Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Moment's Peace' / Sunday, October 2 / 9:00PM
Location: Outside Terr's quarters
Open To: Gil
Currently Involving: Gil, Terr
((Why yes, I am supposed to be getting ready for exams... why do you ask? *grin*))
Gil had been avoiding Terr.
She was quite sure of this fact, as she'd not seen him since she'd unceremoniously planted a smooch on him. She wasn't entirely surprised that was the case, but it was a bit disappointing. It wasn't as though it had been a bad kiss, and it wasn't as though they weren't both adults. The fact that she'd not seen tooth or nail of him suggested that he wasn't as mature as she'd originally thought.
So now, she was on a stake-out. Sitting outside her door (on the floor, mind you) with a book in her hand, she kept lifting her gaze to watch his door. She wasn't sure if he was in or out, but she'd been sitting there for damned near four hours, so she assumed that she'd see him eventually.
If everything else failed? Well, she'd just go and barge through his door.
That actually sounded like a good plan, now that she thought about it. Hmmmm.