
May 08, 2006 22:59

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans' / Sunday, October 9th / 10 p.m.
Location: Slytherin Common Room
Open To: Audrey
Currently Involving: Preston

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audreyrochester May 10 2006, 23:10:47 UTC
((THEY REALLY ARE!! *bounces*))

"Well perhaps with me, you should wait for invitations!" Audrey was completely flustered, her normal eloquence slipping from her as she brushed the stray curls from her eyes.


She absolutely abhorred this feeling... a mixture of disgust and hatred, with a little bit of sheer want on the side. She was finding it harder and harder to deny; she did want Preston. GASP!

But Audrey had to keep said feelings in check. Even if they felt the same way about each other(which, she knew he didn't feel the same way), she was doomed. Her parents would be arranging her marriage soon. Why bother with Preston, in that case? It would only end up hurting her more.

"I'm not like the other girls..." Her voice finally lowered, her breathing once again labored as her true feelings for him finally began to sink in, "I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't treat me as such."

Push it away, don't think about it. You're tired - your mind is playing tricks on you. He doesn't mean anything to you. He's just a silly boy. Yes, ( ... )


preston_victore May 11 2006, 02:36:43 UTC
Preston lounged in the chair, one leg tossed up lazily over the arm. He was watching her, listening to her, utterly and completely amused by her. Miss Calm and Composed had just lost a bit of that cool and he had caused it. Glory!

He brought a hand up to inspect his neatly trimmed nails, appearing quite bored despite the entertainment he found in the situation, until her words caused his eyes to flicker up to her.

She sounded more calm, and what she said certainly caught his attention.

"Audrey," he cooed softly, brow furrowing in immense concern. "Of course you aren't like other girls. I merely thought that if I didn't bestow you with the same shenanigans you might think I thought less of you! I wouldn't want that, now would I ( ... )


audreyrochester May 11 2006, 03:27:58 UTC
How could he... how dare he... did he really have the gall to lounge back in the chair and treat this ordeal as if it weren't a big deal? Oooh, she wanted to wipe that smug look off his face ( ... )


preston_victore May 11 2006, 03:42:07 UTC
Oh, she was getting angry. He could see it written all over the pretty little scrunched up face. He was anticipating the explosion, that much was for sure.

However, he was horribly shocked as her palm smacked soundly across his cheek. His head snapped to the side, his expression one of complete surprise.

Audrey.. just.. slapped him. He repeated this in his head, still trying to get his mind around the whole ordeal. She slapped him. She slapped him.

Oddly enough, he should have been incredibly angry. He should have ... he didn't know, do something manly like yell and .. what, stomp away? That was ridiculous. However, he was strangely impressed. He had told her she was worth it, and she'd just proven it.

She wasn't like any other girl.

Oh, and... dammit, she was yelling at him in Italian. Why had he not let his grandfather give him those lessons?? WHY? He stood, finger pointed more toward the ceiling than at her.

"I!... don't know what you just said," he confessed, albeit angrily, "but... Oh bollocks ( ... )


audreyrochester May 11 2006, 04:30:44 UTC
((so I lied. XD))

"Buon! Sono felice voi non posso capirlo," She continued speaking in the other language, her lips curving up into an evil smile as she backed up a step or two, "Ciò significa che potrei dire tutta la cosa maledetta desidero circa voi e non saprete mai!"

At this, she laughed almost sinisterly, knowing she had something he didn't. Audrey was aware that he had Italian in his blood as well, although she was surprised he didn't speak Italian. That was odd.

"How positively devastating, Preston," She finally switched back to their native tongue, pouting mockingly at him, "Do I need to buy you an English-Italian dictionary for you to translate? That way you could look up the words and try to follow along ( ... )


preston_victore May 11 2006, 05:11:54 UTC
Aggggh, dammit! He hated the fact that he couldn't understand her. He'd at least like to know what an arse he was being! He halfway thought of breaking the entire argument they seemed to be having and asking her to teach him a few basics, before he shook himself out of it and thought, 'What the hell?'

"No!" he replied angrily, glaring at her. "You don't need to buy me a bleeding dictionary, you need to.. talk bloody English!" He flailed a bit, then breathed deeply through his nose, trying to remain calm. He didn't like the fact that his own heritage was betraying him.

He crossed his arms, seething as he stood there. "If you don't care so bloody much, then why haven't you stomped off and deemed me unworthy of your attention, huh? Why're you still here?" He glared, but part of him shouted in triumph.

Because he had a point.

She was yelling at him and obviously angry, and now that he was thinking about it? HE HAD NO CLUE WHY! He'd stopped flirting with her. And she'd snapped.



audreyrochester May 11 2006, 05:32:26 UTC
"I--" She opened her mouth to speak, quickly closing it as his words sunk in, her brow furrowing.

He was right. Why was she still here? Why hadn't she stormed out of the room the second after slapping him? To torment? That was part of it. The other part she refused to even allow herself to think ( ... )


preston_victore May 11 2006, 05:39:07 UTC
Ah ha!! Oh, the amusement was back full force as she realized that she was still there, and he had pointed it out. She looked to be lost in thought for a second, which he relished, before she tossed her arms up and demanded that she wasn't wanted.

As she hurled herself toward the stairs, Preston called out almost without meaning to.

"Audrey, wait."

He stopped, his hand outstretched in a 'halt' motion. What the? He looked around almost frantically for some ridiculous excuse. Like, 'You left you--

Well I'll be damned.

As if by sheer luck, her quill was lying on the floor just at her feet, possibly having just slipped out of the journal in her angry tirade. He continued moving closer, almost carefully, as if afraid she'd slap him again. Keeping his eyes on her, he picked up the feather and held it out -- fighting every single urge to not slip it along her neck ( ... )


audreyrochester May 11 2006, 05:57:38 UTC
As if she were in a dream, he called out to her, begging her to wait for him.

... Ok, so he wasn't begging, but he had still told her to wait, and against her better judgment, she did. Audrey halted mid stride, turning around ever so slowly to come face to face with him once more. What was he up to now?

Audrey watched as he stalked toward her, her heart beating erratically inside her chest. God, why couldn't she breath!! It must have been the stuffy air of the dungeons, for she had been having breathing problems all night long! Yes, that was the reason, she was sure of it.

She continued to watch him, her eyes searching his to find some hidden meaning behind their charade. And then he was... handing her a quill?

Wow. Talk about romantic! Except it totally wasn't, and she was thoroughly sickened that she had actually expected something else! Anything else!

Foolish, foolish girl! The brunette cursed herself mentally, grabbing the feather from his hand with a small 'thank you ( ... )


preston_victore May 11 2006, 18:08:24 UTC
While Preston hadn't turned to see her staring, he did still have ears. And his ears clued him in to the fact that she had hesitated before darting up those stairs and shutting her door.

He had fully intended to slump back into the chair with an amused smile on his lips, but his body took on a mind of its own. He sank down slowly, leaning forward with elbows attached to his knees and hand cupping his chin.

Preston had always actively pursued Audrey. He'd always known it was unusual for him, and had always told himself that it was because she was indeed special. But he'd never actually questioned any of that before.

He'd never wondered why it even mattered, especially when she rebuffed his every advance.

And he'd never -- not once -- felt this defeated.

He leaned back, arms folded over his chest, and closed his eyes. Screw bed, in the nice cozy dormitory. Iago was probably mid-snore anyway. After a few minutes of forcing himself to relax, Preston drifted to sleep.



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