
Aug 14, 2008 10:17

Week Name/Date/Time: "Duelly Noted" / Saturday, Decemeber 2, 2006 / 8.11pm
Location: Gryffindor Common Room
Open To: Baccypoo
Currently Involving: Andykins

Mondays is for drinking to the seldom seen kid )

week-048, bacchus-donovan, andrew-frazer

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andyfraz August 14 2008, 06:19:12 UTC
Andy carefully kept his hand from touching Bacchus' as he handed the half empty bottle to the boy. A touch could be dangerous, a touch could be unhappiness. He watched Bach's adam apple bob up and down as he swigged from the bottle but it was too...

He looked down at the floor, mentally chiding himself. Not now, he told himself. Don't let him get to you now.

But it was unavoidable as Bach offered him praise. His head whipped up so fast he thought he might have pulled a muscle. His stomach twisted in knots but not unpleasantly. Praise was good, he didn't often get it. Praise from Bacchus was better, he didn't think he'd ever gotten it.

"Had to do somethin' right eventually, didn't I?" Now he didn't have the butterbeer in his hands, he found they was desperate for something to do. Pointing at Bach's face seemed to do the trick. "That hurt?" he asked, referring to the bruise staining the almost flawless skin on Bach's cheek. "Want me to fix it?" He didn't dare hope, he didn't dare move, he didn't dare breath as he waited for an answer.


godofwines August 14 2008, 06:34:49 UTC
"Nah, dannae hurt," Bacchus said, moving his head back as if he thought Andy might jump up and press his fingers to the bruise, which, apparnetly, hurt worse than he was going to let on. The fact of the matter was that Bacchus was sorer than a newly-christened catamite from this beating. But would he tell Andy? Course not. He was Bacchus Donovan!

"But..." another awkward pause, "...you can fix it. If you want to." The tone of his voice had changed completely to something that was a little more tender, even if he still bore the look of an angered bull and even if he was still talking a little too loud to be affectionate.

"By the way," he said, suddenly, "you never asked me what I meant last night," this had been bothering him for some 24 hours now, and he simply had to get it out, whether Andy wanted to hear it or not.

"I said I liked myself the way I was, you said you didn't like you, right?" he reminded him.

"You didn't ask what I meant."


andyfraz August 14 2008, 09:45:09 UTC
Andy exhaled almost in gratitude as Bacchus offered him the chance to heal him. If Bacchus had said no he wasn't sure he would have regained the ability to breathe. He took a step forward and drew his wand but before he had the chance to say anything, Bacchus spoke again.

Well, no, Andy didn't quite remember it that way. If he remembered correctly and he was sure he was, he'd been running the scene over and over in his head all night, Bacchus had told him that Andy didn't like himself. The sixth year had agreed because it was easier than explaining the truth about why he chose to stay in the closet.

But he didn't say this out loud. Bacchus was talking him again, he wasn't going to risk starting another fight, not when the boy was already as riled up as he was.

"What did you mean then," he asked softly, closing the distance between them in a few short strides. His hand twitched, wanting to touch the bruise on his face. It called out to be soothed and carressed, but Andy didn't dare. He didn't want to scare him away again.


godofwines August 14 2008, 18:41:59 UTC
See, Bacchus was the sort of person who was primarily concerned with one person: Bacchus. So, if he said that Andy didn't like himself and showed it by refusing to come out of the closet, that must mean that he was. Because Bacchus said it was so. It was a very subconscious egotistical thing, of course-- he didn't mean to think like that. That's just how things happened.

He was a little saddened that Andy hadn't moved to heal the bruise yet, so he grabbed the boy by the wrist and brought it, wand and all, up to his cheek, holding Andy's eyes in a daring gaze.

"I said 'that's why you have me', right?" he said, grey eyes half-covered by eyelids. For the first time in the entire conversation, he almost seemed to be relaxed.

"'Cause, iffin you don't like yourself, I reckon I like ye enough for the pair of us, see?"


andyfraz August 14 2008, 22:00:41 UTC
As Bacchus grabbed him by the wrist, Andy half thought he was about to get slogged. But no, it was like the boy was challenging Andy, as if he thought maybe the sixth year wasn't brave enough. He was getting there, dammit! It was just getting a little hard to concentrate. Multi-tasking: not a skill of Andy's. He couldn't listen and heal at the same time, that was outrageous!

His index finger gently touched the bruise. He wanted to get a closer look so he could see how he was going to have to wave his wand, but mostly he just wanted to touch Bacchus. The boy looked stoned, that is, he was beginning to look a lot calmer. Certainly, the words that came out of his mouth weren't angry or vicious. Quite the opposite really.

Andy froze at the, the...well, he didn't know what to call it. Kindness? Mercy? Declaration of appreciation? There was definitely one word he was refusing to think of it as, mostly because he wanted the seventh year so badly, he didn't want to get into an argument over love that wasn't necessary.

Those words were the single sweetest, nicest, gentlest thing he'd ever heard Bach say. They made the younger boy feel incredibly awkward and embarrassed and yet he kind of glowed with pride.

Andy, with all the softness of a kitten, kissed Bacchus' cheek tenderly. "That was a nice thing to say," he told him, before pointing his wand and mouthing the healing spell.


godofwines August 15 2008, 00:25:01 UTC
For the second time of the conversation, Bacchus felt his cheeks glowing with a blush. He coughed and averted his eyes for a moment after Andy's kiss, as if trying to regain what manliness he'd managed to lose in that instant, but it did feel kinda good. He'd go with it, he figured, feeling the tissue in his face repairing itself from the beam of light that was shooting from Andy's wand. He waited until it had finished, just to be polite or something.

"Well, yea, y'know..." he managed to put out, shifting his feet awkwardly. His cheek was still tingling, but it wasn't from the magic of the wand, but the magic of Andy's lips.

There really wasn't anything he wanted to say right now, actually. He just wanted Andy. Talking, as it usually did with Bacchus, could simply come later. They could talk about Lou, they could talk about Illiad and Brinley, they could talk about Peter Fucking Cottontail-- he didn't care.

In a big move, he brought his eyes back to Andy's, trying to clearly say his intentions. After a second of just staring the boy down, he leaned forward and pressed his mouth to Andy's in a sweet, honest, but pleading kiss.

Please let me have you...!


andyfraz August 15 2008, 01:05:08 UTC
Andy couldn't believe it, he'd gotten two blushes out of Bacchus in one night. Score one for him! He fought the urge to gloat and tease, deciding that silently being chuffed was enough.

The kiss, small and gentle as it was, was enough to lift the heavy weight of self loathing from Andy's shoulders. He immediately cupped the boy's face and kissed him with urgency, as if he hadn't seen him for a year. His fingers scraped along the skin of Bach's cheeks and Andy's nose was kind of squished into Bacchus' but it was an honest kiss as much as it was open. His need, his desire, his absolute relief at being able to do this again was more than evident in the small noises of desperation that came from deep in his throat. A blind man could have seen how grateful Andy was.


godofwines August 15 2008, 01:44:20 UTC
Bacchus gave a gentle moan into Andy's mouth, clearly coinciding with Andy's own need for him. His lips had felt parched and dry without Andy to kiss whenever he felt like it, his tongue had felt stiff, his entire body cold and awkward without Andy's warmth. It had almost lead him to asking himself how in the world he could've gotten on prior to knowing the boy, let alone, prior to having gained Andy's affections.

Feeling the need to, he pulled Andy closer to him in his strong arms, simply holding him there for a moment, squeezing so tightly it was a wonder he could manage to make the hold tighter. The embrace seemed to speak: it's okay, we'll get through it, promise.

As their lips broke the first time, Bacchus couldn't take it. He pressed his mouth to Andy's again, wanting him, craving him, needing him like he needed the nicotine in his cigarettes or the pressure of some small item against his gums to satisfy his oral fixation. The feeling of Andy's lips against his, the feeling of his tongue, his mouth, his teeth, everything Bacchus could manage to fit into his mouth was a hundred times better than any lolli one of his Asian chums could provide.

As their lips broke the second time, Bacchus let his trail down Andy's neck, bestowing on him breathless kisses and nips. Then, he brought his mouth to Andy's ear, and murmured one word.



andyfraz August 15 2008, 02:50:48 UTC
Andy flicked his wand at the door and it locked. He couldn't be too careless, no matter how pleased he was that Bacchus had resumed kissing him. It was unlikely, given that the party downstairs had only just started but you never knew when someone was going to bring a girl up.

His threw his wand to the floor, wrestled the butterbeer out of Bacchus' hand and pulled them down on the bed together. He wanted, nay, desperately needed to feel Bacchus on top of him. "Want you," he whimpered, dragging his tongue under his lover's jawline. He tried to pull the curtain around his bed but only managed to get it halfway. There were more pressing things to attend to like biting at the pulse under Bach's skin and gently flicking his tongue against Bach's earlobe.

"So much." He wondered if it would be to pushy to ask Bach to skip the foreplay and just fuck him?


godofwines August 15 2008, 04:02:35 UTC
Bacchus couldn't help but roll his eyes as Andy locked the door. Really, at a moment like this, he had the nerve to be so cautious? Bacchus couldn't think of a better way to proclaim their relationship to their housemates then by having some drunk sixth year stumble in with some equally drunk third year girl right in the middle of their throes of passion.

But, of course, he wasn't going to say anything about that right now. Now what was important, of course, was the sex-- err, the being close to Andy, being with Andy, loving Andy up, etc.

When Andy failed at closing the curtains, Bacchus attempted to do it for him-- also failing. But his was a slightly more epic one, because he pulled so hard that the entire beam fell off the hooks and on to Andy's bed. Luckily, they were both missed by the rod, but the scarlet curtains covered them, causing Bacchus to giggle maniacally (yes, Bacchus Donovan can giggle).

"Take your goddamn clothes off," he scolded, but he was so giddy by the fact that he was having such an amazing day and the fact that he'd destroyed Andy's bed that it wasn't so much of a command as it was a giddy request.


andyfraz August 15 2008, 05:26:34 UTC
Andy sniggered as the curtains fell over their bodies, covering the pair almost completely. He buried his face in Bacchus' neck, lapping at any patch of salty skin he could get his tongue on while simaltaneously trying to free them from the claustrophobic wrap of the curtain material. Death by drapery wouldn't be such a bad way to die if he spent his last moments doing this with Bacchus.

More than willing to comply with the older boy's demands, Andy abandonned his current task and stripped his shirt over his head. He threw it into the bed beside them and tried valiantly to undo his belt. It was kind of hard when he couldn't stop touching his friend, unwilling to let him go even for a small moment. After a second, which felt like an eternity, he finally succeeded. His pants and boxers were gone a short moment later. He focused on Bacchus again and was more than disappointed he made himself naked.

Andy gave a half-growl and tugged the boy's shirt over his head before moving down to his pants. He was overcome with the desire to remove them with his teeth and he didn't bother to try and deny his urges.


godofwines August 15 2008, 07:22:25 UTC
Death by drapery doesn't sound so sirius.


Bacchus, beneath his clothing, smelled like a Quidditch pitch, for anyone who was sniffing. A very sweaty quidditch pitch, for that matter. It made sense-- all he'd done all day was play, fight, fight some more, and get randy. No wonder.

But he couldn't wait to be free of his clothing-- it had been such a restraint to his touching Andy, embracing Andy, feeling Andy's bare skin against his own. Which was all he really wanted all day anyways.

He laughed when he saw what Andy was doing, but it was starting to take kind of long and his erection within was raging so hard against the crotch of his jeans, it was starting to hurt. But he gave Andy the time to finish it since it was obviously what the younger boy wanted, bringing a hand down to stroke his head from crown to neck.


andyfraz August 15 2008, 08:00:17 UTC
Andy grated his teeth across Bach's abdomen and then hipbones but, as much a he would have liked to, didn't linger. He cheated slightly and undid the belt, slid down the fly and pulled his pants down to his knees. The minute those obstacles were out of the way though he brought his teeth back, pulling Bach's boxers down, dragging them roughly over the huge bulge that was Bacchus' erection.

And then it was like angels sang. He could practically hear the trumpets.

He dove straight on, sucking Bach into his mouth as far as he could take him.


godofwines August 15 2008, 08:11:18 UTC
Bacchus could almost hear his cock singing out in greeting to Andy's happy mouth, like it was an old friend. The sight of the two colliding was almost too much for Bacchus. He began thrusting his hips, inable to control the bucking, he was so turned on.

His hands were once in Andy's hair, finding the small spots of tangles and pulling them loose.

"Fuuuck me, Frazer!" he moaned, turning his head to the side of Andy's pillow to stifle the sound as best he could. This was almost too much. He didn't know all Andy wanted tonight, but he was about to lose it, this was so fucking perfect.


andyfraz August 15 2008, 08:30:31 UTC
Man, if only this was an occupation! Here was something Andy could do for a living quite happily, sucking Bacchus off. It was a 'job' after all, if you wanted to get technical.

"Nuh-uh," he said, sounding rather muffled. Sliding the older boy out of his mouth for just a fraction of a second he added, "fuck me". He took him all once more, making sure the seventh year was slick enough. He had actually made an enquiry at the Infirmary for lubricant (read: rummaged around the store room while the nurse was occupied) and found something that would suffice. But it was in the drawer and Andy wasn't about to waste another second.

"Fuck me, please," he begged unashamedly.


loopdeelou August 19 2008, 18:03:34 UTC
And Bacchus? He would gladly pay (if he had the money) Andy to do this for as long as he wanted, it felt so good. Maybe this would be a better career than the military for Andy to look in to?

It really was amazing what they had in the infirmary. And it all only let Bacchus to further believe that Madame Pomfrey was a kinky bitch.

Or maybe she just knew teenagers too well.

Bacchus sort of liked the begging. It was actually kinda cute and it was all he could do to hold himself back from coddling Andy right there for it. Instead, once he was positive the boy's teeth were far gone from his crotch, he gave him a very hearty push backwards into the bedding, before mounting him like a lion catching it's prey.

But he didn't enter him. Not yet.

He brought his mouth to Andy's collarbone and licked it, his eyes having traced and his gums having tingled it for so long. Next came Andy's ribs. He trailed his tongue along each and every one in turn, his mouth prsactically singing in joy of Andy's sharp angles.


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