Ordinary people bored the pants off her, she liked her friends to be interesting. Of course, it was all by her definition of interesting. Maybe she was friends with someone boring only she thought they were interesting, so ergo, she was friends with a boring person, it was just that she found them interesting.

Whatever. This thought process was boring her.

She wasn't surprised to find Illiad behind her as she ordered. "Oooh, good choice, you can't go past a debut. Although I was always somewhat partial to Faith." She hummed Funeral Party under her breath for a bar or two, before clapping her hands together, delighted. "You met him? Merlin's left arm, how lucky are you? Did you cry? I never got that, the crying over meeting famous people, they're just people too, you know ( ... )


homely_illiad July 8 2008, 02:36:58 UTC
On the other hand, Illiad didn't mind boring people so much. Boring people meant he wasn't being dragged to the old graveyard at night to lure out angry spirits with Louvika (the only thing they'd lured out was a whole load of mud on to Illiad's pant legs and a bat, which got caught in his hair). Boring people meant he wasn't having to watch his cousin Bacchus' back when the older boy picked a fight with one of Illiad's own housemates at Eyelopes earlier that morning ( ... )


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