
Apr 24, 2006 21:26

Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Moment's Peace' / Tuesday, October 4th / 2:45 pm
Location: First floor corridor
Open To: Cyrus
Currently Involving: Lauren/Cyrus

Far too flirtatious )

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cyrusweller April 25 2006, 05:01:09 UTC
Cyrus walked slowly down the halls, his nose stuffed in a book. A book that he had cleverly charmed the title off the cover, he wasn't one to share his interest in literature with anyone. A habit he picked up second year of school, a couple of the older students had a field day laughing at his book.

He paused looking out the second floor window, he could see the courtyard. He blinked and looked about realizing he was in a completely different corridor than he had thought. He sighed shaking his head, that is what he gets for walking and reading at the same time. He tucked the book under his arm and walked down the hall heading for the stairs by the Gryffindor common room.

Best he get back to his own common room and sit tight while he continued his book. He stepped lightly down the stairs, stopping at the bottom. He saw Lauren walking down the hall towards the staircase. He leaned agaisnt the staircase hand railing, waiting for her to come to the steps.


lauren_taylor_d April 25 2006, 05:16:02 UTC
She was humming again, a habit of which she was constantly doing. Some found it annoying, others found it endearing; either way she didn't care much. Wasn't her prerogative to please others.

Lauren watched her feet as she lightly scuffed them across the floor, walking rather oddly as she tried to match the rhythm of the song she was humming with the sound of her feet hitting the ground.

So of course she had no knowledge that Cyrus was watching her, but if she had, she would have stopped her strange antics immidiately.

"Doesn't that sound familiar, doesn't that hit too close to home..." Lauren started singing aloud, her voice soft as she began swinging her arms, "Doesn't that make ya shiver, the way things could have gone--"

She halted, freezing in the middle of the chorus when she glanced up to see Cyrus. Oh dear god...

"Um... hi," Smiling weakly, she ran a hand through her hair nervously, wondering just how much of that silly act he had seen.


cyrusweller April 25 2006, 05:33:42 UTC
Cyrus watched her walk down the hall, a wide smile spreading across his face. He had only caught her humming a few times, he found it cute. When she started to sing, cyrus bit his bottom lip to refrain from laughing. Lauren obviously wasn't aware of her audience.

When she finally did Cyrus smirked at her, a singal eyebrow sliding slowly upwards. "Oh please don't stop, I was really enjoying the show." Cyrus winked, before he laughed.

"It is very endearing." He crossed his one ankle over the other leaning more of his weight onto the handrailing.

"How have you been this past week?" He cocked his head to the side looking at the blonde curiously.


lauren_taylor_d April 25 2006, 05:43:28 UTC
"That was simply a preview. You'd have to pay for the real deal," She smirked, seeming to get her confidence back. Why did he always insist on making her nervous? Gah! Lauren wasn't accostomed to the feeling, and she didn't exactly like it either.

Although there he went again, paying her a compliment that made her melt just a little deep down inside. She hated him for it; Cyrus was one of the very few who made her self-conscious.

"I'm good," Her smile widened, taking a few more steps to fill the gap between them, swinging her book bag off her shoulder and dropping it with a thud on th floor. "Haven't been up to a while hell of a lot, but such is life." Ah, except for the drama between Andra and Tobias she was dealing with, "How about you?" Lauren was well aware of the fact that their last meeting had ended on bad terms.


cyrusweller April 25 2006, 05:58:17 UTC
"Not even a good friend will get a whole show for free?" Cyrus gave her a defeated look. "That is a shame, your voice was so pleasant." He grinned immediately after these words, he tapped his fingers along the spine of the book.

"Ah yes the life of us students is definitely a dull affair in its own way." Cyrus didn't find school life dull for any other reason than the routine of it all. The drama was a good enough dose for his own liking and so was the amount of things to do, it was just repetitive and that was something that could become dull.

"Haven't been up to much myself, reading mostly." Cyrus patted his book as he stated that. "Highlight of my week last week was teaching a young student to use my camera." He smiled at the thought of Jaci, she was adorable and very bright. "She wanted to send pictures of the castle to her family."


lauren_taylor_d April 25 2006, 06:12:38 UTC
Lauren took a moment to ponder that idea, tapping her index finger on the side of her cheek as she pursed her lips to the side, "Well, now that I know you enjoy it so..." Her voice became low and a bit sultry, a sparkle in her eyes, "I'm sure we could make some sort of arrangement... I never said you had to pay with money."

Oh goodness, part of her couldn't believe she had actually said that out loud! He has a girlfriend! The good, angelic voice inside her head yelled, You're not supposed to flirt with a bloke who isn't available!

True. But it's Cyrus... The little devil version of Lauren sat on her shoulder, encouraging her to keep teasing. You two always talk this way. It's only playful. No harm. No foul.

Heh. This was true. With this reminder, she decided not to feel guilty. He wouldn't actually take her serious anyway; he never did.

"Ah, so you're going to get another girl addicted to the wonderful world that is photography?"


cyrusweller April 25 2006, 06:28:32 UTC
Cyrus raised his eyebrows with interest. "Payment in other methods." A sly grin sprawled across his face. "I must say that is very interesting. Please, indulge me with example methods." He quirked his brow inquisitively. Oh this conversation could turn the way of the gutter very easily, he enjoyed that fact conversation with Lauren was always entertaining.

"Ah always looking for potential addicts, my last addict shows so much promise I couldn't help myself." Though he stated it jokingly, the statement had truth, Lauren was fantastic with a camera. "I mean my previous addict doesn't need my help anymore, need to snag my next one."


lauren_taylor_d April 25 2006, 06:49:23 UTC
"Would step by step sketches do? I've got a parchment and quill right here in my bag, I could whip something up real fast!" She leaned down, grabbing a small little notebook out of the front pocket, a pencel tucked inside its pages, ready to draw an extremely crude picture.

Lauren straightened, her expression serious and all business like, "Unless you'd prefer an actual example. In which case I'd suggest we head over to that closet," She chucked a thumb at the door that was right across the hall, "Wouldn't want any unsuspecting firsties to be scarred for life, eh?"

Although outwardly she was playing up the act, her insides were seriously starting to melt. It wasn't the same, knowing that he had a girlfriend. It made that good side of her feel guilty! Damn that Niki...

"Ah well," She went on to the other subject they were discussing, "Your previous addict doesn't need your help because they're much more talented than you," Lauren flashed a cocky smile, knowing it wasn't exactly true, but she'd love to see his reaction.


cyrusweller April 25 2006, 07:08:00 UTC
Cyrus watched her pull out a pad of paper, he smiled jovially. This was beginning to go far beyond their usual jokes, by now one of them would have backed down. They were getting stubborn with age and he was proving it, he had no intentions of breaking first.

He matched her business like expression as he processed her two options. "Hmm, but an actual example would cost you if I was to go into the closet with you." He looked at the closet then back to Lauren. "Whatever would you do to pay me?"

Oh if someone overheard this conversation... Cyrus thought. As it was part of him was highly amused at the prospect, another part was feeling guilty ( ... )


lauren_taylor_d April 25 2006, 07:31:20 UTC
This was definitely, definitely going farther than their usual banter; she was surprised Cyrus hadn't backed off yet. After all, he was the one with the girlfriend. She was still nice and single, so in that respect, he was the one in the wrong, right?

But what did this mean?? She suddenly found her analytical mind trying to decode everything. He was willingly flirting with her; and it had long ago stopped being innocent. If he truly liked Niki... would he continue to act this way with Lauren? RAWR!! She was quite confused.

"Oh, so now I have to pay you?" She scoffed, her brow raising in disbelief, "Didn't know you were such a hot commodity, Cyrus. But if you remember correctly, this whole example thing was your way of paying me. Don't change the game now and break my heart. Not when I was getting my hopes up ( ... )


cyrusweller April 25 2006, 08:14:29 UTC
Cyrus nodded, this was too much. He had to stop it, but merlin it was the most fun he had all week. A voice popped into his head what about Niki?!?. Cyrus' inner self winced, Niki would be right pissed at this conversation. Another voice spoke up, as long as you keep it verbal it is fine, you always joke with Lauren like this. That thought didn't sit right, if he thought about it he shouldn't have let it go this far. With a mental nod he reined himself in. Not only was he screwing with his own mind there was a good chance he was screwing around with Lauren's. He had to sway this conversation slowly back out into the shallow end.

Cyrus looked smugly at Lauren. "Well the taken ones are always a hot commodity you know." Yes, he had pulled emergency brakes on the conversation. It was an ending to fun, but it had to be done, otherwise he would feel extremely guilty to where this was going. "So you see it would cost me dearly to try out this little example, as tempting as this offer is." Cyrus gave her a funny grin when she moved closer, ( ... )


lauren_taylor_d April 25 2006, 08:36:30 UTC
So. Basically? Lauren felt like a complete idiot. Hey, thanks Cyrus!

His words literally took the breath out of her, her eyes widening, but only for a split second before her cool exterior washed over her. Nope. She would not let him see how much that simple statement had affected her.

It was just a silly game they played... it wasn't supposed to hurt this much...

Lauren smiled, not wanting there to be any awkwardness between them, "Duh. I only ever go for the blokes who are taken. Why else would I be trying so hard to impress ya?" Bad call Lauren. Probably not the best joke to say... considering it was partly true!

She quickly took a few steps back, returning to her original spot before kneeling down to put that notebook and pencil away. Wouldn't be needing that anytime soon, now would she.

Change the subject... change the bloody subject!

"Speaking of," Lauren popped back up, brushing her bangs out of her eyes, "How's Niki?" Yet another bright move by Lauren Dispenziere!


cyrusweller April 27 2006, 05:53:11 UTC
Apparently their playing mixed with his abrupt halt had its effect on Lauren. What did that mean? She wouldn't have feelings for him would she? Cyrus mentally shook the thought away, it was not something he should be thinking about. He started scrambling his brain for a change of subject, anything.

He hid the smile of relief when Lauren beat him to the punch. "She seems to be doing fine, but the bit with her wanting to keep it quiet makes it hard to keep up with her." One reoccurring idea came back to his mind, he could owl her. Seemed very sappy and something his brother would do. "A little different than what I expected of my first relationship." He smiled dryly. "Interesting spin on events in anycase."


lauren_taylor_d April 27 2006, 06:04:04 UTC
"Aww," Her expression was full of sympathy, her arms crossing against her chest lightly as she looked up at him, "I'm sorry Cyrus. I can't imagine how that would be. Seriously," Lauren rolled her eyes at herself, "I would go completely insane if I had to keep a relationship secret."

Which begged the question: Why would anyone in their right mind want to keep a relationship with Cyrus Weller secret?!? Had Niki gone nutters? A part of her wanted to actually confront the Slytherin and ask her what the hell she was doing, because clearly it was taking its toll on her friend.

But no. She didn't want to fan the flame of endless drama at Hogwarts. Not now, at least.

Lauren opened her mouth, hesitating for a brief moment before speaking up, "Can I ask a question?" She didn't wait for a reply, "Why does she want to keep your relationship secret?"


cyrusweller April 28 2006, 01:41:46 UTC
Cyrus smiled, shrugging his shoulder. "No need to be sorry, differnt type of relationship is all I guess. Something I can bank into my expirences of life." He smiled shifted to a grin. "One that I wouldn't suggest for you." He shook his head, scrunching his nose. "Not at all."

He sighed eying the surrouding halls, it was quiet. No harm in talking about it. "She is very wary about her reputation, very Slytherin of her." He never complained about holding the realtionship under wraps, but it always bothered him. Was he that bad? Okay so Hufflepuffs were known as the easy push overs of the school, but it was just a lable that was placed on thier house.

"She seems to have a very large paranoia of being rejected, I'm sure it is coming from somewhere but I am no sure where." In truth he knew exactly where it was sprouting from, but like many other things he promised to hide it and he would.


lauren_taylor_d April 30 2006, 03:23:13 UTC
Lauren nodded her head slowly, taking in his words, and trying as hard as she could to understand where Niki was coming from.

The Slytherin didn't strike Lauren as being insecure, at least not to that extent; but she supposed it was true. Even she had her own issues, as surprising as that was. She usually came off as quite confident, but there were a lot of things that made her self conscious.

"Ah, well that makes more sense..." Shifting her weight to her other foot, she smiled at him lightly, unsure of what else to say. "Any idea how long the secrecy will last?" It couldn't be forever, could it?


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