
May 09, 2006 06:17

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans'/ Tuesday, October 11th / 8 PM
Location: Armour Gallery
Open To: Keary
Currently Involving: Emilia, Keary.

In which Emilia cheers up and I try not to picture Zach Young too much )

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emiliahawthorn May 9 2006, 05:50:59 UTC
Oh fabulous. He would have to walk in at that moment. She would have scowled had she not been so pleased to see him. So instead of scowling, she smiled at him. "Well, I don't see any lying around here," she said, lazily gesturing about the room as she spoke. "And from the looks of things I'd say it's not been cleaned in a good few centuries." Had she seen herself as she spoke, she would have taken herself by the shoulders and instructed herself very firmly to calm down. Her eyes were practically twinkling, for Merlin's sake, and that definitely didn't play part of her mother's well taught hard-to-get routine. But then again, Emilia hadn't been sticking particularly closely to that recently.

An opportunity to get back on track was, however, offered with Keary's comment about Malfoy. Smirking, she said playfully, "Lucius? No. I'm sure I'll see him tomorrow though." Well, it might have been true. He had asked her to show him around and she wasn't entirely sure how much time that was going to take up. Besides, Keary seemed almost... jealous, perhaps? And Emilia knew that was a very good sign. She was rather old fashioned about such things, bless her, and subscribed very much to the school of thought that if you made a man jealous enough, sooner of later he'd fall in love with you.


family_mcfinn May 9 2006, 06:21:52 UTC
The horrible truth was that he was already well on his way to that exact state of being, jealousy-making or not. But obviously whatever she was doing was working, because just the sound of her going to him the next day made his jaw set. He looked away, feathers obviously ruffled.

He was displeased to the point that he didn't want to see that bloody twinkle in her eyes, or the way the moonlight hit her just so, making those blonde locks of hers illuminate, or the way she sort of had the look of a puppy excited to see it's human come home. If he noticed that, surely he'd find himself wanting to do something drastic that he was absolutely convinced she didn't want.


It was far from grand, really, but he was trying to hold back. Last thing he wanted to do was actually say something that would make his jealousy become too obvious to ignore.

"Hope you.. have fun.. and all."


emiliahawthorn May 9 2006, 06:40:30 UTC
Well that was a bit of a mess. It was plain to see that she wasn't going to get much conversation out of the boy if she continued talking about Lucius. Not that she'd been the one to bring him up, of course. Keary'd done that one all on his own. Still, Emilia certainly wasn't going to hang about the dusty old armoury if there wasn't at least some conversation involved.

"Oh, stop sulking," she said as if scolding a small child. "We don't have to talk about him if you're going to be like that. Although really, it's not often we get a visitor of his status here. I would have thought you'd have been more interested."

It probably wasn't the best thing to have said, but Emilia had very little patience for sulking. Ironic really, considering she was rather prone to it herself. Still, even as she looked at him in frustration, she relented. He definitely had something about him. Even when he was annoyed, he was quite adorable.

"So. How are the runes?" she asked with a small smile. It was desperate, sure, but it was one of the few things she was almost certain wouldn't get thrown back at her.


family_mcfinn May 9 2006, 06:55:03 UTC
"I'd be more interested if all you bleedin' girls didn't fawn about him," he muttered in reply. Last thing he wanted was her throwing that back at him, as if just because the man was.. well, whatever it was that he was, which he still wasn't too certain of.. that he should automatically respect and adore him. "I'm not about to get hearts in me eyes or have bleedin' cherubs floating about my head."

He held up a hand, though, stopping himself. He could rant on and on about this for ages, really. But she seemed to want to change the subject (which he automatically assumed was because she was just on the edge of floating off in joy and wanted to stop herself before her toes left the ground), so he allowed it.

But what a change that was.

His hand, which somehow during the time spent brooding over Lucius had wound up on his forehead, dropped to his side as he moved closer to her. Much closer, in fact. Tilting his head to the side a bit, he crouched, going eye to eye with her in extreme interest.

"You don't like runes."


emiliahawthorn May 9 2006, 07:06:33 UTC
Oh, bad move Keary. "Is that what you think? That I'm fawning over him?" Emilia's tone made it clear that she was definitely not happy. "Please, the man's old enough to be my father. In fact, I rather think he's older than my father." As she spoke, her eyes flashed their unmistakable warning that she was about to lose her temper.

And then, somehow, she stopped. Determined not to lose her temper in front of Keary again, Emilia looked to the floor for a few moments and composed herself. By the time she looked up, she looked her usual unflappable self, and she continued in a much calmer tone.

"The man's an extremely important member of society. It pays to be polite." It might not have been the whole truth, but it was as much as Emilia was going to share with Keary. He didn't need to know everything about her, after all.

"And as for runes, I might not be as crazy about them as you are, but I don't dislike them. I lasted a year of that class, after all." Her tone slightly more flirtatious, she added, "Besides, it's endearing how excited you get over them."


family_mcfinn May 9 2006, 07:27:06 UTC
There was a big chance that this wouldn't end so well. Keary was less than happy with the idea of that. As she went on, very much not happy with him, he simply held his hands up as if in surrender. "Fine. Blushed cheeks and teary eyes are grand signs of politeness. If you insist. But you know what? We'll just not talk about this."

He didn't want to argue with her. Last time they argued, it turned quite horrid, and he didn't fancy that so much at all. So, without really even thinking about what he was doing or why he was doing it, he placed his hands gently on her shoulders and just sort of stood there, looking to the side.

As she went on, explaining why she had even brought Runes up in the first place, his lip curled into the slightest smile. He glanced to her, head barely turning, then looked away again as the smile grew more. "...I don't get excited over them, I just.. know a lot about them is all."


emiliahawthorn May 9 2006, 07:42:41 UTC
Blushed cheeks and teary eyes? She couldn't truthfully deny it, but she was extremely tempted to try all the same. He really was being quite tiresome about the whole thing. Still, she'd get some satisfaction from being the one to take the higher ground, because Emilia was absolutely determined that this shouldn't end with one of them storming out.

No, they were going to have a nice civilised conversation, even if it did have to be about bloody runes. Still, she thought, it was clearly working. He was smiling. OK, it wasn't the widest of smiles, but it was a smile nonetheless.

"Keary McFinn, you fibber!" she exclaimed, almost laughing. Almost, but not quite. "I bet if I started reciting their names... well, why don't I try it?" She wasn't sure she could remember many, and it was clear by her slight frown that she was concentrating as she spoke. "Perb, laguz, ehwaz, ansuz..." Her memory exhausted, she looked up at him, curious as to his reaction.


family_mcfinn May 9 2006, 14:24:19 UTC
As she recited the names of runes, he had to look away once again, actually laughing. The fact that she knew exactly how to work him was utterly undebatable. And the frown as she concentrated, obviously putting her all into it? It was beyond adorable. He glanced back to her, amusement on his face, and just sort of stood there quietly as she finished.

And then there was this moment in which she was looking for his reaction, and he was simply looking at her.

Clearing his throat once again, which was obviously a nervous habit, he seemed to move just a touch closer to her. "Aye, so I've discovered your secret passion for Runes, then? That was.. pretty good."


emiliahawthorn May 9 2006, 18:17:35 UTC
As he moved closer to her again, Emilia reached her hands out for his and pulled him still closer, threading her fingers between his as she did so.

With very little space now remaining between them, she almost giggled as she told him playfully, "Oh Keary, you've got me all figured out. Secret Rune enthusiast right here. Absolutely."

She bit the corner of her lip to stop her near-giggles turning into proper ones, but she didn't take her eyes off him. No looks to the floor while she regained her composure, no nothing. She just looked up at him, head tilted ever so slightly to one side, and waited. Waited for what, she wasn't sure, but surely he was going to do something. All that shuffling and hands on shoulders business couldn't have been for nothing, after all.


family_mcfinn May 9 2006, 19:52:43 UTC
Now this was the Emilia he preferred. There were times when she just seemed far too high maintainence, too high strung and far too emotional. But then there was this part of her that was positively attractive to him.. not that she was attractive all the time or what have you, but.. regardless. He wasn't really sure what he was thinking, but she was close to giggling, and rather close to him, and.. what was that smell? She smelled divine.

His smile widened. "I always knew you were hiding something from me," he replied quietly, joking in return. "Had to drop the class because the passion for the subject overwelmed you, then?"

Speaking of overwelmed something or another, he paused, gaze taking her in. The afformentioned thoughts of moonlit hair and glossy eyes, whatever it was he had been thinking when he walked in, well... more evident now than ever. He brought a hand up, dragging her's up along with it, of course, and gently grazed a fingertip across her cheek. "...same reason I dropped Muggle Studies, honest to the saints above."


emiliahawthorn May 9 2006, 23:40:59 UTC
((I woulda been quicker replying but for all the cringing I had to do first.))

As Keary ran his fingertip over her cheek, Emilia's cheeks flushed slightly just as they had when she'd seen Lucius Malfoy. She dropped her gaze from his for a moment and when she looked back up, her cheeks were still slightly pinker than usual and she was smiling.

She could quite happily have stayed like that forever. Or at least for a while longer - the room was still awfully dusty and she could think of better places to while away the rest of the days. But nonetheless, she was loath to speak for fear it might ruin the moment. Still, he might think her rude if she stayed silent, or worse, he might think she was one of those crazy girls who choked up at any physical contact.

"Exactly," she said with mock seriousness, drawing on his palm with her thumb as she spoke. "If I'd kept up with it then I'd spend all my days dreaming about runes and fail all my other classes."

As soon as she'd said it she wondered if Keary did that, and, upon deciding he probably did, got the giggles all over again.


family_mcfinn May 10 2006, 02:02:36 UTC
((It's hilarious that we're both "OMG, THIS IS BIZARRE" and yet, we do it regardless. Gluttons for pain, we are.))

It was like some horridly cheesy romance novel, only worse, and it seemed as if the two of them were feeding off of it. Keary thought to pinch himself to make sure that this, in fact, was really happening. It was one of those moments he had thought about, though, and there it was, actually happening.

He was in heaven.

The fact that she was staying quiet did, in fact, worry him a bit. He was the overly cautious sort that worried constantly that things he did and the reactions they would cause. And despite her facial expression saying otherwise, he was actually worried that she was only standing there out of lack of anywhere else to go. Or what have you.

But then she spoke, and his nerves were calmed. He had been so wrapped up in this moment that it actually took him a second to realise that she was joking again. He smiled, then smiled more as she laughed, then watched her giggling and thought it was the most incredibly adorable thing he had ever seen and as she laughed, he silenced her with a kiss and oh, imagine that. Lips were lightly pressed against her's and he hadn't a clue how they got there.


emiliahawthorn May 10 2006, 02:42:15 UTC
((So glad you didn't use the ZY icon for that one! Especially as he's threatening Susan with a big bit of wood right now. P.S. Still cringing. P.P.S Doesn't "knitted into his" sound like a bone deformation?))

Emilia smiled again as he kissed her, leaning in to meet him and slipping her hands, still knitted into his, around his back to pull him closer.

She wasn't entirely sure how it had happened, really, that Keary had gone from being nothing more than a potential purist who needed a little convincing to being her partner of choice for armoury hijinks. Still, he was marvellous, wasn't he?* Well mannered and traditional and all the things that really mattered.

Somewhat overwhelmed WITH JOY, she pulled away and smiled at him.

"I should have known Rune talk had that affect on you."



family_mcfinn May 10 2006, 03:08:44 UTC
((HAHAHA, is that the one where she throws ice cream at him? And yes, it does sound like deformation))

As she pulled back, he looked away, clearing his throat. Awkward moment (for him, at least), and then she cracked a joke. Bless her soul. His mouth opened slightly with a smile, and he glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

"Ah, well. We all have our.. vices."

Really, he was terrible at jokes. He didn't have a clue why he tried sometimes. Apparently they charmed her, though, so he couldn't exactly stop.


emiliahawthorn May 12 2006, 03:14:24 UTC
((OMG I finally got to sleep only to be ATTACKED by nightmare!Emilia and I'm certain it was because I made her sneeze. So, redoing out of fearrrrr!))

For a moment, Emilia just looked at Keary and smiled contently. Had she been a cat, she would have purred, but deprived of that option she just tilted her head from side to side and grinned like a clabbert. A particularly coy clabbert, but a clabbert nonetheless.

Oh, she really did think he was marvellous! Still, it wouldn't do to vocalise such things - at least not until he'd said something first. Her mother always said that could only lead to undervaluation, and her mother hadn't been wrong yet. So she took a slightly different tack.

"Well," she said smoothly, raising her eyebrow slightly as she did so, "at least I know what to do to ensure a repeat performance. I do worry about how you get through class, though, if each time you hear them you're prompted to kiss people. The poor Professor!"

She paused, and half smirked half smiled before adding, "or not so poor, depending on how you look at it."


family_mcfinn May 12 2006, 03:29:32 UTC
((HAHAHAHAHA!! Emilia even manipulates YOU, that's kind of scary~))

It took a moment, but Keary laughed. And boy did he laugh. She had supplied him with the most terrible mental image of snogging Gil, and made him wonder why, if what she said was true, that all of the lovely birds in his Runes class hadn't gotten the very thing he had just savoured with her.

Well. If ever he was up for mischief, which he never really was, he at least would have an excuse should he go mad and snog the lot of them, which wouldn't ever happen. But regardless.

"No, I believe it was the..," pausing, he motioned around them, "...dust and armour combined with runes. And then your excuse would be..?"


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