
Jul 08, 2008 22:08

Week Name/Date/Time: 'She's Bad News' / Sunday, November 19th, 2006 / 1:33 PM
Location: Transfiguration classroom
Open to: Lou Hawkins
Currently Involving: Professor Reed

Edward collapsed into his chair at the front of the classroom, glad that it was empty for a change.

“Ohh, Mein Gott...” he sighed, letting his head fall back.

He reached for the cup ( Read more... )

week-047, edward-reed, lou-hawkins

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loopdeelou July 9 2008, 05:32:48 UTC
And there she was ( ... )


herr_edward July 9 2008, 05:45:28 UTC
"Waugh!" Edward cried out, rather ungracefully.

His head snapped up, staring tiredly at the red-haired girl in front of him. But something was wrong with said Hawkins that day... Edward examined her face for a few moments before noticing the tea she brought him.

"Ahh," he began, still a little drowsy. There were most likely crease marks from his sleeves on his cheek. "Thank you, Lou! You know just what to bring me at the right time, ja?"

He chuckled a little bit and graciously accepted the drink from her. Thank god! No more of that nasty coffee rubbish...

Edward drank a little from it before noticing Lou's face again. Oh no... He knew that face. When girls have been crying for longer than they should, and their lovely makeup gets ruined. Edward's insides churned when he thought about it. Here she was, bringing him tea, trying to make him feel better, and she had been crying...!?

"Lou...!" he began, the concern in his voice rising impeccably. "Have... Have you been crying?"


loopdeelou July 9 2008, 06:08:55 UTC
Ohhh how he reminded her of Mr. Darcy! Sometimes, when she was day-dreaming, she thought herself Elizabeth Bennent and he her Darcy and, oh! How pleased she was, even if she knew it would never be so (for one, she definitely was not as smart as Lizzie; she also did not have annoying little sisters who needed to be rescued by strapping men; she also definitely would've done Wickham first, for, strapping though Darcy was, she could never resist a man in uniform ( ... )


herr_edward July 9 2008, 06:25:05 UTC
If only Edward knew about these day dreams. He would tell Lou that of course she was as smart as Lizzie, and that if she ever needed him to rescue someone, all she had to do was ask him. But, since he didn't know of them, there wasn't much to be done, was there?

As she stuttered, Edward immediately picked up on it. Of course she had been crying. He'd known Lou ever since the first day she walked into his Transfiguration class, and she was indeed a terrible liar.

"Someone who'd seen a ghost, love?" Edward stated, trying to show her how bad the lie really was. "And they were... scared."

Shaking his head, he got up from his desk and walked around it, pulling up a chair from one of the student desks. He motioned for her to sit down before pulling up a chair for himself.

"Would it be too bothersome for you," he began, a serious tone of concern in his voice now. "For you to tell me what's wrong, Fräulein?"


loopdeelou July 9 2008, 22:01:57 UTC
Lou didn't need any showing. She knew without a doubt how terrible her lie was. The issue here was that few people in this world knew that Loop Dee Lou Hawkins even had tear ducts, or, on that hand, feelings for herself.

She dropped reluctantly into the chair, avoiding Edward's eyes. The main reason for this? She had, in such an untimely fashion, started to cry once more. Not sobs, no. Her eyes just had gotten very watery and started to drip a little down her cheeks, smudging her make-up once more. She tried her best to wipe it away with the side of her finger.

"It's just that...I don't think it's important that you hear," she mumbled, biting her thumbnail as she spoke.

"Not that you're intruding!" she said, quickly. "Just... I'm sure the last thing anyone in the world wants to hear is my woes!" and I have so many of them! she didn't add.


herr_edward July 10 2008, 00:08:04 UTC
Edward felt terrible! He could hardly believe how not-important she thought she was! He frowned before leaning in, checking to see if she had starting crying. Which she had! Almost in shock, Edward reached into his vest pocket and pulled out his handkerchief, ready to hand it to her.

"Of course it's important that I hear," he told her sternly. "And you are wrong there, Lou. The last thing I want to hear right now is the terrible, screeching voice of Rita Skeeter."

Edward gave her a small smile, trying to cheer her up, if only for now. Lou was one of his favorite students! Right now he'd give anything in the world to make her feel better. He had never seen her cry before, let alone act sad in class.

"Now if you would, Miss Lou," he continued quietly and calmly. "Tell me what's wrong. All of it, if you have to. But I won't force you to tell me anything you don't want to..."

Tentatively, Edward presented her with his rather fancy handkerchief.


loopdeelou July 10 2008, 00:42:08 UTC
"Don't even get me going on her!" Lou started, her voice a terrible growl of the sort that few had ever heard. "I'll be giving her a piece of my mind first thing tomorrow morning," she said, her grey eyes flashing dangerously. Ohh man was she ready to give Rita Skeeter an earful! Ever since the first notice came out last week, she was practically bouncing on her toes in anticipation ( ... )


herr_edward July 10 2008, 01:20:58 UTC
"And that is very noble of you," Edward told her calmly, on the subject of that hag, Rita Skeeter. "Most students are too afraid to confront her."

Edward furrowed his eyebrows as he continued to listen.

"I'm sure it's not a load of nonsense," he stated, quite frankly. "Nothing out of your mouth is, Lou. If I really wanted nonsense I suppose I could just open up a book of Divination, ja?"

Not to be of any offense to the subject... Well, actually, yes. Edward hated it, to be frank. Biggest waste of time, easily.

Edward tucked his handkerchief into his vest pocket once more, seeing that she had pulled one from her own pocket. Ugh, his was a terrible gaudy thing to begin with. Rubbish birthday gift from.. ah, he forgot who.

"I'm always more than willing to listen, Miss Hawkins," he told her, huskily.


loopdeelou July 10 2008, 05:26:44 UTC
Louvika, never one to be prudent, blew her nose loudly into Illiad's poor, ratty handkerchief (really, how many years had it been since she'd stolen in, anyway?).

"I'd be afraid to do anything but confront her, Professor," she mumbled, albeit a little sheepishly. She and her mother had never been entirely huge fans of Skeeter, especially since she'd published the very mean article about Werewolf Rights and how the Ministry would do very well keeping such 'half-breeds' and 'fiends' off the street and into Azkaban. Meeting the woman would give Lou a chance to vent and speak her mind about everything, and she had no intention of holding back ( ... )


herr_edward July 10 2008, 09:32:10 UTC
Gah, full moons. They gave Edward the chills too. Not only because of his father's history with werewolf bites, but they were just scary. He could see why they made Lou upset.

Edward frowned as Lou went on. How was she still functioning? If he were in her position, he would choose to stay in the bathroom all day and cry! He had to praise her strength.

"Yes, I'm familiar with that feeling..." Edward trailed sadly. Oh yes, he was more than familiar with it. A loved one pretending that you don't exist... He could hardly forgive his mother. But that aside, Edward leaned in closer, listening intently.

"What is Illiad going to do?" Edward asked her, softly, and with care. "You can tell me, Lou."


loopdeelou July 10 2008, 23:32:45 UTC
She looked up at him with big, teary eyes, her voice dropping to a squeaking whisper.

"I think he's going to join the Dark Lord. I mean, I don't think, Professor, I know he's going to... if he actually believed in him, maybe that would be different. But he doesn't." She knew the professor knew her cousin-- he was in his class, afterall, and a most standout of a student that Lou would ever be, what, with his top marks.

"He doesn't because... because Illiad just isn't like that. He's a very good person," she said, her big grey eyes honest and as wide as ever.

"I know it doesn't always seem like he is, but he is. I know it! He's doing what he's doing for all the wrong reasons."

She paused awkwardly.

"Well.. I...I don't know he's doing it. But I'm pretty sure. And I know the reasons and they're all pure and sweet, but they're completely wrong, y'know?" she said.

"But he won't even look at me anymore, save speak to me!"


herr_edward July 11 2008, 07:02:18 UTC
... The Dark Lord!? A chill raced up Edward's spine as she mentioned this. Illiad Hawkins? Join the Dark Lord? He could hardly believe it! He knew Illiad. Star student Illiad, the one with a hidden, caring soul. Sure, he seemed to have a rough exterior, but Edward knew his intentions were good.

And what did Lou mean?

"The wrong reasons?" Edward pressed. "I can imagine them being pure and good intentions, but why are they wrong, Lou? Is he being forced into this decision?"

He could hardly contain himself when Lou continued, saying that Illiad wouldn't speak to her. And he knew that she probably had the wrong idea entirely!

"Oh, Lou..." Edward trailed. "I don't think it's because he doesn't love you, or that he doesn't appreciate you. If what you say is true, then it probably means that he's feeling a bit unsure of himself right now."

He frowned and let his shoulders fall.

"You look positively depression-inducing like this, Louvika," Edward admitted. "If you keep this up then you might have me crying by the end of the hour!"


loopdeelou July 13 2008, 02:50:22 UTC
"I'm sorry I'm so depressing, Professor," she said, regrettably. "I really don't mean nothin' by it, promise." She sniffed and continued on looking pitiful.

Lou shook her head when Edward asked if he was being forced into it. "I don't think he is! I think it's his decision... I mean... I don't..." she gave a great big old sob, "...I don't know!"

She didn't want to tell him that Illiad was gay, because she knew her cousin was sensitive about the subject, and honestly? It wasn't her place to go talking about his sexuality because it was his business. She didn't need to be spreading around things that some people might take to be negative about Illiad when he was already so disliked.

And yet still... still, a part of her wished and hoped and dreamed that the professor would be able to do something about it. Maybe be able to counsel Illiad, or, heaven's above, speak to Dumbledore on the matter! Louvika didn't know.

"He's in love! He's...he's just so madly in love with someone who... who... who is Brinley Watson!" As the rush of words ( ... )


herr_edward July 13 2008, 03:18:11 UTC
Ahh, he knew it. From the moment Lou started fumbling over words when he asked if Illiad was being forced into it, Edward already knew the answer. Really, he and Lou had the same nervous patterns sometimes ( ... )


loopdeelou July 13 2008, 04:02:10 UTC
But that was just the thing! Lou didn't want him to do anything! She didn't want Edward to feel he had to get involved, mostly because she knew Illiad would know it was her who talked to him, and, whether she existed or not, he would probably not be happy about that. Who would pay for it? Probably not Lou (she didn't exist, remember?) but more than likely, it would be someone she loved-- and as Louvika Hawkins was in love with everyone in the world...well ( ... )


herr_edward July 13 2008, 09:12:36 UTC
Ah, that would be a problem. It could make matters worse if Edward tried to step in and help. Being the gentleman he was, of course he wanted to step in and help this damsel in distress, but his mind couldn't think of a good way to do it. How else could he help Lou? He had no idea ( ... )


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