Week Name/Date/Time: A Moments Peace / Thursday, October 6th, 2005/ 1pm
Location: Just outside the Entrance Hall, Hogwarts Grounds
Open To: Anyone student above 4th year I've never thread with before or Zoe's best friends
Currently Involving: Zoe and Lauren
Zoe was in a mood - half annoyed and bitter, half mopey and self pitying. She was used to having such a volatile personality but it didn't make these moods any easier. She was currently sitting on the steps just outside the Entrance Hall, looking over the wet grounds. It had been stormy earlier, but it was begining to pass. Zoe was staying undercover though, just in case. Her elbows where resting on her knees and her chin resting on her hands.
Trefor didn't seem to want to see her these days and Soren still hadn't got in contact with her about the meeting, he must have been mad. Cyrus was...busy...with Niki and Zoe felt weird about asking to spend time with him. Why would you hang around a friend when you could be off getting in some snogging practice with your current crush, she thought bitterly. Zoe knew she was being an idiot at that stage but such were the ideas that ran through her moody mind.
She continued running through her list of friends and reasons why they all secretly hated her, the still, grey sky matching her mood perfectly.