
Aug 14, 2008 10:17

Week Name/Date/Time: "Duelly Noted" / Saturday, Decemeber 2, 2006 / 8.11pm
Location: Gryffindor Common Room
Open To: Baccypoo
Currently Involving: Andykins

Mondays is for drinking to the seldom seen kid )

week-048, bacchus-donovan, andrew-frazer

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andyfraz August 26 2008, 07:56:02 UTC
But, but, but! He sighed and decided to give in. It was fair, he reasoned, that Bacchus understood why Andy was anal about coming out. "You're going to call me a pussy bitch and tell me to just get over it," he warned with a small, wry smile. Maybe he should get over it, but it was important to him and he hoped Bacchus understood that.

Pulling himself away, he wrapped his arms around himself to keep from shivering. It didn't seem right to be getting affection and talking about his father at the same time.

"I don't want to know if I'm being ridiculous, okay," he added, stalling for just a second longer. "This is just how it is, please don't make..."

He shook head, apparently forcing himself to just say what Bacchus had asked him to.

"My father. Is the reason. The only thing that keeps him hating me completely is the fact he thinks I'm straight. He's kind of, no actually he's very anti-gay and I don't know what he'd do if he found out."

He smiled, although it didn't resemeble anywhere near what one could call happy. "So that's that. Let's move on."


godofwines August 26 2008, 18:18:42 UTC
When Andy pulled away, it was just further incentive for Bacchus to pull him even closer, stooping to bury his face in the corner of the boy's neck, with his hands pulling him from his lower back still.

He listened, a great and terrible pain in his heart when Andy mentioned his father. Bacchus, for his part, had never known his own father, but somehow he'd always been convinced that Emrys Donovan would've been proud of his son, even knowing he was gay. It might've been something in the way his mother talked about the man (though she seldom did now she had re-married), but this thought had always just seemed self-evident to Bach. Thinking anything else might've just seemed too painful, for some reason-- his father, this glowing beacon of a man, the Auror who'd been taken down by five Death Eaters and died like a hero, leaving behind an infant son and a young wife, not loving said-infant son because he was gay?

Nah, that thought was unbearable. And the idea that Andy was going through it right now with his own father (who was yet alive and maybe not this shining hero of his son's memory) made him frown.

"The hell?" he asked, pulling his face away but not his arms or the rest of his body. "What do you mean he'd hate you? You're his son!"

Clearly, Bacchus did not want to move on. Once he got going on a topic, he couldn't help but continue rising in a passionate climax.

"You're smart, you're handsome, you're talented... you're a fuckin' spot-on Chaser, mate! What's to hate?!" he demanded, outraged by the injustice of a father hating his son. Edgar Frazer was damn lucky he wasn't in the room, otherwise he'd be getting a good-old Hawkins Earful from Bacchus.

"How could you think his love would hinge on just that?!"


andyfraz August 27 2008, 00:48:45 UTC
Andrew had suspected that moving on wouldn't be an option and he sighed. There was a small smile though as he leant his head over Bach's heart. He gave a small peck and listened to the heated words echo in the seventh year's chest.

"I'm not any of those things," Andy said truthfully. "Except maybe I'm an alright Chaser. But that doesn't mean jack to him. I had to sign away the rest of my life just to get here, he was pretty against the idea of me doing magic. Unnatural, he says. Although apparently not as unnatural as being gay." Edgar had double standards and Andy wasn't blinded by his father's faults. He knew all of the man's prejudices came from the way he was raised and his father masked most of them well. He'd learned to get along with African Americans because he couldn't keep his job in the military and STILL openly hate them. At least, not without a rightful lawsuit.

Gay people should have at least been acknowledged but for some reason Edgar remained steadfast in his utter repulsion. His attitude disgusted and outraged Andy but at the same time...he was his father. A father he'd always desperately wanted to bond with. He kept thinking that maybe, once he proved what a good son he could be by sticking with the army like his father wanted, Edgar would have to concede that his son being gay didn't have to come between them. Not when Andy could be so willing to throw away the prime years of his life.

"I'm gonna tell him eventually," he said, pulling back to look into Bach's eyes. "He wanted me to join the muggle army, so after I graduate I'm signing up. After a few years, when I've proved myself, I'll tell him. It'll all be okay then."

Right, so he might've been trying to convince himself, more than Bacchus, on that last line.


godofwines August 27 2008, 04:13:06 UTC
"Stop," Bacchus demanded when Andy started shoving off his compliments. "Andy, I'm an egotistical bastard. I know it, so don't bullshit me an' say I'm not. But that means I don't compliment lightly, even when it is a fuck," oddly enough, he said the word with enough affection that it was a sweet sentiment.

"I don't compliment lightly, Andy, so when I say you're smart, it means you're a goddamn genuis and you're smarter than I'll ever be. When I say you're handsome, it means you're fucking beautiful and I have visions of you lying naked in fuckin' rose petals and that get's me just as fuckin' spent as visions of your sweet arsecheeks holdin' me cock," well, that was one way to say it.

"So your da don't like it? 'scuse me, baby, but screw him. You're a fuckin' god, you don't need him tellin' you what to do like that. He's your father, he oughta fuckin' love you iffin you were a bleedin' crackwhore! You prove yourself to him just bein' 'is seed, love. Screw him."

Bacchus seemed to be incredibly upset by this development. Sure, he might not immediately be planning his and Andy's life together after school (a flat in Temple-Bar Dublin, Bacchus a star Beater for the Kestrels and Andy working a difficult but well-paying Ministry job-- perhaps a lawyer which was perfect for his tenacity--, being godparents to all the illegitimate children Louvika was going to have, going home to the old Victorian near St. Stephans every Christmas to see Bach's mother and Jeff, maybe even a dog or two? Who knew?), but this didn't mean he wouldn't be upset by Andy's leaving, even the potential danger him him joining the army.

Sourly, he sat back down on the bed.

"You can't join the army. You're too pretty. They might break your face." It was almost a child's reasoning, so sweet and enduring it was.

And even then...

"Fuck, he don't love you, he's missin' his opportunity. I ain't even got a dad, mate, but I know how he'd love me iffin he weren't dead. You're dad don't love you? Fuckin' fine, maybe I'd just have to start."


andyfraz August 27 2008, 05:03:34 UTC
Andy felt a flood of affection for Bach as he complimented him. It was beyond embarrassing, although he didn't know why. Perhaps because he was still naked and he felt more exposed than ever from opening up. Talking about his father like this was pretty big for Andy. Lou knew about the army, Andy had told her in their fourth year, but that's about all she knew. She'd met Edgar, knew he wasn't the friendliest bloke in the world, but she remained oblivious to just how deep his hate rang for almost everyone out of the 'ordinary'.

"Bacchus, you might break my face," Andy replied in a semi seductive tone. He made a small step over to where the seventh year sat on the bed, intending to straddle him because he was ready for another orgasm now, thank you very much. A proper one in which he didn't get interupted!

But Andy stopped in his tracks before he even had a chance to reach the boy. "Don't," he said sharply. He immediately realised his error in telling Bacchus what to do again and his shoulders dropped in visible submissiveness. "Please Bacchus," he said in a softer tone, "please don't do that." He sank to his knees and placed his hands on the boy's thighs. "You can't love me. I'm not going to change my mind about a relationship. I don't know how but he'll know if I start telling people about myself! I don't want to stop seeing you but I can't do more than physical stuff. And I know that's selfish and if you can't do it like that, I understand." He was looking earnestly up at Bacchus but his mind was racing, trying to think of something to offer his lover. Something that might tempt the older boy into staying.

"The only thing I can offer is, well, I'll find a way to end it with Brinley." That was going to be more than tricky, seeing as how his whole secrecy depended on sleeping with the Slytherin. "But you can see whoever you want! Not to make you sound like a male slut or anything but, well, fuck it, I'm making a mess of this."


godofwines August 27 2008, 08:10:59 UTC
Bacchus frowned.

"Yeah, but I'd put it back together for ye, nice and pretty," he reached up from where he was sitting and touched Andy's chin. "Only I know how to make it go back perfect 'cause only I've looked at it long enough," he frowned, realizing how awesome cheesy had been to say. Cheesy because of the obvious, awesome because he had no idea he could come up with shit like that. Dude. If he broke his neck or something and couldn't play Quidditch any more, he'd make a fortune writing romance novels. Not to mention all the women that would flock to him, such creative talent in such a foxy man! If only he were straight... he was probably be drunk on power.

"Baby, if I'm gonna love you, you can't say I can't 'cause that ain't something I can control," he said, frowning. There was a weird pause between them, and then he spoke again.

"I just won't let you know, iffin I end up do loving you," he murmured. He had to accept it, had to accept Andy for all his obedience to his father.

He listened as Andy tried to make things better between them, and gave the boy a reassuring smile. "Listen, I ain't Louvika. I don't do that-- see more than one person? My head would explode, and I ain't talkin' 'bout the one on my shoulders," he gave the boy a sloppy half-smile.

"I don't want to see anyone else right now, jus' you. And... and don't take that weird or nothin'," he frowned at the bedsheets. "Promise I don't love you."

Never thought he'd have to say that.


andyfraz August 27 2008, 08:31:18 UTC
Andy weighed the compromise in his head. They could see each other, exclusively, with no love involved? It was risky. Andy wasn't really worried about Bacchus falling for him. Bach would find someone, no matter what he said. He'd grow bored of Andy and find someone far superoir, the sixth year was sure. He was concerned about developing feelings for the seventh year but he tried to talk sense into himself, which wasn't really sense but a desperate excuse. He'll be graduating in six months. There's no way anything will happen. It was far from foolproof, but it sufficed to ease Andy's concerns.

"Relationships between teenagers never work out anyway," he said out loud, still offering reasoning. "And you'll be graduating soon. Can't imagine how that would work out, you off playing international quidditch, me still sitting in my dorm playing gobstones or something." He smiled up at his (official!) lover, searching for any sign that he wasn't happy.

"I'll stop seeing him," he promised again, rubbing his thumbs softly over the jeans. He leant in and kissed Bach's happy trail, hoping to erase every bad feeling in the last hour. "It'll just be you." Another kiss. "And me." Another kiss. "And any surface we happen to deem appropriate to screw on."


godofwines August 27 2008, 17:23:30 UTC
Bacchus frowned when Andy said that relationships of teenagers didn't work out. His parents had started dating in the fifth year! But then again, they'd practically been made for each other, so he supposed that might be different.

Still, it did cause certain sadness to Bacchus. When something good of his was coming to an end, he didn't like to know, no matter how in advance this end was.

He guessed that meant it couldn't end. He'd have to make sure.

He raked his fingers through Andy's hair, caressing the scalp.

"Call me your boyfriend," he murmured, the request sounding sleepy yet urgent on his tongue. "Don't care if you mean it, but iffin you're dumping him, then I'm your boyfriend and you gotta call me that. Not in public, just to me. Say it. Say I'm your boyfriend."


andyfraz August 28 2008, 00:15:06 UTC
"Boyfriend?" he asked in his clipped accent. He hissed between his teeth realising that, while he probably would have avoided saying that word, it was too late. He'd just said it. Damn and blast! He nipped playfully at Bach's left thigh and rested his on the other side, mostly to hide how shy he felt.

"Boyfriend," he mumbled, staring around at the room and trying to find something to focus on to lessen his embarrassment. It wasn't as if he hated the idea, no, he wasn't made of stone. It just complicated things and implied feelings may arise when they both promised they wouldn't.

He looked up at Bacchus who was staring at him in a way Andy couldn't read and it hit him. He needed to give Bacchus something back because he'd been pretty generous to Andy this night. "Boyfriend," he stated, honest as he could sound. The word sounded so unfamiliar rolling off his tongue but he was going to get used to it, he was determinded. "Stay the night. That's what boyfriends do."


godofwines August 28 2008, 00:55:43 UTC
As Andy rested his head on his thigh, Bacchus stroked the side of the boy's face with his big old hands, cupping his chin affectionately on each downstroke. The boy had said the word, first time questioning, and Bacchus felt his heart sinking. Then he'd said it and mumbled, and Bacchus felt even worse. The pain showed in his eyes.

And then Andy did the best thing he possibly could've to gain Bacchus' affections that night. The honest tone switched Bacchus' mood around in a heartbeat and his eyes lit up with a furious and sparkling joy.

"That they do," he whispered in a soothing voice, running his fingers along Andy's shoulder, down the top of his back and to his shoulder blade. The rough feeling of skin against skin was so nice, he thought dreamily, tickling Andy's flesh with his nails.

"Come 'long then," he murmured, falling back on the bed and scooting back to lay against Andy's pillows. His eyes didn't move for an instant from the boy-- they seemed to be studying every single inch of him. How could he not? Now that he knew Andy would eventually be leaving him... of course, he hadn't always expected Andy to be around, but now that there was a definite point where he would be gone... how it broke his heart!

He'd have to make the best of it, he supposed. He'd have to do his best. he grabbed andy by the shoulders and pulled him close, inching his hands along until they were down at Andy's waist, every touch gentle and affectionate, but scientific, as if he were studying the boy on top of him.


andyfraz August 28 2008, 02:30:42 UTC
You'd have to be blind not to see how happy Bach got when Andy finally said the word with feeling. His stomach fluttered and he was incredibly happy with himself for making Bacchus look so pleased.

Andy wasted little time jumping into bed with the seventh year, save to close his curtains tightly and put his tie around the bottom bedpost which his dormates would know meant 'I don't want to talk'. This could have been for one of several reasons (a girl was sleeping over, he was wanking, he was pissed off and/or crying) but that was the whole point of the tie, they wouldn't know.

For his part, Andy did much the same. It was like they were adventurers, each one carefully mapping unexplored territory. The primeval masculine part of Andy wanted to claim every bit of skin he touched as his own. He thanked his lucky stars he was removed all traces of Brinley's claims from their last encounter.


godofwines August 28 2008, 04:50:21 UTC
Bacchus liked the idea of them being adventurers-- seeking out the confines of one another's body, trying to find the spots with the best places to touch, those narrow valleys where everything melded together perfect, where the golden ecstasy of the lover rivaled any real bullion on the planet in the joy it gave those who discovered it.

And all that foofy shit.

He didn't even want sex right away-- not just because his body needed some time to, err, re-load-- but because he simply wanted to explore Andy for a little while. Andy was like a new toy to him, one that he'd played with at the store before but never actually owned. Now that Andy promised to be only his... now that he called him 'boyfriend', Andy was his. Eventual break-up and all, Bacchus didn't care.

He pulled Andy to him in such an embrace-- just a simple hug-- but how tight it was! It was as if Bacchus thought if he didn't crush Andy to him with all his might, the boy might flutter away. It was such an innocent and childish affection, but sweet and loving.

He kissed him even, one, two, three, four times on the neck, each one longer than the last, before he released his hold a little in order to set his forehead to Andy.

"Know something?" he asked in a husky whisper.


andyfraz August 28 2008, 05:13:50 UTC
Andy let out a small barking laugh as Bacchus pulled him close and hugged him. For someone as big and strong as him, he sure had a way of seeming almost child like in his actions. He still had a massive physical presence but the way he hugged Andy seemed to him like a child's farewell to a parent they wouldn't see for some time.

One arm was caught between them, the other draped over Bach's side. Andy's fingers lazily traced across the curve of the seventh year's hip, then moved to the small of his back. He decided he was quite fond of the dips and turns his fingers had to make. Further exploration south was cut off due to those cursed jeans, but there would be time, he supposed. He now had the opportunity to aquaint himself with every millimetre of Bacchus' body and he planned on doing so.

"I know nothing," he replied, sounding slightly sleepy. Truth was, he was kind of like a musical artist, strumming away on his canvas in another dimension.


godofwines August 28 2008, 05:30:59 UTC
Their heads still together, Bacchus kissed Andy in a sweet little kiss on the side of the mouth, before leaning back to speak, the crowns of their foreheads still lightly touching.

"When you touch foreheads with someone, it's a sign of ultimate trust," he said, in a whisper, looking squarely into Andy's eyes, his own unclouded and unconfused, simply Bacchus. "'Cause your head is your capital, know what I'm saying? You head is everything to you, like when you are told to duck or you hear a loud noise, the first thing you cover is your head, right? Or how when someone touches your head from behind, you flinch?" he asked, pushing those bangs of Andy's out of his eyes again.

"So, when you touch foreheads with someone... I don't know, I think it's sorta powerful, right? We...we do that in my family," he said, referring to the Hawkins. "When we hug, we touch foreheads to show we trust one another."

He shrugged awkwardly for he was laying down and still embraced with Andy.

"So I think it's cool that ye haven't moved away from mine yet."


andyfraz August 28 2008, 05:49:21 UTC
Andy did not know what to do with that information. He blinked and it was clear he was trying to process what Bacchus had just said. How was he supposed to take that? Did it mean something or was the boy just making conversation? His fingers paused in their strokes and began to drum over the skin, which he had a habit of doing when he was considering something very tricky.

In the end he decided to stick it in his imaginary pocket, already halfway full of interesting Bacchus quirks and quips, like the mole on his neck or the way he pronounced 'Andrew'.

"Course I do," he replied, gruffly, but not unkindly. "Wouldn'ta let you fuck me otherwise." All that time he had been convincing himself that the only reason he didn't want Brinley to fuck him was because feelings might get involved. But he had figured out the real reason. Brinley could screw him and it would have been good, but Merlin only knows what he would have done with the power. Bacchus hadn't been responsible with it (not talking to him for a week was probably not the best thing to do) but Andy knew from now on he would be.


godofwines August 28 2008, 06:42:51 UTC
Despite Andy's unromantic add-on, Bacchus still leaned up to kiss where their foreheads had been connected, before pulling him back into the embrace and holding him tightly. Yeah, now that he knew what was really going on with Andy, now that he had him again and wanted him more and more and more, he probably would be a little more responsible with Andy's feelings or whatever the other boy wanted to call them.

In Bacchus eyes? Andy could run away from them as long as he felt the need to, but one day he was gonna realize something-- he really did like Bacchus even more than being his boyfriend. And a whole lotta hell that was gonna raise.

He released him a little more again so that Andy could re-settle his position more properly over Bacchus, but the blonde boy's eyes never left his little charge, watching him if he chose to move or shift or whatever. He wanted him back in his arms as soon as possible and as close to his skin as soon as possible.


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