
Aug 10, 2008 20:04

Week Name/Date/Time: “Duelly Noted” / Friday, December 1st, 2006 / 7:55 PM
Location: Gryffindor Common Room
Open To: Andy and any other Gryffindors who want to join in on the AWKWARD
Currently Involving: Bacchy

Anyone who wasn't a first year knew the rules. Do NOT bother the captain the night before the match-- especially if he had his favorite tin ( Read more... )

week-048, bacchus-donovan, andrew-frazer

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godofwines August 11 2008, 04:22:43 UTC
Hm. Apparently some skulls were thicker than others.

Bacchus really should've known, though. If there was going to be one person who disturbed his peace tonight, it was going to be Frazer, that dirty little cunt. He always knew how to rile Bacchus up. The older boy liked it though. Andy's breed of riling was fun.

Bacchus knew that other people were currently fearing for the Chaser's safety. He would be if it were him in the crowd. But it wasn't, and therefore, he was unconcerned for Andy's well-being. Or sort of.

Swilling his wine elegantly and tapping his toes together, Bacchus let his grey eyes roll up to Andy's face.

"If it isn't Fuck-Me Frazer," he said in a voice loud enough for the rest of the Common Room to hear.

"Not really. Not as nervous as you were when you lost your maidenhood, but we eased through that, didn't we, love?"

He gave Andy a cheeky wink. A couple people in the back snickered. Although Bacchus loved talking about Andy's sexuality aloud, very few would've even guessed what he was saying was true. Maybe not for Andy's sake, but for Bacchus'. He was not your average gay, after all, so he could get over that.


andyfraz August 11 2008, 04:46:17 UTC
Andy rolled his eyes, trying to seem as if Bacchus was just being a regular, typical jock insulting the less popular boy's sexuality. "About that, I have something to tell you..." he started before pausing dramatically. Andy, in contrast to Bacchus, hated the boy joking around like this. Someone was going to cotton on eventually if the boy kept going like this, he wasn't as subtle as he liked to think. He was pretty sure it was only his reaction that saved the situation, but that may have just been paranoia talking.

"I'm pregnant." He rubbed his belly and grinned like a complete goof towards some of his friends, who laughed and began to talk amongst themselves again. Everyone seemed slightly diappointed that no violence had occured.

Andy sat, without invitation, around about Bach's calves, where a sliver of lounge existed that wasn't occupied by the larger boy. "You mustn't want me," he said under his breath so only Bachcus could hear it. "You mustn't. Because otherwise you woudln't be breaking the one promise I asked you to keep." He glanced at the boy seriously, hoping to get his point through even though he knew he'd only be met with a quick quip and an uninterested yawn.


godofwines August 11 2008, 05:34:58 UTC
Bacchus didn't like to think he was subtle! He had no problem saying the truth outloud. It was just baffling that some people didn't get that he wasn't joking! But he wasn't about to tell them that, not right here, not outloud. Let the stupid bastards figure it out for themselves. Maybe they'd get it one day.

"Fuck, I gotta push you down the stairs again, Frazer?" Bacchus growled. By the look in his eyes, not to mention the tone in his voice, he was obviously in no mood to be messed around with. Especially not by Andy.

He watched Andy's friends turn away and gave them an obviously false smile. The smile faltered, however, at the younger boy's words.

"And you musn't want me, otherwise you'd know better than to be talking to me currently," he rolled his eyes and sipped his wine. "What, you think your idiot friends are going to believe me, baby? You're doing a worse job defending yourself by paling when I talk about it. Not even a proper lad, can't shake off a joke like that."

He returned to his wine.

"You'd do good to leave."


andyfraz August 11 2008, 05:51:20 UTC
"You must be looking pretty close to see that I was pale, huh? Was I this pale when you fucked me?" He smiled, one as equally as false as the one Bacchus had offered his friends. "You know, it's been so long I barely remember, what with the fact you've been a boring asshole for the past week."

He folded his arms across his chest, completely disregarding Bach's warning for him to leave.

"Don't wanna leave," he said with a pouty-sounding voice. "I want you to fuck me again." His eyes darted around the common room to check that everyone was occupied and no one was listening closely.


godofwines August 11 2008, 06:02:54 UTC
Oh, he was really being a nuisance! The one time that Bacchus got to be left alone, the one night where he wasn't expected to be at the center of the party in the Gryffindor Common Room and Andy was insisting on bothering him. If he hadn't known that was what Andy wanted, Bacchus might've had half a mind to slap him around a bit.

He snorted a laugh, however, when Andy informed him of what he wanted.

"What are you, an addict?" he asked, lighting up a cigaratte between his nail-bitten fingers with the end of his wand, the goblet of wine sitting between his thighs.

"You know what they say about me, don't you?" there was an appopriate length of paus. And then--

"Once you go Bach, you never go back!" he broke into barking howls of laughter that drew looks from the nearby crowds of people once more. The laughter might've been just as false as had Bacchus' smiles to them before, but they didn't seem to care. So long as he did his duty tomorrow, he could be as weird as he wanted.

Once his laughter had subsided, Bacchus set the fag between his lips and gave a puff.

"I was giving your sorry arse time to heal, lad. I saw you limping about, y'know, like a sorry little maid with fields newly-plowed. Thought you'd like that, thought you'd think I was sensitive. Hear that??" he was, once again, attracting the attention of the crowds.

"I just wanted Frazer to think I was sensitive, thassall! Criminey, don't fuck this lad, ladies and gents!"

There was more hesitant laughter.


andyfraz August 11 2008, 06:20:50 UTC
"Can't be an addict with what I've only had once, can I?" His eyes flicked to watch Bach's mouth as he inhaled the smoke for just a second. "I think I need more of a taste." He dipped his finger into the goblet nestled gently between Bach's thighs and slipped the finger into his mouth, sucking the flavour off carefully. "Mmm, that's good."

Subtle as a fucking rock to the head, this Frazer was.

Speaking of subtlety, Bacchus was running his mouth off again. Andy laughed, in a way that sounded so fake to himself, and shurgged around to the the people who glanced at the pair of them. His expression read, 'oh well, this is what I get for annoying him' but if you looked closely you could see his jaw was clenched.

His heart was pumping furiously in anger as he thought of all that Bachcus was risking with his little game. "I'm warning you," he said in a low voice, "cool it with the gay."


godofwines August 11 2008, 06:35:56 UTC
"People get addicted to heroin after only doing it once," Bacchus countered, sticking his tongue out defiantly. "I learned that on the tellyfishon," he said, sounding knowledgeable about this strange device, even if he still had issues with the remote.

Once he was sure, for Andy's bloody sake, that the peopele around them had vanished into their own conversations again, he smirked at the boy.

"You're really one to talk, butterbuns, about coolin' the gay, Mr. Fuck-Me-Bacchus-You-Son-Of-A-Bitch. That's what you said, wasn't it? I was trying to remember the other night when I was jerkin' off but I wasn't sure if I'd gotten it quite right."

He made an flailing, yet obscene motion with his hands. Really, what was his deal tonight?

"But seriously, baby. When you gonna grow a pair and tell your friends you like the cock? An' quit stickin' yer smelly fingers in me best wine. Don't know whose arsehole they've gone up this week, do I, now that I've taught you that handy trick?"


andyfraz August 11 2008, 08:18:45 UTC
"Well, I can't argue with that logic. 'Tellyfishons' never lie." He smiled at Bacchus like a parent smiling at a child who's just said something cute but ridiculous. His heart slowed down its rapid pace as Bacchus waited for the people around them to busy themselves again.

Andy's body twitched, unnoticeable to the naked eye, as Bacchus gave him a week's worth of wanking material with just one sentence. The seventh year might have been lying but just the idea of Bacchus touching himself and thinking of Andy set the boy's pulse raising and blood pressure rising.

"Actually, I think I said Merlin. You know, if you want it to be an accurate representation of what happened." His head cocked to the side and he grinned, even though a couple of things confused him.

He made a face at Bacchus' obscene language, even though he had quite the filthy mouth himself. "What's the fucking deal with the macho, bullshit, holier-than-thou act? I seem to remember when we started this that you weren't exactly waving the queer pride flag yourself. Did you come out to everyone in the few weeks we've been messing around? Did I miss it?" Andy was perlexed. This guy went from hot to cold in less than a few milliseconds, it was mind-blowingly confusing! "As for myself, I'll come out when I find someone to love. In the meantime there's you, so how about it? You up for a lay?"


godofwines August 11 2008, 19:35:23 UTC
"In case you haven't been around the past three years to notice, I've been telling this stupid lot I'm gay since forever. Y'know, grabbing my teammates bums, winking at the laddies, sayin', 'Yeah, meet me upstairs later, Zu-zu'? Bloody fuck, Andrew, I haven't ever taken no stupid girl to Hogsmeade, have I? Not exactly usual behavior for a studmuffin Quidditch captain whose got girls crawling into his four-poster every night, is it? I mean, I'll bone one now and again-- not for the sake of posterity unlike some people but because, hey, it's all good fun, innit?"

Bacchus drew a long drag from his butt and inhaled deeply.

"Just because these dumb bastards are too thick to get it in their heads don't mean much, do it? Point is, I've come out and said it flatly. Their issue for not believing, not mine. I can deal with it, Frazer, I like myself the way I am enough to not have to shit myself every time a guy gives me a compliment or an over-long look in front of other people. Which isn't so much as you can say, is it?"

There was another long and slightly awkward pause between them, interrupted only by some laughter from someone across the room. Bacchus ignored it; it had nothing to do with them.

"As for my, what did you say? 'Macho, bullshit, holier-than-thou act'...? Hallo, names Bach Wylie Donovan, pleasure meeting you," he laughed his bizarre bark of a laugh yet again.

"And about the lay-- swear I told you this, no sex the night before a match. Strict rule, lovey. Can't have ye over sleeping 'cause I knocked ye cold again, can I? Speaking of, my lovely, foxy cousin told me something the other day that might be of your interest."


andyfraz August 12 2008, 00:32:31 UTC
Boning girls was fun? Fucking hell, it appeared Andrew had managed to bag himself a bisexual; greedy motherfuckers who couldn't just make up their mind one way or the other. All he could say in return though was, "have you fucked Kazuki?" It appeared to be the only pressing thing his mouth wanted to say.

Rage and empathy kicked around in his brain as Bacchus said the next charming things but Andy couldn't make up his mind which way he wanted to go. Did he punch Bacchus or did he go cry? It was a tough decision and one he didn't have the mental capacity to make at this current point, so he settled for mumbling, "you've got me figured out perfectly there, Donovan. I hate myself, yep, that's definitely the reason." The silence fell between them and Andy stared stonily at the closest wall.

Bacchus then rebuffed him again but that was okay. He was feeling less and less like sex with him as the seconds ticked by. Andy made a move to stand up but Bacchus pulled him back with his words.

Lou news? It had now been FOREVER since he'd spoken to her, he grasped onto any bit of information that concerned her, just to hear how she was going.



godofwines August 12 2008, 03:08:10 UTC
Bacchus snorted into his wine at Andy's desperate question. "Would you hate me forever if I had, baby?" he asked, winking. Oh, God no. He hadn't. Kazu was his friend-- Kazu was his boy, his man, his bestie. Bacchus wouldn't ever dream of boning Kazu-- mostly because Kazu was straight as an arrow, the rest being that Bacchus had no attraction to him. But he wanted to test Andy.

"Not everyone's gay, poppet," he said, smirking as he took another gulp. "Not even if we'd like them to," what a travesty it would be WERE Kazu gay! Bacchus didn't know if he could manage-- to him, Kazu could never be anything more than his best friend, his hetrosexual life-partner. If he weren't that... ugh. That would be so weird!

"As for you hating yourself, darling, that's why you have me, isn't it? Or your other laddy, aye? Know who he is, I do, see?" he said, winking at Andy again and wearing a smile that made it unclear whether he was angry with Andy or happy at this news.

"Louboo told me. Said she thought she knows. I was surprised, dinnae think you'd tell her of all people you're a bleeding queer, but there's me, a constant idiot, eh wot?"


andyfraz August 12 2008, 03:27:45 UTC
"No. I told you, you can bone who you want. I was just curious." He was a little relieved that Kazuki wasn't gay. He liked the gay club being small, it made him feel sort of special.

Andy froze up as Bacchus mentioned his 'other laddy'. His eyes jumped to Bacchus' but he was buggered if he could read his expression. Andy had thought from the start that if Bach was to find out he was also bonking Brinley, all hell would break lose. They were enemies, you didn't need to be a genius to figure that out. So he was going to guess that Bach was less than happy with him.

He swore under his breath, cursing Lou for blabbling. And then, HOLY SHIT. Did that mean Lou knew he was gay? Oh fuck. Had he just been caught in the biggest lie he'd ever told to his best friend? He glanced around the room and caught sight of her but his eyes flicked back to the wall in front of him immediately. Fuck. Melrin's beard, he couldn't deal with this now. He couldn't deal with this ever.

"I never told her I was, he must have told her. That's why we've been fighting for the last couple of weeks. Fucking hell, I'm going to kill him." Stupid Brinley and his fucking big mouth. "I understand now why you hate him, fucking hell! Couldn't the cunt keep his mouth shut?"

His eyes flashed with anger and he turned them on Bacchus. "Don't even think about getting pissed off about this," he said, pointing at the older boy. "What I do with him is our business, I told you at the start. Keep out of it."


godofwines August 12 2008, 03:58:05 UTC
No, Lou didn't know. She'd just told him what she had known-- that Brinley had told her that Andy had upset Illiad in some manner and for it, Brinley severely disliked the lad. Of course, Lou had listed her gathered, even if false, suspiscions: that Andy had some how made a move on Illiad, or maybe even seduced him, hurting the fragile boy's conscious, so devoted to Brinley that he was.

Nevertheless, it was clear that Bacchus was pissed about the entire ordeal. Not only that Andy still insisted on cheating or whatever the hell (Bacchus had thought that after bedding the boy, he'd have him totally and completely), but that it was his poor, weak-minded cousin.

"Really, Andy? You see, I don't think that's the issue-- who told who, right? I don't think it is."

He swilled his wine again before chugging down the last of it.

"My cousin, Andy! My poor, fragile cousin! What the hell!" he had gotten up into a sitting position now, glaring at the boy.

"What the fuck possessed your stupid, little, bloody cock to do it? Really?"

His character now was a stark contrast to had it had been on the beginning of the evening-- now he was clearly annoyed, clearly pissed, clearly haint Andy at this very moment. "What's your deal-- you set out to bone every Hawkins, 'cause I got news, baby: there's a ton of us. But if you wanna bone my mother, babe, you let me know, I'll set it up!"

He spat on the ground at Andy's feet.

"And don't you call him a fucking cunt! At least he has the balls to keep a commitment to someone he loves!"


andyfraz August 12 2008, 04:10:38 UTC
Are you ready to see the absolute limit of stupidity Andy can reach? You're in for a treat because the very first thing he tried to work out was how Brinley Watson was related to the Hawkins family. Then he began to fume. How was he supposed to know all the branches of the Hawkins family tree? It was unfair!

"I think you're going a bit far with the poor, fragile business," he hissed back, eyeing the room and the faces that turned around to watch the scene. "I might have made the first move but he's the one that practically blackmailed me to keep the affair going!"

He didn't try to hide the look of shock as Bacchus spat at him. This family was fucking insane!

"Commitment? Brinley Watson doesn't know the meaning of the word! You know he's slept with half the male population? Just because your cousin seems to think he walks on..."

Wait for it...

"Oh fuck."


godofwines August 12 2008, 04:29:21 UTC
Bacchus rose to his haunches at Andy's words, baring down on the boy, grey eyes wild as Illiad probably had appeared so often to Andy. They were an exact replica of the younger cousin's madness, blazing, wild, maybe even crazed.

"Brinley Watson?!"

He couldn't believe it! Never, in his life!

"You've slept with Watson as well?! Emrys fucking Merlin! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Not only did Bacchus Donovan hate, hate, HATE Brinley Watson, but the fact that Andy had apparently slept with not only Illiad, but his lover as well, startled the boy beyond his wits. He punched the sofa cushion in fury.

"What the hell, Frazer?! I knew you were into S&M, but what-- now you're a fucking nympho as well?!" the timbre and volume of his voice was rising, as if he couldn't control it.

"You'd do well to not mess with Illiad again! You might not like him, and yea, sometimes, he can be a prick," maybe 'sometimes' was stretching it, "but he's my family, Frazer, and if you ever want anything from me ever again, you'd do well to give him that respect!"


andyfraz August 12 2008, 04:38:09 UTC
"Keep your fucking voice down," he hissed for what seemed like the one hundredth time that night. He didn't know why he bothered anymore, Bacchus was likely to do the opposite of whatever he said. "Can we go upstairs where there's less chance people can hear us?" He glared around at the room full of people all staring their way.

"Not to screw, I fucking promise you that's the last thing I want from you now."

Bacchus actually thought Andy had slept with Illiad? Gross! That meant Lou was currently under the same impression, even with how much she knew Andy hated him.


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