Week 006: Promises and Plans

May 07, 2006 00:07

Week 006: Promises and Plans
Sunday, October 9th, 2005 - Saturday, October 15th, 2005

Promises, promises! Lucius Malfoy announces that his campaign is set to pick back up, but who believes him? Not many people, that's for sure! Dumbledore isn't even positive he believes him, so imagine everyone's surprise when the elusive candidate finally shows up!

BEWARE! Surprise NPCs may pop up in any thread you're in this week; closed, open, they tend to not care. Especially one reporter in particular who is willing to go to any lengths for a scoop.

Please do not make any new threads until our Special Guests arrive; once that happens, go right ahead!

Notice: Be sure that you use the form listed in the userinfo. When archiving the threads, it makes things difficult to have to go looking for the time, date, location, etc if it isn't in the order that we're used to seeing. As a reminder...

Week Name/Date/Time: 'WEEK NAME' / DATE / TIME
Location: Corridors, Common Room, Grounds, etc
Open To: Whomever you made the thread for, wish to play with, or 'Anyone'
Currently Involving: You! <-- Should be edited as others join

If you need to remember, look at the community itself; nearly all the posts use this format and you can simply copy-paste; also, it's given in the info as rule number four! Any posts made in the future not using this simply won't be added to the timeline!

You may continue with threads from Week 005 until 9 a.m. EST tomorrow, when we will be in the process of tallying them! You are more than welcome to go back and finish any undone commenting in those threads after the tally is complete, but please be aware that it will not be for points; only for plot progression.
Please remember to not make strictly OOC comments! OOC comments may be made within posts, but not stand-alone!

Week 005 Article: TBA
Week 006 Timeline & Daily Prophet
Offer your characters' family for being killed or abducted!

week-openings, week-006, mod-posts

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