
May 07, 2006 13:47

Week Name/Date/Time: Promises and Plans/Monday, October 10th, 2005/9:55am
Open To: Any! (Enemies maybe? :D)
Currently Involving: Grady Bucher and Tyra Jaregski

Muggle Football )

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grady_bucher May 7 2006, 22:49:26 UTC
((Umm...Yeah. Those are ropes not robes. Just so you know. And uber cute? ^^ Squee!))

Grady snapped up, looking rather shocked. Oh, what vigilance! he barated himself, thinking of what a horrible auror he would make. Once he regained his composure, Grady finally looked around to see who had interrupted his failed attempts to sleep. He might have looked a little grumpy, but it was mostly at himself for letting himself be startled.

He took a minute to sort through the names in his head, but he finally yanked the proper one out and finally smiled. He didn't bother to use it right away, however. "What am I doing? What does it look like?" Grady held up his football, turning it around so she could see all of the different black and white patches. "Quidditch without a broom? Hardly. It's football!" He wasn't sure what sort of family she came from, but he was almost certain it wasn't muggle. Muggleborns should've known that, right? He sighed, and patted the grass. "Are you busy? Have a seat, Tyra."

A horrible sudden thought struck him. I bet I bloody well stink! He didn't smell horrible, and unless Tyra's nose was suddenly in his armpit, she probably wouldn't notice. However, Grady was viciously concerned with his hygiene and being around anyone (especially a girl) made him very self conscious.


tyra_jaregski May 7 2006, 23:35:47 UTC
((Yes, you read correctly uber cute. And depending on if it's like 'OMG, I want that shit' sweat, or just 'Get away from me, you look like a wet dog' sweat, she'd probably think he was even more cute!))

"I don't know. Probably some crazy muggle game. How quickly you forget I was raised around magic!" There that odd ball was again. It was so ugly too. Two seconds later Ty took out her wand and transformed the atrocious 'football' into a Quaffle. "Ah! Much better." Ty said with great gusto, sitting down next to him with pleasure. "Actually, I am busy and I'm supposed to be in a study hall. Ah well! Professor Bowens shouldn't miss me too much, I've been to every study hall this year, I think I can manage to not go to one. So, what is this game of football you talk about? Muggle thing, eh?"

Ty grabbed the football, well Quaffle now and started to juggle it back and forth while occasionally doing tricks with it.


grady_bucher May 7 2006, 23:53:31 UTC
((It's not bad at all. He's just overly conscious about it. ^^ Another point goes to his Gryffindor Heart Throb tally!))

Grady's face scrunched up in frustration. He only had one of those at Hogwarts, and she just went and transfigured it. Not that he couldn't change it back, but his wand was up in the tower. Not only was he easily startled, but he left his wand around in odd places; oh the perfect auror he would make. Plus, what a hassle. "Much better? Now it won't properly roll!" Grady shook his head, rolled his eyes, and sighed. "It's not some crazy muggle game, either." He was having a bit of trouble defending anything that was muggle, considering he had only thrown himself into the sports part of muggle culture.

"Study hall, smuchdy hall. I'm skipping mine. I reckon that Sprout will appreciate my absence. She says I scare her plants." He shrugged, thinking of the last time he had actually been in the green houses. He couldn't recall the very last time he had been in that class, but it had been ages. Thank goodness!

"Er..Yeah. It's a muggle thing, I guess." If Grady was the type of guy to blush, he would've then. Who was he to go on about muggle things when he barely knew anything about them? He was as much muggle as he was a girl. "You kick the ball around the field and try to get it in the net...," Grady supposed it was time for quidditch analogies, "much like chasers try to get it through the hoops. And there are also goalies, who are like keepers, who try to keep the ball of the net. There are more rules, but that's the basics."


tyra_jaregski May 8 2006, 01:15:08 UTC
((Haha, sure))

Right as Grady's face scrunched with what seemed to Tyra anger, she transformed it back. "Here you go, don't get your knickers all up in a bunch now!" Ty sighed and replied, "Well, look at what you're making it out to be. You look like a crazy ol' fool who likes to tackle imaginary things, to someone who's never seen or heard of the game!"

"Oh yes? Well, how do expect to become what ever it is that you fancy, if you can't even attend a simple study hall? Eh?" Ty couldn't believe her ears: 'Study hall, schmudy hall'; preposterous! Even though now she was contradicting herself because she didn't even go to hers today. "Scare her plants? That woman's been in her greenhouse too long. I believe she's inhaled too many of the gases given off by those plants and it's finally got to her!" Ha, even Ty made herself chuckle at that one.

"Muggle thing, hm? Well, I guess I really should have taken the Muggle Studies class then! I seem to know next to nothing about them or their cultures and weird sports." 'Tis true! Ty grew up with it just her, her mother, and her father, and since her mother's family was back in England Ty never got a chance to see them so she was brought up with magic instead of having the so called 'normal childhood' in the muggle-world.

"I see, well it sounds more like Quidditch on the ground how you're making it out to be!" Which wouldn't actually be too bad, but Tyra was used to brooms that it would just be too awkward. "Well, maybe sometime I could give it a try, but I'd probably have no idea what I'm doing and I'd look like a lunatic holding a 'football'!"


grady_bucher May 8 2006, 02:37:39 UTC
"Knickers?!" Grady protested loudly. He pulled the shorts off his leg as if to show her them. "These are hardly knickers!" He knew it wasn't anger welling up inside him, so it must've been frustration. This must be what I do to Charlie, he realized with a start and smiled. "Tackle? I was kiiicking," Grady emphasized the word, as if that would somehow make it more understandable, "the poor thing around. And I'm not a crazy old fool. Maybe a crazy fool, but I've barely been an adult for seven months. Hardly old."

He wanted desperately to be an auror, but he highly doubted that a two hour session with some off-her-rocker lady flouncing around would affect the outcome of his life. In fact, he figured it might impact it for the better. "I went to one just this morning, I'll have you know, little missy." Grady shook his head, getting in a good laugh about the gases. This girl had a point. Sprout ought to come out once and a while; he couldn't even remember the last time he had seen her other than at the beginning of the year feast.

"I take muggle studies!" Grady said, beaming enthusiastically. He adored muggle studies; everything was so interesting. The professor didn't hurt either, what with being quite beautiful. "You should look into adding it on then! I've learned so much!" What, exactly, he couldn't say. Just many things.

"Except with more people as chasers because there are no need for beaters or chasers. And you can foul out really easily. Sometimes my hair is too long and floppy, and I got a yellow card for it. Had to get it out of my eyes the ref said." Grady spoke with a passion that he didn't usually, eyes slightly foggy as he dreamed about being on the field. When she mentioned playing, he snapped out of it. "Well, there isn't much to worry about. You wouldn't be holidng anything, you'd be kicking it around. I could teach you! Yes!" Oh what fun that would be! Finally having someone else at Hogwarts to play with. He had to go so many months playing by himself for just a few months to play with a team.


tyra_jaregski May 9 2006, 22:48:23 UTC
((Sorry this took forever. Had it typed last night, then my computer crashed and wouldn't start!))

"Yes, knickers!" As Grady showed her Ty thought 'Dear Merlin, help me! I think I'm going to have a delici-gasm!' "Well, what would you like me to call them? Boxers? Or better yet, 'panties! And nice pattern...very 'masculine'!" Point to Ty; that was a good one. "Tackling. Kicking. Same difference!" While he was busy making it sound as if Ty couldn't hear, or better yet was mentally challenged, she looked at her pocket watch. 10:25, was all it said. Guess I'm skipping all of study hall today! Ah well, one wouldn't hurt and it's not like it really counted for anything either! "Ok well how's this: you crazy 'young' fool? See, it just doesn't fit well, not to mention it's just the saying, and there's no way to change it! So get over it!" Ah, telling it like it was: Ty's specialty.

"Well, that's always nice." Tyra was getting to be a very sarcastic around Grady, and was loving every minute of it. Grady on the other hand didn't look like he was enjoying all the sarcastic humor all too much. "Little missy? You talk to me like I'm a wee firstie!" Ty put her hand on her chest and shook her head while closing her eyes in disapproval as to be saying that she took offense to being referred to like a first year, jokingly.

"Uh...no thanks. I don't really think that it's going to help me in the long hall. Plus, my schedule is cluttered enough with classes." 'Twas true; Ty definately had the time and will to take on another class but Muggle Studies, she figured, was probably like History of Magic, and that was probably the last thing she wanted to be taking doubles of.

"Ok, well quit it with the Quidditch analogies. It's just confusing the bloody dung out of me!" Nah! He threw a yellow card because he wanted his beautiful blonde locks...and just because they look shmexy! Ty was on a roll today, and couldn't help but let a giggle out. Grady was probably thinking she was a bloody nut-case by now, but she was having fun and there's no stopping her now : ).

"Alright, I guess giving it a try wouldn't hurt." Tyra rose to her feet and started pulling at Grady's hands to try and lift him up off the ground, but it was useless. He was probably double her size and it just wasn't going to happen. "Come on, get up! We'll start now!" Ty threw her cloak to the ground and transformed her clothes into a tee-shirt, sneakers, and shorts. She quickly realized that it was absolutely freezing and grabbed her cloak back; atleast until they started playing this muggle game.


grady_bucher May 10 2006, 01:31:20 UTC
((No problem. I've so many threads that it will take forever for me to reply too!))

"Panties?!" He roared, waving his arms in the air, astounded. "They're black and white! What sort of pattern is that?!" He cooled a bit, shaking his head. "They're shorts, darling, shorts." It appeared he had met his match. "Panties...," he mumured under his breath. The thing with Grady, however, was that he he never got irritated. He could get frustrated or angry, but he just did not possess the ability to feel annoyed. And as quickly as he went from frustrated back to happy, it was almost as if he did not have the emotion anger either. "And for the record, I am quite masculine," he said with passion, mostly for his own benefit. Little did he know Tyra had noticed he was quite "manly". He self consciously gave his arm a light squeeze, nodding when to himself when he couldn't squish the muscle.

"I talk to you like you're a lady," he corrected. Come to think of it, he didn't know many first years; they seemed daunted by his age. Oh well. "Unless you'd rather me call you something else? How about Rocker? Since you're so surely off yours." He was of course joking - he enjoyed the company of girls like this. However, he had founds people of this sort didn't appreciate being stuck to. It was a shame really, because that was how Grady was.

"Bah. There is always room for muggle studies." He didn't dwell much on the subject because there were more pressing matters to attend to. Like the fact that Tyra was filled with dung. "The bloody dung out of you? You might want to get that checked out you know..." He couldn't think of anything else to say, because everything that popped into his mind was rather inappropriate. Before he knew it, however, she was trying to heave him from the ground.

Upon her failure, he rose, and smiled. "Right now then?! Well alright!" He was rather surprised that she had wanted to learn right then, but he didn't have a problem with it. "You didn't learn about this in primary school or anything?" He dropped the ball at his feet, turned his back to Tyra and began to jog away from her. When he stopped he was no more than 25 feet away from her and he grinned. "We'll try kicking first," he called merrily, lightly kicking the ball in her direction.


tyra_jaregski May 10 2006, 02:38:27 UTC
Teasing Grady sure was fun. It was the most fun Tyra had had since rocking out on her air piano with Zoe and Letty last week. "Well, you could consider a pattern anything really." Tyra was basically rolling around on the ground now filled with laughter. Tyra caught hold of herself as Grady seemed to be pretty serious. "Cool yourself, Sparky." Yet again, she was down for the could filled with only more laughter, but controlling herself a bit more so that she didn't fall over this time. Ty watched as he showed off yet another shmexy part of his 'Scrum-diddly-umptious' body.

"Still, I'm not little! Take a look my size lately? I'm not 4' 11" anymore." There Ty went again, making a mountain out of an ant-hill. "Just nothing calling me little. Psh. Off my rocker?" Well, lately it was true, Ty had fallen and couldn't get back on. Oh well, couldn't defend herself on this one. "Ok, well you got me! I surrender. Lately I've fallen off, but I'm climbing back up as fast as I can!"

"Not in my schedule. I like my life! Plus, I have Arithmancy and that's no peice of cake with frosting on top, it's more like spikes on top! I still enjoy it though. It's one of the only tastes I've ever really gotten of the muggle schooling: math." This was also true. Arithmancy was a harder subject to be taking, but it was definately worth it seemings as though all her other classes were a peice of cake and took her 2 minutes to do the work. With Arithmancy though, it gave her a challenge to look forward to, and something more to take up the too much time she had on her hands.

"Ah yes. I was going to be looking into that this week!," Ty said in a matter-of-factly way with an overdose of laughter. This was probably one of the only times they made each other laugh at the same time without annoying each other. It was actually pretty nice : ).

"Yes now! I want to learn this game. Sounds interesting and I'm a quick learner. I should catch on in no time!" This was so exciting for Ty! A real stab at something muggle-ish. "I never went to primary school. I was something of a 'secret child'." Rolling her eyes, she watched as Grady jogged away from her and then stopped.

Oh, no. I'm horrible at kicking! I nearly knocked father out when I tried to drop-kick a different type of ball! Ty slowly and hesistantly grabbed the ball, and attempted to drop kick it. Amazingly she hit the ball and it went soaring through the air. As the ball kept going she kept watching as it landed way beyond Grady. Uh-oh, Ty thought as she watched the ball finally stop bouncing and rolling about on the ground. "I'll get it," Ty called out, grabbing her wand so that Grady could save his energy. She casted a simple 'Accio' and the ball came right back to her.


grady_bucher May 11 2006, 01:57:29 UTC
At the sight of her laughing, Grady scrunched up his face. He did not want to smile! He wanted scowl and scold her for being so... well something to a seventh year. He wanted to remind her that he could've hexed her if he liked to! But of course he didn't want to hex her, nor could he hide the smile on his face. "I suppose it's not a pattern like what ever you've got on...Unless you haven't got any on..." Grady raised an eyebrow suspiciously. He had found that many guys thought no panties was a turn on; Grady just thought they needed to put some underpants on. Gross. "It's alright. I was never on my rocker to begin with." He smiled again. "What're you now, 5' 1" then?" He was obviously just joking. Tyra was very tall for her age and nearly matched his height, save for three inches.

Grady never much cared for math, nor did he ever like the idea of Arithmancy. So as much as he tried to listen to Tyra talk about it, he simply could not pay attention. No, instead his vision drifted off to a rather pretty Ravenclaw that was making her way across the grounds. When he finally grabbed a hold of his attention and yanked it back, he smiled at Tyra. She was going on about how she would catch on quickly and he smiled. It was more difficult than she seemed to think, he assumed.

Watching her drop kick it Grady laughed. He very nearly toppled over in a fit of laughter. When the ball zoomed back to her, he straightened up and coughed, trying to excuse his chuckles. "Not like that darling. Not like that. Just put it on the ground and give it a good kick from there, yeah?"


tyra_jaregski May 12 2006, 01:13:33 UTC
Oh my goodness, did he just say what she thought he said? Better play it up while I can. Tyra threw a sheepish grin on her face, and said, "Well...you know. " Rolling her eyes, and looking away while raising her eye brows, Ty smiled, and started laughing immediately. "I'm just kidding!" Tyra let another giggle out, slapping her knee and said, "I'm pretty sure that we all were never on our rockers and if you are...well then you must be like Professor Sprout!" Today was like a laughing fest for Tyra and she felt like she was about to tip over again.

"Nah! I'm more around 5' 11'! Let's see, how tall are you again?" While Tyra was staring at Grady and babbling on about Arithmancy, she noticed he was oogling some 7th grade girl. With a huge sigh, Tyra just rolled her eyes and thought about why she couldn't be that girl. The one to be liked by all the guys and wanted by then, solely for her looks.

While Grady had his fit of laughter Tyra's face turned bright red in a fit embarrassment. Feeling about to cry, because of her mistake, Tyra thought in terms of payback. Maybe this time it'll hit his face. Determination to kick his face, or any part of him was her goal now. One swift kick and the ball went soaring through the air directly towards him. Since Grady, the poor boy, was still laughing Tyra didn't realize it would actually hit him. Watching the ball soar through the air, Tyra shouted "INCOMING!" over to Grady, but it was too late. It had already hit him square in the stomach!


grady_bucher May 12 2006, 22:30:06 UTC
Grady expressions became an elastic band. For a moment they were pulled back into horror (he really didn't want to know either way), and then a split second later they bounced into laughter. As she mentioned rockers and sprouts, Grady had to stifle his laughs very unsuccessfully. It would be no good to be rolling about, laughing his fool head off when girls at any moment could walk by. Not to mention there was one across from him who would notice.

"You're tall, yeah." Grady put his arm up, hand against his head gaug·ing where her head might hit on him. His mouth scrunched up uncomfortably as he realized the top of her head was about at his eye level. It made him feel small; Grady already felt insecure about his looks, feeling small didn't help. Trying his best to not frown, Grady responded, "Erm..6' 1."

Before Grady had a chance to get into his good mood, he noticed Tyra's red face. Oh! He hadn't meant to hurt her feelings! That had been one hell of a kick, just not the right kind. He hadn't really been laughing at her. Or at least, he hadn't meant it to seem so. However, before he had a chance to apologize - he only had time to open his mouth - the ball hit him. From his open mouth came a sort of grunt as the wind was knocked out of him. Grady grasp the ball before it had a chance to fall to the ground, and allowed himself to plop to the ground. When he finally got his breath back, Grady gasped, "Good kick!" He had deserved it, so it didn't matter.


tyra_jaregski May 13 2006, 04:35:36 UTC
Holy poo, it was a miracle that Tyra had even managed to kick the ball without missing, rather than hitting someone dead on with it! As Grady looked like he was about to keel over because of how hard Ty had managed to kick the ball, she rushed over to his side, all the way saying "Oh my god! Are you all right? Oh my god!"

Tyra indeed wanted 'revenge', but not at the extent of someone getting hurt! Oh my gosh! If anythings broken it's because of me! That's it, bring on the guilt. It was time for karma to take a turn on Ty once in a while and it was hitting her harder than ever.

While Tyra rushed over to Grady's side all she could see was him actually on the ground. "Oh my gosh! Are you alright? Do you need to be taken to the hospital wing? Oh my god, this is all my fault!" It was official: Ty was having a panic attack.


grady_bucher May 15 2006, 02:21:22 UTC
Grady frowned. She needn't be so concerned with him. He was tough! He was a manly adult, who just so happened to have the wind knocked out of him. He put the ball on the ground, letting it roll where ever it cared to, and took a few deep breaths. It wasn't as if he had never been hit in the stomach by one of his soccer buddies; Grady was used to this sort of thing.

Even when he seemed better she was still fussing. Grady felt that it would've been more appropriate for her to stay where she was and laugh at him, even if that meant him getting a little frustrated with her. He was hardly worth this much panic and flailing, not to mention he hadn't even been properly hurt.

Adjusting himself so that he was at the same level as Tyra and facing her, Grady grasp her by the shoulders. He nearly gave her a shake, but figured that might do more harm than good. "Hey. Hey. Ty, it's alright. Really. I'm fine." He nodded encouragingly before picking up the ball that had managed to stay right at his feet. Grady handed it to her, smiling. "Now go back over there and just kick it lightly across the ground, yeah?" He waved his arm in the vague direction that he wanted her to go, and gave her a winning smile.


tyra_jaregski May 15 2006, 20:48:47 UTC
"Ok. As long as you're not hurt. Is it so much to be concerned?" A little frustrated she grabbed the ball from Grady, walked back over to where she previously was and dropped the ball onto the ground.

"Ready to duck for cover again?, " Tyra said across to Grady as she was about to kick the ball. One light kick, like Grady had instructed her to do, and the ball barely made it to him. Rolling her eyes and throwing a smile on her face, Tyra called out, "See, now that I'm not kicking the football that hard it barely made it to you! I'm hopeless. What was that charm that you used to create that net like thing. I could try and keep you from scoring, since I'm the keeper for the team, and I'll probably be much better at that." Smiling Tyra walked back over to where her wand was, and waited for Grady to tell her, or for him to do it himself.


grady_bucher May 16 2006, 22:42:15 UTC
Grady wasn't sure what to say. He didn't think he was worth all the fuss, but that wasn't to say he didn't care for it. It was always helpful to have Hogwarts' birds swooning (no pun intended). At the very least, it was a good ego boost. He figured it was best if he didn't say anything. The question didn't really need an answer.

When the ball slowly rolled in a step or two in front of him, Grady stuck out a leg and pulled it back. Without thinking, he did a few tricks with his feet, almost not hearing what she had said. "That's what you'd rather do? Alright!"

With the wave of a wand, a make shift net appeared behind Tyra. He grinned. "And you can just throw it back to me when you catch it." Even though he wasn't looking at it, the top right corner seemed to be a good place to kick it. He reckoned she wasn't quite tall enough, and without a broom, she couldn't very well fly up and catch it. He jogged forward taking a split second to adjust his movement and finally kicked it, quite hard, into the upper right corner.


tyra_jaregski May 17 2006, 20:02:23 UTC
Great, on top of making herself look like a complete lunatic, she now was watching him do tricks with that silly little ball. Rolling her eyes, Tyra watched how it moved so beautifully in and out of his feet. It reminded her of how she could handle the quaffle with her hands, and how much fun that was in the air. "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't want to!"

Superb! I just hope I don't get hurt now! Focusing on how she would love to pound that ball into the ground, Tyra watched his footwork, and how he moved, like what she would do when watching the Chasers try and score. To this day, Tyra had only managed to have 3 balls go through the hoops, that includes during practices too. It was all Tyra did: practice, practice, practice. With no brothers or sisters, it was really easy and fun to practice.

Watching Grady kick the ball, Tyra could see exactly where it was aimed, and jumped right where it would go. It was almost like time had slown down and she was going in slow motion. She could hear the commentator now: Grady takes the kick! Tyra dives in front and blocks the goal perfectly! And the crowd goes wild! Whoo! Whoo! Go Tyra! Waking up from the little haze Tyra was in she finally crashed to the ground, ball on chest, with a burning sensation in her chest and almost unable to breathe.


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