
May 08, 2006 22:55

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans'/ Monday, October 10th / 8 PM
Location: Grounds
Open To: Rylie
Currently Involving: Keary, Rylie

*brood brood* )

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rylielogan May 9 2006, 04:03:10 UTC
"Fehu and Naudiz? Sounds serious," Rylie said peeking her head around the trunk of the tree.

She hadn't meant to hear his comment, but she'd been reading on the other side, trying to escape the noise of the castle and the packed common room in Ravenclaw Tower. She'd thought for sure that someone would see the light shining from the tip of her wand, but apparently Keary had missed it in his... angst? She wasn't quite sure, but she was a great listener. Not that she thought Keary was much of a talker.

"I don't mean to bother you or anything, but... well, I've got plenty of warm words stored in this mind of mine somewhere. I'm sure they'd be willing to dance your way if you need them," she added with a small smile, not sure of how to approach him.

Though they were in the same year and the same house, she'd never really interacted with him much. A shame, really, as he was now Head Boy. He was bound to inspire a fictional character or two!


family_mcfinn May 9 2006, 04:09:13 UTC
While Keary prided himself on being quite the serious, never-faultering sort, the second the voice chirped up from behind the tree, he jumped a good metre or ten.

Surely drawing out runes on tree trunks didn't make them come to life.


However, his look back to the tree showed that he did, in fact, highly suspect the tree of communication, and he was considering taking off running at full-speed when he noticed his housemate standing behind it.

"...oh," he said quickly, then shoved hands in his pockets as he promptly attempted to regain his cool. "Runes," he explained quickly as he sort of.. fidgeted. "..sorry. Habitual. Regardless, I thank you, but I'm fine, actually. Disgusted with the frenzy about Malfoy if anything."


rylielogan May 9 2006, 04:23:22 UTC
Rylie couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the look on his face. It was obvious that she had frightened him somewhat, and she resisted the urge to giggle at his discomfort. She took a deep breath and nodded slowly as he stuttered through his response ( ... )


family_mcfinn May 9 2006, 04:50:45 UTC
Oh, finally someone he could reason with! He had looked all his life for an intelligent person that didn't make him want to completely scowl, and there she was, hiding behind trees and the like.

"Agreed," he replied. Funny thing about Keary was that no matter what he was saying, he always sounded uninterested. So, despite being very, very pleased with the conversation, he just sort of sounded like he had something better to do. He made a mental note to work on that. "Politians are that way, I suppose. If they did what they said they'd do, they'd never get anywhere. Disgusting prats."

At her joke about the tree, he froze, then slowly looked to her, brow arched. Oh, that was funny, but Keary wasn't the type to.. laugh, really. But the corner of his lap curled and he did this odd sort of cough thing, that was pretty close to a chuckle-cortle-laugh thing.


rylielogan May 9 2006, 04:58:11 UTC
"What if the perfect person for the job came along? Everyone would get what they wanted and we'd all be bored to tears," Rylie said and ran her hand over the bark on the tree.

It seemed politics were an important conversation starter. If no one had anything to argue about, they'd certainly wither away and die. It could have been an exaggeration, but it was still how Rylie felt at the time. She closed the book she had in her hands and leaned against the side of the tree lazily.

Had he laughed? Well, it was something like a laugh. That was worth something.

"How do you like being Head Boy? It seems to have kept you busy enough. I haven't seen much of you these days, not even in the common room," Rylie continued to make conversation and ignored the shiver that had just run down her spine.

Not the best idea to be out at dark in October, apparently.


family_mcfinn May 9 2006, 05:13:14 UTC
He could do this joking thing, he just knew. So, he did. "...aye, then I should ne'er run m'self? Can't have th' perfect person doin' the job if it'll just cause a troll's handful of problems."

And for some reason he couldn't quite understand, his words seemed to sort of.. blur. Merlin, he sounded like his Da. Clearing his throat, however, he put more of his concentration on the lack of lilt and slang that he tried to battle away, and less on actually being clever.

Arms folded over his chest as he watched her. Being of the quiet sort, he was an observer. Honestly, he never really knew what to think of people when talking to them, so he watched them, gauging reactions to know if the conversation was as much worth their time as it was his.

"Sometimes being busy is the best thing you can be," he replied carefully. "Miss sitting about the common room, I suppose, but at the same time.. I like my post well enough. And you? I haven't been seeing you anymore than you've seen me, so it's safe to gander you've been busy as well?"


rylielogan May 9 2006, 05:31:14 UTC
((Ha! Rylie isn't quiet, but her main hobby is just observing people. Let's hope this doesn't lead to a staring contest! lol ))

Ah, so he did have a sense of humor! She seemed to be discovering that a lot in people lately, and it was a comforting sort of thought. People still had the ability to smile and laugh, and that seemed more important than a lot of things.

"Now don't start that! You'll pull out my Scottish accent, and then we'll hardly be able to understand each other! Ah'm not aboot to let you do tha'," she said, giggling as she realised it was starting to be too late.

Agh. Perfectly okay, she'd make up for it the next time she spoke. She watched him carefully, but he appeared to be watching her in return. How did one observe another observer? It didn't seem to work! For some reason, that made her a slight bit nervous.

"Me? Well, I've been spending a lot of time reading, chatting with Tobias and Sebastian. Actually, if you can believe this, I had a chat with Wesley Broderick the other day and he didn't hex me once. It was ( ... )


family_mcfinn May 9 2006, 06:16:06 UTC
As she started speaking in yes, that accent that was incredibly difficult to understand, he actually smiled. "Aye, stop that malarky, would'ja?" he replied. Bleedin he-- he was doing it again. Joking. Keary didn't want to joke any longer, as it was absolutely crumbling his serious, calm visage. His brow lifted slightly, though..

Seems they were observing one another observing the other? Keary cleared his throat once again and made himself look away. While it made her nervous, it made him.. well.. somewhat nervous as well. If she was observing him, she'd notice those smiles he was trying in vain to hide. Not good for business and all.

At the mentioning of Wesley and, well, the absolute truth, he squinted up at the sky. "...yes, well," he started, but immediately stopped. Technically, she was muggleborn or what have you, and it was interesting to hear that Wes had actually held back. Wes didn't hold back. It was odd. "He's a bit of a prat at things along those lines, isn't he? He's not one for conversations with--" ( ... )


rylielogan May 10 2006, 00:05:10 UTC
"Did you just say malarky!? Merlin!" Rylie said, holding her sides as she laughed.

She didn't think Keary was a funny bloke. He didn't really seem to make jokes often, but apparently even he couldn't deny the silly side of himself. That was a good thing. She enjoyed being serious and even alone as much as any other person, but a life without laughter? That sounded horrid. Couldn't be healthy for the soul ( ... )


family_mcfinn May 10 2006, 01:40:07 UTC
"Oh, bleedin--"

He actually scowled as he looked away, now fighting the smile full-force. This was terrible for his 'street cred' or.. whatever it was they called it nowadays. He was serious. He was intelligent. He was the bloody Head Boy, and he was not the sort to involve himself in 'fun' or 'golly good times'. Suddenly, he was somewhat worried that Rylie would spread the word that he was actually good natured, thereby ruining everything for him.

Thankfully, she moved on to Wes and.. her background. He thought to sympathise with her for a moment since Wes really was a terrible enemy to have, but ah.. that whole 'Future Death Eater' bit made him suddenly realise that this conversation really shouldn't even have happened.

What was he going to do, fill her head with hopes and dreams and aspirations that not everyone was like Wesle--

...brilliantAll good future-bad-guys needed a cover ( ... )


rylielogan May 10 2006, 01:59:00 UTC
Er, riiiiiiiight. Keary was definitely not telling her something. Though, she couldn't exactly be upset at that sort of thing, as the two of them were hardly even friends. But it seemed so strange that one moment he was speaking with her and laughing, and the next he became uncomfortable and could hardly make it through his statements.

By the way he had changed his demeanor, she could sense that either he had some sort of trouble, or knew something she didn't. That was going to bother her.

"Oh I have no doubt that he's good somewhere deep down, but he must be weak. He's so easily conformed to that certain pureblood view of the wizarding world because that's what he's grown up around. He puts on a strong face, but underneath the surface? Well, if he were really strong I think he'd be able to realise the lives that are lost for such a ridiculous perception," Rylie continued ( ... )


family_mcfinn May 10 2006, 02:14:35 UTC
Something made him think that somehow, Rylie had managed to read into him and search deeeeeep down into his heart to see that the person she was describing was actually him.

Funny how that happened.

"Oh, I'm.. quite sure that Wes is as he appears to be," he replied quietly, brow furrowing as he looked away. "But perhaps you're correct. Perhaps.. many people have joined sides due to maliability. But I wouldn't know."

Oh, yes. Wouldn't know. Grand liar there, Keary. They were in desperate need of a subject change.

"Speaking of.. people, er, what do you think of that Lucius Malfoy bloke?" As he spoke, he leaned back a little bit, curling his finger against his lip as a brow raised. Yes, the inquisitive look.


rylielogan May 10 2006, 02:23:24 UTC
Rylie felt her heart sink into her toes. Had she discovered something she didn't want to know? She had been talking about Wes, but apparently he wasn't who Keary was fitting to that description. She wouldn't have suspected anything were it not for the fact that the conversation had gone back to where it started.

She took a few step backwards, worried she'd gotten herself into a dangerous position, and clicked her tongue as she'd gotten into the habit of doing.

He might have been right about Wes, but he didn't... he wasn't saying he was one of those people choosing sides because of weakness? Why was he so quick to talk about Malfoy when they had already discussed him and agreed upon the nonsense surrounding the school ( ... )


family_mcfinn May 10 2006, 02:28:51 UTC
Oh, Keary was observing her and her reaction and this was not good. This was quite horrible, actually, and the way she stepped away from him showed it.

Inside, a new worry hit him. What if she somehow knew? What if she figured it out, and told someone, and somehow him being busted got the entire group in trouble, and they did something in revenge to his family?

He had to cover. The secret was one that was not to be discovered.

As the unease set in, backstepping and all, he quickly held his hands up in front of her, as to stop her. "No," he said quickly, brow furrowing. "Please. I didn't mean anyone I know. That was a broad speculation."


rylielogan May 10 2006, 02:37:58 UTC
No, this wasn't right. She hated to feel this way, but she just couldn't trust him. The Head Boy was possibly on the side that... well the side that was definitely not interested in keeping her alive. How could he possibly know he was weak and give in anyway? How could he even dare to speak with her when he knew she could end up dead?

She couldn't let him think she was on to him, could she? If he went and told anyone that was connected to the Death Eaters or something, she could soon be in the middle of what she'd always tried to avoid. She might be fighting for her life come graduation.

"I... of course not! I didn't mean to give you the impression I was backing away from you. I was standing on an upturned root is all. Extremely uncomfortable," Rylie lied and plastered a fake smile on her face.

This was bad, and yet she'd have to keep it to herself. What had she gotten herself into?


family_mcfinn May 10 2006, 02:46:54 UTC
Oh, this wasn't good. Keary was paranoid and was absolutely not buying this whole upturned root thing, and in fact, he glanced down at her feet.

No upturned root.

This was not good.

Despite his head staying down, his eyes rose back to her. "..right then," he replied quietly. Oh, blast it all to bloody hell, this was going to be a problem. He needed to get in touch with Wes fast and, well, asking him what needed to be done. Her suspecting him and Wesley both was far from good. Surely Wes would know what to do.

"I've actually got to get going. I've got this.. thing with my sister, actually. Promised to help her study for Runes. Darling little thing." Oh, the lies that came from his lips. "Sorry to have kept you."


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